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Blog Entries posted by Grand_Finale

  1. Grand_Finale
    Im Grand, And Im doing this because I wanted to, SORRY IM A COPYER
    1. Any scars? - One on my cheek I got from scratching myself when I was a baby
    2. Relationship status? - Married to myself
    3. Crush? - Emma Stone, Zac Efron
    4. Kissed anyone? - Nope
    5. Coke or Pepsi? - I like both swag
    6. Someone you hate? - Hate's such a strong word, I strongly dislike people though. Mostly people in my class, and even then only a select few
    7. Best Friends? - On the forums, all the Trotting Dead peeps. In real life, my stepsister
    8. Have you ever done alcohol or drugs? -sometimes I get wastey pants but Ive never done drugs
    9. What's your dream job? - Drama Teacher
    10. Ever been in love? - No, love is for pansies
    12. Favorite color? - Purple
    13. Height? - 5'5, whish is pretty average
    14. Birthday? - August 28th 1996
    15. Eye color? - Grey blue
    16. Hair color? - Blondish brown
    17. What do you love? - My friends and family, Emma Stone, Acting, Food, My computer
    18. Obsession? - Emma Stone, My Computer, Sock Monkeys
    19. If you had one wish, what would it be? - To be able to eat and never get fat
    20. Do you love someone? - My family and friends
    21. Kiss or hug? - Um, hug I suppose
    22. Nicknames people call you? - Grandy, Grabs
    23. Favorite song? - "Demons" Imagine Dragons
    24. Favorite band? - Dont have one
    25. Worst thing that has ever happened to you? - I would rather not make this a downer, so I'll skip
    26. Best thing that has ever happened to you? - Acting I suppose, having my mommy in my life
    27. Something you would change about yourself? - Better willpower
    28. Ever dated someone? - Nothing legit
    29. Worst mistake? - Hmm, nothing too bad, but one time I scheduled two babysitting times at the exact same time and didnt realize it
    30. Watch the movie or read the book? - both
    31. Ever had a heartbreak? - You would have to have a heart for it to break >
    32. Favorite show? - Walking Dead
    33. Best day of your life? - All my days I perform
    34. Any talents? - Acting I suppose, though I dont really know how I good I am
    35. Do you wish you could ever start over? - No sir
    36. Any bad habits? - Cracking my knuckles D:
    37. Ever had a near death experience? - Just a few weeks actually. Swerved on the highway, couldve easily hit a semi, instead hit the ditch. GOOD JOB MOM
    38. Someone I can tell anything to? - My mom, my stepsister
    39. Ever lost a loved one? - Yep
    40. Do you believe in love? - not currently
    41. Someone you hate/Dislike? -Didnt I answer this one already?
    42. Are you okay? - Peachy!

  2. Grand_Finale
    This happened awhile ago, I just figured I needed to share
    My sim inevitably died of old age, because y'know, sometimes drowning your sims gets tiring
    PSYCH, that shit never gets old
    Anyways, old grimmy showed up right on schedule as per usual, but it seems he's adopted a new choice of attire.
    and also lost his face


    So yeah, I dont know what caused this, but its pretty hilarious
  3. Grand_Finale
    Dearest Celestia
    You know I am a righteous horse
    Of my kindness I am justly proud
    Et tibit Pater (And to you, Father)
    Dearest Celestia
    You know I'm so much nicer than
    The honest, laughing, magic, generous crowd
    Quia peccavi nimis (That I have sinned)
    Then tell me, Celestia
    Why I see her flying there
    Why her magenta eyes still scorch my soul
    Cogitatione (In thought)
    I feel her, I see her
    The sun caught in rainbow hair
    Is blazing in me out of all control
    Verbo et opere (In word and deed)
    Like fire
    This fire in my fur
    This burning
    Is turning me to curse
    It's not my fault
    Mea culpa (Through my fault)
    I'm not to blame
    Mea culpa (Through my fault)
    It is the dashing girl
    The mare who sent this flame
    Mea maxima culpa (Through my most griveous fault)
    It's not my fault
    Mea culpa (Through my fault)
    If in Luna`s plan
    Mea culpa (Through my fault)
    He made the discord so much
    Stronger than a ram
    Mea maxima culpa (Through my most griveous fault)
    Protect me, Celestia
    Don't let this pegasus cast her spell
    Don't let her fire sear my wings and bone
    Destroy rainbow Dash
    And let her taste the fires of hell
    Or else let her be mine and mine alone
    Dark fire
    Now Rainbow, it's your turn
    Choose me or
    Your pyre
    Be mine or you will burn
    Kyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy)
    Luna have mercy on her
    Kyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy)
    Luna have mercy on me
    Kyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy)
    But she will be mine
    Or she will burn!
    Well, yeah. I didnt make the picture obviously, but after a conversation I couldnt NOT do this. So enjoy. Listen to the song too, Itll make it better
  4. Grand_Finale
    So recently Ive noticed alot of members on the forums suffering with various life problems, and I just wanted to let you know I am here for you. If we havent talked much, that doesnt matter. I take great joy in making other peoples day, and I find this site might be a great way to do so. So please, if theres anything you need help with, or even just someone to rant to, I am here, and I will always be available. If I dont answer it is simply because I am not online. I think everyone deserves to laugh and smile and enjoy life, even when life doesnt feel the same way.
    So in conclusion, I am always here if you need someone. If you feel alone, you are not, and you should never feel that way. People care about you, and thoug hI may not know you, I am one of those people
    Thank you for taking the time to read this
  5. Grand_Finale
    Welcome my Adorable chipmunk whiskers! To another post of Cheer!
    Video of the day
    Gif of the day

