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Posts posted by SpadesOfDarkness

  1. For my achievements in school,


    -I was the treasurer of my 10th grade class.

    -I'm on the honor roll and principal's list at my school.

    -I'm a member of the National Honor Society

    -I was the Student Council treasurer for my senior year of high school.

    -I received an award for my senior project on "The Benefits of Literature"

    -I performed over 200 hours of community service during my senior year. (I did more during my other years)

    -I received a coach's award and MVP award in Bowling.

    -Due to my GPA, I received a $10,000 scholarship to Chaminade University in Honolulu each year.


    On a less important achievement, I'm a completionist in my videogames. I got every trophy (I'm on PS3) on every game I've ever played on the system:



    So yeah, I have all the trophies for all the Batman: Arkham games, all the Devil May Cry games, all the Metal Gear games, and all the Suda51 games. At least for now.

    • Brohoof 2
  2. Now, allow me to explain - my little ponies. These are the bosses that make you WORK for it. Meaning; REAL, UNADULARATED, HARDCORE boss battles. I am talking about the guys who make you sit on the edge of your seat, palms sweating, controlling being jerked left and right as you struggle to dodge, bosses.


    These are the most awesome and bossiest of all bosses!




    By Discord's goatee this guy was nuts! Astaroth from NeverDead made me sweat bullets. Two giant snake arms that cause you to explode on impact, spawns monsters to hound you, shoots laser and fire beams, is impervious to most attacks, and is bigger the half the screen!


    THIS guy made me feel awesome when I finally killed him!

    I remember fighting this guy. He actually wasn't that hard to beat since you...couldn't die. I even got all the trophies for the game. The multiplayer of it sucked.


    Anyway, I feel like the most epic bosses in the games I've played are the final bosses of Metal Gear Solid 4 and Metal Gear Rising because of the epicness and badassness of them both.

  3. For males, I vote Nolan North. Even though he's most famous for playing Nathan Drake from Uncharted, I never actually played those games. But I hear him in a lot of games I play. I like him most as Deadpool from the videogame.



    For females, I vote Tara Strong. She gets around a lot and she voices some of my favorite characters such as Twilight Sparkle, Juliet Starling from Lollipop Chainsaw, and Harley Quinn from Arkham City.

  4. I don't play a lot of FPS games, but the game that I enjoy the most would have to be Team Fortress 2. It is such a simple game but completely addicting. My favorite class in the game would have to be the Medic, hands down!


    A close second for me would have to be Borderlands. It was fun but it was incredibly challenging to get all the trophies including DLC.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Deadpool.png

    My vote would have to go to Deadpool from the Marvel Universe simply because he CANNOT DIE! I mean he's been decapitated, mutilated, disembowled, and even torn to a million pieces by The Hulk and still survived. Oh yeah, he's also a master swordsman and marksman who can heal himself and can break reality and the fourth wall. I would normally hate someone who is overpowered, but Deadpool has so much charisma and humor that I can't help but love him.
  6. I have a lot of games on my wishlist that won't come out until I get on break for college or don't come out until next year. They are:


    Batman: Arkham Origins

    The Evil Within

    Killer Is Dead

    Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix

    Kingdom Hearts 3

    Metal Gear Solid 5

    Murdered: Soul Suspect

  7. My favorite pony would have to be Pinkie Pie. And I would say that I am a lot like her. We can both break the fourth wall and I can easily destroy all the laws of physics and reality. All life on Earth shall tremble and fall on their knees before my powers!


    But seriously, I would say I'm like her. I'm a pretty funny guy in reality and I love making people laugh. I just don't take it to the extreme extent she does. Also, unlike her who is in all pink, I tend to dress in all black.

  8. I knew Rarity would get the most votes before I even voted. Rarity has shown selfishness countless times throughout the episodes and has broken her element more times than all the others. When Spike gave her his birthday gem, I'm not counting that as her being selfish because it seems more like Spike's own generosity than Rarity's selfishness. But still, you can refer to the other posts to see what she's done.

  9. AWSOME!! That's one wish character I can cross off my list! Now all we can do is wait for other characters to be announced!

    Did you know that the villager from animal crossing was also added?

    Yeah. I knew that the villager from Animal Crossing was added to the roster. I also found it funny how the Wii Fit Trainer was added to the roster as well.




    Best troll character ever!

    • Brohoof 2
  10. I'd say that cartoons are getting worse, but that's probably just our generation's opinions. You could say that cartoons have always been getting worse. It's just that each generation finds different things entertaining. For example, we say that the cartoons today are just mindless crap with cheap humor (with a few minor exceptions). But then again, that's the same thing are parents said about the cartoons that we watched. Shows that we've enjoyed such as Ed, Edd, n' Eddy and Johny Bravo, our parents looked at as well...mindless crap with cheap humor. Our parents grew up with their own cartoons such as the Flintstones or Popeye the Sailor Man and are saying the same things about our cartoons. The consensus is we grew up with our own cartoons and we're pushing these same ideas on today's cartoons. I guess you could say we're turning into our parents.


