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Iron Shield

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Status Replies posted by Iron Shield

  1. Anyone else noticing a lack of FiM:Season 4 on youtube? When I saw AngryJoes latest vid it was the first thing I went to check because that was my weekend plan after my last week of this college semester and notcied a lack of season 4 epsiodes. Is it because of youtube's new copyright bullcrap or do I need to be a little more patient? I hope it's not youtube because that's the only place I watch the show. I might be in a state of denial too.

    1. Iron Shield

      Iron Shield

      Ah, thanks for the links, Arabic subtitles is kinda annoying but in times like these I'll take what I can get.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. Anyone else noticing a lack of FiM:Season 4 on youtube? When I saw AngryJoes latest vid it was the first thing I went to check because that was my weekend plan after my last week of this college semester and notcied a lack of season 4 epsiodes. Is it because of youtube's new copyright bullcrap or do I need to be a little more patient? I hope it's not youtube because that's the only place I watch the show. I might be in a state of denial too.

    1. Iron Shield

      Iron Shield

      Thanks, that was helpful. But there still is not sign of episode 3. Youtube... wtf. I didn't want to believe it but it's true they've gone and done something stupid. I wonder what I'm supposed to do now to see the show as youtube was the only way I ever did it.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. Anyone else noticing a lack of FiM:Season 4 on youtube? When I saw AngryJoes latest vid it was the first thing I went to check because that was my weekend plan after my last week of this college semester and notcied a lack of season 4 epsiodes. Is it because of youtube's new copyright bullcrap or do I need to be a little more patient? I hope it's not youtube because that's the only place I watch the show. I might be in a state of denial too.

    1. Iron Shield

      Iron Shield

      This will probably sound really dumb but how do you "set" the search? I couldn't find such an option. I've been looking for this episode and prior episodes because I haven't started yet, I was going to start on the weekend after I finish off my final exams tomorrow.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. My advice for college or university, when you get work get it done (especially if it's a project over the summer, start that right away), don't take the first half of the semester for granted as those early and even small marks can save you later (the loss of those marks can come back to bite you in the ass) and take notes in lectures. Failed 3 classes this semester and maybe 4. Gonna have to remember these lessons I have learned/show no mercy for next semester and an additional 3rd y...

    1. Iron Shield

      Iron Shield

      ... year. Wake up call right here. (seems not my whole status is showing.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. So, I'm still neutral on the whole Xbox One vs PS4 war thing. It's a good thing I never get such things day 1, so many words have been spoken but I wait to see if any of these words can be backed up with post release action.

    1. Iron Shield

      Iron Shield

      I was aiming for Christmas, but I might have to wait till sometime after that, depending on how things are.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. Neighbour didn't want some books, so I have been gifted with 11 books on war... this war thing is becoming a real big stereotype of me. That said my favourite by far has been "The 33 Strategies of War". Currently reading about how Hannibal was a master of morale. He proved a one liner joke could have more effect than a long speech. It was a one liner joke that helped the the hopelessly outnumbered Carthagians at Cannae go from being filled with fear to being filled with reassurance.

    1. Iron Shield

      Iron Shield

      ... as wise. Sometimes you can accomplish most by doing nothing.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. Neighbour didn't want some books, so I have been gifted with 11 books on war... this war thing is becoming a real big stereotype of me. That said my favourite by far has been "The 33 Strategies of War". Currently reading about how Hannibal was a master of morale. He proved a one liner joke could have more effect than a long speech. It was a one liner joke that helped the the hopelessly outnumbered Carthagians at Cannae go from being filled with fear to being filled with reassurance.

    1. Iron Shield

      Iron Shield

      Trade Space for Time - The Nonengagement Strategy: Retreat is the face of a strong enemy is a sign not of weakness but of strength. By resisting the temptation to respond to an aggressor, you buy yourself valuable time-time to recover, to think, to gain perspective. Let your enemies advance; time is more important than space. By refusing to fight, you infuriate them and feed their arrogance. They will soon overextend themselves and start making mistakes. Time will reveal them as rash and you....

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. Neighbour didn't want some books, so I have been gifted with 11 books on war... this war thing is becoming a real big stereotype of me. That said my favourite by far has been "The 33 Strategies of War". Currently reading about how Hannibal was a master of morale. He proved a one liner joke could have more effect than a long speech. It was a one liner joke that helped the the hopelessly outnumbered Carthagians at Cannae go from being filled with fear to being filled with reassurance.

    1. Iron Shield

      Iron Shield

      On that day, in one of the most devastating victories in history, the Carthagians crushed the Roman army.


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  9. "A problem can not be solved with the same consciousness that created it." - Albert Einstein

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