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Toaster Bot

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Everything posted by Toaster Bot

  1. Magical talking hooved animal world is a pretty lovely society, even though they're COMMUNIST PIGS (my theory holds water, plus I don't actually care about communism one way or another). The thing about magical talking hooved world is that it's an idealized fictional world, but the canon has all sorts of cans of worms to it. Some of the possible fates in this universe (say, if Discord decides to drop the idiot ball, or any other minute thing happens), the consequences can be at an "And I Must Scream" level of screwed. Sure, the magical talking hooved animal world has a lot of pluses to it, but the factors that you are capable of being subjected to are a bit too worrisome. At least here on good old scientific talking ape world the most we have to worry about is all the apocalypse rockets exploding everything. Nothing like making a children's television show darker and edgier, am I right?
  2. William Stamper, without hesitation. Imagine this voice following you everywhere. Beautiful.
  3. I've been toying around with Rainmeter, using a Robco thing and Visbubble.
  4. For the most part, I avoid crossovers due to their tendency to be sloppy and unfaithful to both properties they try to haphazardly combine. On the couple of rare occasions where I read crossover fics they tend to fall flat. The only times they had any sort of quality was when I read an XCOM crossover that went out of its way to make it clear that the writer was probably on at least two separate stimulants, and the other was Turnabout Storm.
  5. Since I don't think I've ever seen this said on the Internet before, I think I can safely assume this is an unpopular opinion: I think humanity is on a good path overall.
  6. I think that the phrase "Love and Tolerate" is easily among the stupidest things I've ever heard, alongside the much less beloved "bae" and various Shrek puns.
  7. My skills include game development, writing, and drastically overestimating my skills.
  8. I don't know what to put here but I want to bury my last status and statuses are basically filler so if I post a status I might as well call myself out on that one.

  9. I'm actually one of those people who doesn't want to be intimate, so that'd probably be a blessing. Considering that I've actually found someone like that, I can confirm that it's a blessing.
  10. I would laugh. And laugh. And laugh. And laugh. I'd laugh enough that it'd cause concern about my health. It'd be that amusing.
  11. I was bored so I gave that brilliant idea all the fifteen minutes it deserved in order to be made. Here you go: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ig6kxb2kkq7eqt3/Gaben_Simulator.exe And just in case you're afraid it's a virus: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/352e354171dd9904d785a338345ff47cd78956e85ca0692e1f24e800f74b788b/analysis/1399173281/ ___________ Oh, and on-topic: a game where you're a potato. You can't do anything, because it's a realistic simulation.
  12. I picked up Pulseman and Eliminate Down yesterday, so I've been playing those. I also got a new GBA and was finally able to play Pokemon: Yellow again.
  13. Abradofl Lincler: an attempt at creating a morally-neutral leader by splicing the DNA of Abraham Lincoln and Adolf Hitler, but it turns out it just made him really crazy.

    1. Panzerbeard


      Classy dresser, though.

    2. Toaster Bot
    3. Panzerbeard


      ...What are you saying? You mean you DON'T dress like that?



      Come on, now, friend, keep up with the times.

  14. Am I allergic to friendliness? Must be. Huh.

    1. Panzerbeard


      *throws friendliness at you*


    2. Toaster Bot

      Toaster Bot

      AAAAAH! My allergies!

    3. Panzerbeard


      Cloying, bubbly friendship. It's awful, I know!

  15. That's really a tough one, I loved all of them so much. I guess I would have to say Dual Destinies, it's just so over the top and has even more plot twists than usual. Really tough choice, though.
  16. I'm certainly glad you found happiness here, but perhaps you should have refrained from referring to the site directly by name? After all, regardless of intent you paint it in a pretty bad light.
  17. In my opinion, there is nothing that a videogame can't touch on that other mediums could. I am a firm believer in videogames as a budding and true artistic medium, just as legitimate as film, television, movies, etc. Videogames shouldn't be limited in their subject matter because "they're just games". I feel that when people deny that videogames can touch on sensitive subjects that they're simply being ignorant. In fact, it is in my opinion that videogames are the absolute BEST medium to explore a sensitive topic. Unlike movies and TV and books, videogames are interactive; you are taking part in, and therefore playing a role in what happens. Videogames really force you to think about what's happening more than anything else, because games bring you into the world the creators establish and allow you to explore and experience it in full. This medium is being held back by the preconception that videogames are just for amusement, and that controversy should be avoided.
  18. I used to have no requirements for my team. But as of Gen VI, I will be REQUIRING Sylveon.
  19. I save up all my money for... something, but then I blow it on retro games and Hot Topic stuff. And also Steam.
  20. WHY DID I HAVE TO FIND MY LOST COPY OF ANIMAL CROSSING?! I was clean for seven months!

    1. Sunny Fox

      Sunny Fox

      One button press is too many.

  21. Toaster Bot

    request shop Free Bean Ponies [FULL]

    It was only now that I saw this. Thank you very much. ^^
  22. I do not believe in ghosts, there's absolutely no (reliable) evidence of their existence. People can tell me their experiences with ghosts, but I regard memory to be about as reliable as a Soviet space station (that is, just barely functional out of sheer luck).
  23. So, I've always been somewhat interested in the creative side of this fandom. While I am currently undergoing the task of learning how to draw, I've found I have a bit of a knack for clicking a bunch of buttons in Photoshop and making kinda-pretty things. Now, at the suggestion of another user on this forum, I have decided to dump a few of them into this: this collection of wallpapers. Cutie Mark Crusaders: Wallpaper Subjects [REQUEST] Bulk Biceps Feverfew Vinyl Scratch IS DJ Pon-3 (somewhat suggestive perhaps?) Rainbowcrash (first one I ever made) I have some others that I didn't feel like linking here, they can be found on my DeviantArt: http://sparertoaster.deviantart.com I'll try to update this each time I make a new wallpaper.
  24. The only thing I can say I actively collect is stuff for and relating to the Sega Genesis.
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