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Posts posted by heathergilmore25

  1. So this one is based off of what I believed to be someone's painting and I just loved it, so here is my petty attempt to mirror such glory in pen. And who doesn't like Vinyl?


    • Brohoof 14
  2. I made this late last night after coming home from a day out with my boyfriend. I thought it would make a good thank you (sappysappyromancy-gush). Anyway, I completely just lovelovelove Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, so why not do a drawing of them?


    • Brohoof 14
  3. Thank you all so much for your input. This one I believe was somewhere around 3-4 hours I'm guessing more like for because I was on the phone and it kinda delayed the process). I do have to agree with different parts being too rounded. In fact, that almost bugged me to the point of wanting to scrap it xD

  4. After the popularity of yesterday's drawing of Fluttershy at the Gala, I decided to draw one of Rarity at the Gala. So here it is :D


    • Brohoof 17
  5. "Up" is by far my favorite. It's so gosh darn adorable...although I have to skip the last part of the opening scene...for reasons you might understand.

    Anything by Pixar is just so wonderfully made and have excellent story lines. I love it!

  6. I love it! Funny thing is, Luna is also my second favorite character and you also mention not wanting to mess up your drawing with color (although I doubt you will ;D) Anyway, I really like it!

    • Brohoof 1
  7. I recommend the original Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo and "The Calling of Cthulhu" by HP Lovecraft. Both authors ways of writing are simply amazing. Lovecraft's story provokes a lot of reflection on the reader's part, which is amazing in such a short piece.

  8. Actually, I didn't intend for the drawing to turn out like this. I meant for just a Grand Galloping Gala Fluttershy- like the basic one that you can find on the internet. But somewhere during the process my pen decided to do what it wanted. I was really too tired to make it behave.


    • Brohoof 28
  9. I've been with my boyfriend for three months now and we've known each other since sixth grade (we're now entering college). I have also liked him since sixth grade and he's helped me through so much when we were just friends, including a couple deaths. He's honestly acted as my dearest friend and knows me so well. To make matters better, I introduced him to the fandom, which he's really into now. We had a mare-athon date today and watched a few episodes of MLP. It was dorky and really really cool. I couldn't find a better person to be with. (end cheesy post now)

  10. I have some pretty fond memories of my schools Air Force JROTC, which was a lot like a family for me. Prom is my favorite single memory though. We had an Alice in Wonderland theme and I got to go with someone I had liked since 6th grade, who is now my boyfriend (don't worry, I've properly converted him into the fandom). That night was simply perfect.

  11. I have two fears that are somewhat normal: owls and elevators...and then there's one that I completely don't understand, which is rainbows. This is horribly inconvenient when watching the show. For instance, when Rainbow Dash comes on, I just awkwardly look around and wait for her voice to stop. XD

  12. I've been depressed for six year. I was on medication for it, but I didn't like the feeling of a chemical controlling me and being dependent on it. I eventually stopped completely one day and it was by far one of the hardest things for me to do. I still have really bad desires to go back on it, but I know if I do I'll become dependent. MLP was a big factor in getting off of it. As for now when I get in one of those "moods" the best I can do is to kill my eardrums with loud music, draw, and really long and really hot showers XD

  13. How long have you known your best friend? Do you feel like you can trust your best friend with anything? Do you love your best friend? 

    I've known him for a couple years now. I do feel as though I can trust him with A LOT. I love him as a friend.

    Do you consider your best friend your girlfriend/boyfriend or a friend that you're close with? 

    We dated once, but long distance and the awkwardness made it end. Now he's just a close friend.

    Do you have a bromance/girlmance with your best friend?

    -See above answer? :D

  14. My list:
    17, female
    I draw a bit (as you can see from my posts) and reading- Phantom of the Opera, 1984, and currently The Call of Cthulhu
    Breaking Benjamin, 5FDP, Red
    I'm starting my first college classes on Monday for a summer session. I want to major in criminal justice and later become a forensic pathologist.

  15. I actually work as an intern to the university I'm going to this fall. We plan campus events for the students, like "Wiener Takes All"- a free hotdog bbq and hotdog eating contest with a $100 bookstore gift card. We also had a free showing of the "Dark Knight Rises" on Wednesday for "Movie Knight" and gave out free popcorn and cotton candy...We just have a really fun time getting to plan out events for students.

    Another bonus, the walls outside the room I work in are compatible for dry erase markers.

  16. Definitely! All of my coworkers are Hispanic and I'm viewed differently as not "understanding their ways". I was skipped over for a bunch of scholarships and a college tour trip for my college prep program because I wasn't a "minority". I think that we should be judged on our merit rather than our tone.

    • Brohoof 1
  17. This is an easy one for me to answer because I have never smoked and never will. Honestly, I'm a "goody two-shoes" when it comes to drinking, sex, smoking, drugs, etc. Smoking really is not worth it in any way and it's best to not even try it.

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