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Nurin Insyirah

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Everything posted by Nurin Insyirah

  1. "Oh, nothing much." He turned his attention away from her and got his room number. He walked into the elevator and looked out at her, waiting for her to come in. He held the open button. It would be rude to not, although he didn't care much about manners, he observed basic things for friends.
  2. 1J2T0001009257A000000000301FE0000UL1837003000000Q0726FD10000000I107F3FCC004CB2 I wonder how we went from a male Spitfire to a purple unicorn with red eyes.
  3. Quill stared at Crystal - rather the snake - for a little before turning his attention back to what he was doing. He walked up to a huge building and went in. Where's my room? he thought, trying to remember whether they had stated which it was in the letter or something.
  4. Ooooh! A status! Can I update it to unrelated stuff?

  5. 8/10 "Are you a woodchuck? How much wood would you chuck if you could chuck wood? Woodchucks live here, right?" Yes, that was random.
  6. 1J2T0001009257A000000000301FE0000UL1837003000200Q0FED5000000000I107F3FCC004CB2 She has been made taller! Huzzah!
  7. 002T0001009257A000000000301FE0000UL183700300020020FED5000000000I107F3FCC004CB2
  8. Quill laughed. "Yeah, that's true." He continued walking out of the airport. He smiled, looking at the environment around him. There was plenty nature and glamorous buildings. He searched his memories for the map of Paris he had looked up before heading for the hotel mentioned in the letter.
  9. Quill nodded. It did matter a little, though the talent thing was kinda obvious due to her cutie mark. A heart and a music note. Come to think of it, he seemed to be the only one who didn't have a talent relating to music. Vinyl Scratch had a musical talent and so did Melody Breeze. "My name's Quill Poem." He stuck out his hoof for her to shake.
  10. Quill sighed. "Okay, I won't tell anypony." He stood up and got his luggage before walking out of the plane. He had no idea what he was going to do, really. Just go to the hotel, write some poetry probably, and then eat lunch. He turned around to face Crystal. "What do you plan to do?"
  11. Well, it's either they simply change the animation to include Twilicorn or they completely change the song. If they do change it, it'll probably be something about how she'd never give up her friends for princesshood and stuff.
  12. "It's okay," answered Quill. "Just..." He paused before continuing. "Is it even allowed to bring a snake into a plane?" He wasn't sure but he thought it was venomous. And in a bag. "I thought keeping an animal, whether venomous or not, in a bag is considered animal cruelty." He looked out the window again to see if the bus had come.
  13. Quill flew just behind Melody and Vinyl to preserve his energy. Looking to the pastel-blue former Earth pony, he said, "You never told me your name." He thought that if this was really going to take two weeks, he might as well know who everypony was, rather than just following without knowing what the hay he was doing.
  14. Quill gasped in fear at the snake and moved a little further from Crystal. He stared as she let it bite her without being scared, or if she was scared she didn't show it. Distracting himself with the announcement that rang through just after that, he unfastened his seatbelt and waited patiently for the bus to arrive, not looking or glancing at the creature. (OOC: No, I don't know, never been on a plane before.)
  15. Quill sighed, his smile turning into a curious look. He was hoping Crystal would tell him. He really wanted to know, but he supposed he'd have to wait until they reached whatever hotel they were going to. Good thing it would probably take an hour, maybe less.
  16. Quill flapped his wings and took off into the air. Trying to remember the map Melody had shown him, he flew slowly in one direction. He wasn't completely sure whether it was the right one, and he looked to the other ponies. He didn't really know if Vinyl Scratch was the leader or Melody Breeze was. It seemed that Vinyl would be; after all it was his girlfriend, but Melody seemed a little smarter. Not by much, but a little.
  17. "Well, yes, I was curious." Quill nodded. How could one not want to know about a strange hissing sound coming from the bag of the pony sitting next to him? He then heard an announcement. He fastened his seatbelt as it told him to do, The plane started to go lower, and would land soon. His excitement increased again as he thought about Paris and how it was going to be like.
  18. Quill nodded and waited for Crystal to finish whatever it was she was doing, but then he heard a weird noise. A hissing noise. What exactly is in that bag? he thought, staring at her. He decided not to be a busybody and not ask, though he still stared at her. Finally, he went back to their normal conversation. "What's your house like now in Canterlot?"
  19. Quill laughed. "No, the Running of the Leaves is when ponies run," he explained. "And yes, you should probably visit Ponyville. It's kind of chaotic, though. Once there was a bunny stampede. Luckily it didn't kill anypony. Usually it turns to normal a few days later, and everypony forgets."
  20. Quill landed gently and walked into his house. His parents' house, actually. They weren't home at the moment, too busy. He walked to a room and looked into his bag. Inside, there were a few bits, a book, a quill, some parchment, and finally a sandwich packed in a blue box. Sometimes he got hungry while on the train, and he packed the sandwich for that purpose. He put a blanket in the bag, just in case he somehow needed it, and flew back to where he had been, carrying the backpack on his back.
  21. I have a lot of favourite ponies.... Applejack: "OMG! WHY AM I A BLONDE?" Zecora: "... Why do I have a mohawk?" (Wait... She isn't a pony!) Lyra: "I really like this colour. But the white makes me look like an old lady."
  22. Quill nodded. "Yes, that's most of flying. Though some may find it hard to flap so fast." He certainly did. If only he'd thought of watching the birds fly instead of watching other flight students. "Well, I guess I'll go get my stuff. I'll probably come back in about 10 minutes, give or take a few." He flapped his wings and flew to his parent's house. That was where he was keeping his stuff.
  23. "Cool. So you're technically a princess of a small kingdom?" asked Quill. That would mean he was friends with a princess."Also, Ponyville's pretty cool. Six famous ponies live there. The Elements of Harmony." Wait, would she know who they are? he thought. He decided that he might as well tell her just in case. "If you don't know who they are, they're six ponies whose friendship saved the world. They have magical necklaces that represent each Element - Generousity, Honesty, Laughter, Kindness, Loyalty and Magic. Though I'm not too sure about how magic helps friendship. And Princess Celestia visits sometimes. On The Running of The Leaves."
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