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Lightning Shade

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Posts posted by Lightning Shade

  1. Banned because I am tired but I don't care!

    Who needs 8 hours of sleep anyways :D

    Not like I hardly ever really use my brain, or wait I do use it..... it controls everything my body does............

    Random stuff, don't read it :I

    It will fill your brain with pointless thoughts.

    Yet I go onwards!


  2. It would probably be more random if I had a computer near by...

    But I'm stuck with iPhone on iOS 6 cause 7 seems pointless, and 3GB for it!?!?!?!


    Hmm I could have posted those old things from that one thread.... That died rather fast... If anyone knows what I'm talking about den you is gud!

  3. Banned 'cuz I prefer roads. It's a lot more fun to dodge cars than treading thorn bushes.

    Banned because I actually walked through a thorn bush once.... Thorns thorns everywhere..

  4. Banned because asthma is annoying .-.

    I like how I have only had one asthma attack, I have problems when I'm near smoking people though

    Hmm random trails of thoughts lead me no where..

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