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long gone

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Everything posted by long gone

  1. I feel like I'm forgetting something, but I'm not sure what.

    1. PROJECT: Simon

      PROJECT: Simon

      We all feel that :<

    2. long gone

      long gone

      Oh! I need to...


      ...no, no, that ain't it.

    3. TigerGeekGuy


      Not sure if this will help, but try thinking about something entirely different, sometimes that helps me.

  2. But I don't go to 4chan! How am I supposed to go back to there if I don't even go there in the first place? D:
  3. Ooh, what card is that? I can tell from the cooler that it's a Sapphire card, but I don't know what specific model.
  4. Wish I could draw my Pokésona, but I have the art skills of a cinder block.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Odyssey


      Cool, I'll be looking forward to it. :)

    3. long gone

      long gone

      (and by "in a bit" I probably mean "whenever I feel like it")

    4. Yummychickenblue


      Tips on drawing straight lines: Draw from your shoulder, not your wrist.

  5. A lot of the boss intros in Metroid Prime are amazing, especially as the series progresses. The most memorable to me is the final Dark Samus battle in Prime 2, especially when both Samus and Dark Samus take aim at each other right before the final battle begins. Really sets the mood for it.
  6. Augment Your Pre-Order canceled. Good.

  7. https://i.imgur.com/RfJWCiT.png Thank you based RNGesus.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hovershy


      Yes I can ^^


      I can't remember ever catching I shiny, without a gameshark... :(

    3. long gone

      long gone

      I've only caught three random shinies, an Oddish, Goomy and now this Bellsprout. In all three cases, I wasn't shiny hunting.

    4. Prop


      I have never seen a shiny in my life.

  8. Water was found on Mars.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Neato. I had a strong feeling there would be some there.

    3. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      I thought we already knew this :/

    4. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Isn't that why they wanted to nuke Mars to melt the polar capsules of Mars?

  9. https://i.imgur.com/L1vAKAA.jpg Took a pic of the blood moon. Of course, my phone's camera had to ruin everything -.-
  10. https://i.imgur.com/FRyKzbX.png hahaha, john cena, what a scrub, can't even walk on water like the glorious water types
  11. "don't worry though, I'm not gonna try to hit you with my Bible or anything like that. I mean, it's a big book, that would REALLY hurt XD" pls

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. long gone

      long gone

      Elbow is unrelated to that, but yeh :V

    3. LittleMac


      Well, I'm sorry that that happened

    4. long gone
  12. On a scale of 1 - 10, what's your favorite color of the alphabet?
  13. Everyone's watching that new Equestria Girls thing and I'm sitting here playing with an old computer.

    1. Sunwalker


      I have recorded it. I am going to watch it sometime soon :)

  14. http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/456224-linus-tech-tips-security-breach/#entry6122566 Important information for anyone here that also uses the LinusTechTips forum.
  15. I'm considering using slang that only my fellow Massholes would understand when around out-of-staters just to be that one guy that nobody gets :D

  16. long gone

    gaming Console Vs. PC

    For those of you saying "hurr durr cheap PC part lists don't include a monitor!" do you include the price of a TV in the console's cost? And you can use literally any monitor with a PC. Have an old 1440x900 monitor lying around? Or what about a 1024x768 one? Go ahead, use it! There's nothing keeping you from using them aside from input and output ports on your GPU and the monitor.
  17. I suppose I'll never truly be able to cut off any remaining ties to the fandom.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. HeartFeltPuma23


      Didn't you enter the PokeFandom right after exiting the MLP one? Or I guess you re-entered it. See, everything we know and adore/did adore will always come up again to us in some way, to me it was Evangelion somewhere between 3 years ago, after forgetting it for 4, now it became part of my routine, and I keep up to the news whenever there is one, but EVA is a different story, like MLP it helped me in many ways, so I think I could never abandon it, from that time 3 years ago on at least

    3. long gone

      long gone

      I re-entered it, yes.

    4. HeartFeltPuma23


      So, I think we are done with this discourse? If you ever wanna talk just hit the PM button

  18. So my Twilight Sparkle collection still exists... eh, I'll just leave it. If anyone wants it, tell me and I'll give it to ya.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. long gone

      long gone

      Twilight Sparkle pictures.


      Ya know how I had this huge collection of Twilight Sparkle pictures? There's a zip file dated about two or three months before the last time I updated the original folder on my OneDrive, and then the majority of it is saved in my deviantART and Derpibooru favorites.

    3. Vox


      Hey, i'm all for it lol

    4. long gone

      long gone

      Won't be going through the effort of clearing my dA, Skype profile picture archive, deleting my Derpibooru account and purging my OneDrive of MLP stuff. Too much effort for too little gain.

  19. The age minimum on here is 13, due to the American Children's Online Privacy Protection Act. While MLPF is based in Canada, they operate in the US as well, and so they have to comply with US as well as Canadian law. Feel free to complain about it, but as long as they want to operate in the United States, they have to comply with American law, and failure to comply with COPPA in particular can result in massive fines or even being shut down.
  20. Not fucking going to work tomorrow -.-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. long gone

      long gone

      Wicked fuckin' sick right now. Had no energy most of the day.

    3. SCS


      that sucks man D: rest up and feel better soon

    4. long gone

      long gone

      I was loaded up on meds today. Took five hours before I started feeling them.

  21. Saw a car with a Mexico plate today... are you trying to catch what I got from me?

    1. Bojo


      Woah wait... what did you get from yourself? D:

    2. long gone

      long gone

      No, I meant catch whatever this is that's ailing me. Might be the flu, since it's the flu season in New England.


      And yes, I saw a car with a Mexico license plate in New England.

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