Umm..I'm not sure if this is how it works. If not I'm sorry. I just want to goin this. If I am messing things up,just tell me and I'll try to delete this.
The icy blue mare trotted inside. The hood on her cloak glowed with a green aura as she pushed it back to reveal a pale yellow mane with white streaks.
"Hello I'm Lightning Song Crackle an-"
"Dorm of the spells. Room twelve."snapped the secretary,cutting her off. Lighting's bright green eyes burned with sudden anger. Her horn lit up with magic,she searched the room for something to fling at the rude mare.
That portrait of the head counselor might work. She thought to herself with a smirk. No,can't do this on the first day. Can't disappoint everypony. She sighed softly and took off down the hallway. Dorm of spells. Room twelve. I wonder if I'll have a roommate.