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Tech Reel

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Everything posted by Tech Reel

  1. Aaw sleepy Dashie on a..on....a tree.. Well, snuggling won't be easy but we'll make it work! Be prepared to catch a clumsy unicorn xD
  2. Why is it that I want to be a YouTuber but I can never get up the inspiration or motivation to make continuous content(outside from the occasional video I'm interested in)? More importantly..how do I fix it? How do I fix me?

  3. My left hand is starting to hurt, and my right hand has a huge strumming issue, but still I think I'm starting to sound pretty okay :Dhttps://www.instagram.com/p/BLtXGchBial/

    1. viper213


      your doing quite well ^^

    2. El Duderino

      El Duderino

      Sounds good man!


    3. Tech Reel
  4. Oh, alrighty then *uninstalls app* xDYay, glad to be here. I'll go get started on my script
  5. Ive replied on the last two MLP Forums Reacts posts saying that Id join but never did. This is it though. Im in this time I normally use skype but I can grab GroupMe right after I send this comment
  6. What have I done? Never have I felt so simultaneously burdened and relieved..

  7. Today I turn 20..ew....oldness.... xD

    1. backpon


      Happy B-day!

    2. Baykush


      You're not old :P

    3. darkwingmare


      UMMM EXCUSE ME? XD Are you calling me a granny???!

  8. Sounds like either an educational show or a sitcom, I'm not sure. Perhaps Magic School Bus? Idk XD *kisses* "What was that?" "I learned that from the pizza man."
  9. Yeah!! But definitely not for free. His photo op cost $105 All three of those pictures together were somewhere around $400.. ...way too much money, but SO worth it xD
  10. I went to New York Comic Con today and took pictures with The Doctor, River, and Clara! (Though admittedly, not the best day for my face xD)
  11. Tomorrow I go to..COMIC CON!!!!!

  12. God that sounds SO familiar but I can't place it. I have a couple guesses but they're probably wrong. Supernatural(Castiel), Invader Zim, Doctor Who, Bicentennial Man. That's all I got, who actually said that?! XD "Maybe all the g-forces from his little sleigh rides finally moved his belly jelly up to his big lobster ganglia." (A little hint since this is an obscure one, this is from YouTube)
  13. Im thinking Shins the Wins xD
  14. A new drawing of me as a Pokemon Trainer :Dhttp://fav.me/dajik5l

  15. Sometime very soon I plan to buy a ukulele! I've always wanted to play an instrument and ukulele seems like the perfect one for me. Already found a whole channel on how to play! Excitement! :D

    1. El Duderino

      El Duderino

      The ukulele is a fairly easy instrument to learn basics on

    2. BlueBrony


      Awesome! Learning a new instrument is fun. I'm learning to play guitar.

    3. El Duderino

      El Duderino

      Guitar is my favorite. If either of you need any tips I can always help.

  16. "You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm." But what if that's the only way to keep them warm? If nothing else has worked, and this is all I can do. What's my alternative? Letting them die in the cold?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. darkwingmare


      Actually, yes. Letting them find another way to warm themselves that does not require your sacrifice.

    3. darkwingmare


      There's never "not another alternative", than to let yourself burn. Never, darling.

    4. Tech Reel

      Tech Reel

      I'm scared that not only can I not help, but that I may not want to be with the person in question at all. It hurts more and more during the times we talk. I ponder whether or not it's worth it, and I'm scared that if I leave it may hurt them too much after already going through so much.

  17. Will Equestria Girls 5 have a superhero theme? I believe so. Find out why in my new analysis video
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