    Joke of the day
    Why wouldnt the shrimp share its dinner? He was a little shellfish!
    Quote of the day
    The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams
    - Eleanor Rosevelt
    Song of the day
    This is a catchy song from back in the day, thought I would mix it up!
    Fact of the day
    in 1930, Babe Ruth made more money than the president of the United States!
    Hug of the day from me!
    please leave some feedback, and let me know if you have an idea for an "of the days" and please, suggest anything you want, I listen!
  6. Grand_Finale
    Welcome my beautiful lizard kisses, here is my first blog of happiness!
    VIdeo of the Day
    I chose this video because you simply can't not smuile at this. I DARE YOU
    Gif of the Day

    I dont need to explain it
    Joke of the Day
    What did the ghost say to the bee? BOO-BEE
    Quote of the day
    A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same
    -Elbert Hubbard
    Song of the day
    (explicit language) I have been in love with this song lately, I hope you enjoy!
    Fact of the day
    Mice dont actually like cheese. They prefer things with a higher sugar content
    And to finish it off. HUG OF THE DAY FROM ME
    please feel free to suggest more "of the days" And tell me what you think of this? should I do this every day? let me know please!
  7. Grand_Finale
    Good morning my dearest community! Or whatever time it is
    I hope you are all having a wonderful day! Something I just want to address is that if anyone is ever feeling down in the dumps, or having a bad day, I am always available to talk! Even if you don't know me, feel free to start up a conversation with me
    I've decided to make this blog in hopes of cheering people up. I'll be posting jokes, gifs. Puns, anything that might put a smile on someone's face! So stop on by whenever you darn well feel like it!
  8. Grand_Finale
    So recently My drama nerd has been unleashed in its full force, so now I'm going to share some of my favorite musical numbers. Enjoy!

    Le Cell Block Tango

    Le Chaim

    Hard Knock Life

    Without Love
    These are only a sample of the wonderful world of Musicals
  9. Grand_Finale
    Hello my Excellent Manatee snuggles, Welcome to another post of verocity!
    Video of the Day

    One of my favorite viners at this moment
    Gif of the Day

    Joke of the Day
    What lies at the bottom of the sea and shakes? A shipwreck!
    Quote of the day
    The purpose of our lives are to be happy
    -Dalai Lama
    Song of the Day

    This is one of the most talented ladies ive ever seen on youtube
    Fact of the day
    In Ohio, its illegal to get a fish drunk!
    Hug of the day from me!
    Please feel free to leave suggestions and feedback, I love to see your opinion! And I will see you tomorrow!
  10. Grand_Finale
    Welcome my magical baby walrus kisses! Welcome to another post of delicacy!
    Video of the Day
    Yeahh, I kinda cheated and used a viral video, but she's just so cute!
    Gif of the day

    Adorable baby is adorable
    Joke of the day
    What do you call a computer that can sing? A-dell!
    Quote of the day
    Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten
    -David Ogden Stiers
    Song of the day
    A fun song from a fun musical!
    Fact of the day
    Some mutated apples are half red and half green!
    Hug of the day from me!
    As always, please feel free to discuss my content and suggest more "of the days" I love getting feedback!
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