    At least that's the way I see things.

  11. Favorite background ponies would probably be Lyra and Vinyl Scratch. The personalities that the fans have gave them portray them as eccentric and energetic figures. I guess my least favorite would be Bon-Bon. I do like the Lyra/Bon-Bon shipping, but I feel like the only real reason she's known is because she's seen with Lyra so much. Well that and her "million voices" but she's not the only background pony to have different voices.

  12. So far, every game I've ever played. I'm a completionist at heart, so I'll try to get everything in a game that it has to offer. Here's a link to all of the games I've played for my PS3:




    25 games and I have all the trophies for all of them. DLC as well.

  13. "Here's a touching story. Once upon a time, you died and I lived happily ever after. The end." (Sniper from Team Fortress 2).


    "People deal with grief differently. Some people f**k at funerals, I cut off heads." (Travis Touchdown from No More Heroes 2).


    "Did I shoot you in your chest? I'm sorry. I was aiming for your crotch." (Deadpool from Deadpool).


    "If America has gone to shit, you're just another maggot crawling in the pile". (Raiden from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance).


    "I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with light!" (Dante from Devil May Cry) [Mostly because of his voice cracking]

  14. To be honest, I always like to play as the female character in game seven though I'm a male. For example, when I played Borderlands, I immediately played as the female character Lilith and Aqua was my most played character in Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep. Also some of my favorite protagonists are females such as Alice from Madness Returns and Juliet Starling from Lollipop Chainsaw.

  15. For least favorite main character, I voted for Applejack and Spike. I don't hate them, I just find them kind of boring. For secondary characters, I voted Blueblood. I just really hate people who think that they are higher than everybody else and treats everybody else like crap. For background characters, I voted Diamond Tiara, Snips, and Snails. (Though they feel more like secondary characters). Diamond Tiara because of the same reason as Blueblood and Snips and Snails because they are obnoxious idiots.

  16. My vote goes to Silver Spoon. Yes I know. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are both pretty unpleasant but where as Diamond Tiara is mean just for the fun of it, I feel Silver Spoon is just mean because she's just a tag along and a lacky for Diamond. I read a fanfic called "Inner Demons" where Silver Spoon really hates Diamond Tiara and Silver is only mean to others to keep up appearances.

  17. Age: 18


    Gender: Male


    Favorite Shows:

    Bar Rescue

    Deadman Wonderland


    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    South Park


    Favorite Music: Gothic Rock (Will list a lot)

    Alien Sex Fiend, Astrovamps, Bauhaus, Big Electric Cat, The Clash, Creature Feature, The Cure, Daniel Ash, Dead Kennedys, London After Midnight, Love and Rockets, The Misfits, Nekromantix, Peter Murphy, Powerman 5000, Rosetta Stone, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Sisters of Mercy, Skeletal Family, Specimen, Tones on Tail, Virgin Prunes, Vitamin String Quartet, 45 Grave


    I dislike Marilyn Manson with a passion!


    Favorite Videogames:

    Devil May Cry

    Kingdom Hearts

    Metal Gear

    No More Heroes (or any Suda51 game)


    Things I like on Internet:

    Angry Joe

    Angry Videogame Nerd

    MLP: FiM commentators (XxSoundspeedxX, CobaltSky7, Ratchetness)

    Nostalgia Critic


  18. ...No.






    The game really has nothing to do with DJ'ing. It's just a pathetic gimmick to get people to buy it so they "feel like a DJ," because they don't know what real DJ'ing even is.

    I agree. Vinyl is a DJ but the game DJ hero is just a game that really doesn't portray actual "DJing" accurately. For example, let's take the famous guitarist Slash. He's amazing on a guitar but if he played Guitar Hero on expert, he would probably be struggling quite a bit. Pushing six buttons is not the same thing as playing a six stringed guitar and likewise playing DJ Hero isn't the same experience as being an actual DJ.

  19. I can think of a few bad fan fictions that are just horrible for the most obvious reasons such as the Spiderses, Sweet Apple Massacre, and Trixie's Funhouse.


    Then I can think of a few fanfics that are bad just because of what kind of content is in them. One of the worst of these is 120 Days of Blueblood. It's supposed to essentially be a parody of this other novel called 120 Days of Sodom which was horrible in and of itself. I recall one seen in which if I recall correctly involves Luna ripping out a foal's eyeball, Blueblood masturbated on it, and then Luna eats it. It was just a disgusting piece of crap to read.

    • Brohoof 1
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