I watched the movie Equestria Girls like three times already
Not bad I rate it a 7 out of 10
Me and my friends were looking for hidden characters and Easter eggs and such.
I mange to find the PSY gandam style guy in Equestria Girls!!!!
Derpy I it as well!
granny smath gained some weight
Rainbow Dash became Mexican
Big Mac turned into a ginger
Luna Does not even look like luna
And what the hell is up with Spike and rarity (Bestiality going on?)
Kids Movie?!!?
I think not, Sunset Shimmer turned into a flipping Demon!!!!
But overall I think it was alot of fun to watch and I enjoyed the music (Very catchy)
For me It can be anything
I find them all cute, well some of them cause some are just hella nasty and give them huge ass boobs and a camletoe and weird shit like that.
My avatar in my eyes is perfectly fine (she looks so cute)
Im sorry but Im still fairly new to this site, I still need alot of help from a experienced pony
Man I love your avatar and your little banner thing, I dont know how to get one tho
LoL thanks for your response
Good thing my avatar does not have any stripes
They have torn holes HAHA LOL
Yeah same here, I dont look at them to you know *CLOP*
I look at them cause they are hella cute and for some reason and I dont know why they have a little bit of human quality to me
Thanks for your response
So what does everypony think about ponies in socks?
do you support it?
do you hate it?
If you support it why?
If you hate it why?
I for one Kinda enjoy it cause they look so cute! :3
My favorite is Derpy and Rainbow Dash!
How bout you guys?
Tell me your opinions!
Looks awesome, The only art do is on the xbox
Black ops 2 emblems is what I do
But I would love to get better with gimp and make a Sick intro for my youtube channel
Still dont know how to use Sony Vegas
Sadly I dont know how to make my avatart I got it off of Deviant Art
I would Love to learn how to do this
And I also have GIMP!
How long and hard was this to make
No homo!!!
very nicely done
ummm what program did you use to make this cause I would love to start making MLP art
and hope one day be able to make mlp for the well known faces of the MLP fandom
Im only on xbox Derpy Parkour I make alot of MLP emblems I love to do it I want to know if I can post any videos on octavias hall because to me its fan art, so am i allowed?
Nice derpy by the way /)
I dont know what went wrong,
This is my first time doing this
my other account get banned for some reason
and how did you get butterfly?
im still a blank flank
I make CoD Bo2 Emblems and I take request
just send me a pic and I will try to recreate it
Its alot of fun I will try my best make it but im only limited to 32 layers sadly
My xbox live gamrtag is: Derpy Parkour
I love making emblems and spreading love all over xbox live and im trying to get 1k subscribers on youtube but Im going to need your help!
Check this Pony out if you like Call of Duty Black Ops 2 and enjoy My Little Pony Friendship is Magic! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCES0NPd1NwExfeb1Efq0LwA
He needs Ideas and pictures!
Help him out drop a sub and or a like!
Hi everypony I make MLP Bo2 Emblems My youtube is Derpy Hooves:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYON9DWUiVQdx98o4bdduSg
please give me some ideas and like and sub while your at it
And can anypony sho me around this website and teach me the basics?