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Everything posted by Randomfacts137

  1. Okay, I just typed this paragraph in my story where Discord takes over: "Overhead, a flock of purple floppy forks flew through the liquid spoon cloud, raining kitchen utensils on the townspeople, who paid them no mind. The tension in the air was thick enough to cut apart, which a nearby house decided to demonstrate by cutting some tension out of the air with its chimney, then eating it. The glares of the townsfolk burnt holes into the rainbow colored grass floating above the alicorn, whic...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Randomfacts137


      Excuse me, ahem, "-which proceeded to consume itself with a vengeance."


      There we go. :3

    3. Marcato


      Mm. Good. Good description, excellent sense of chaos. :3

    4. Randomfacts137
  2. Some of the best advice I've heard in a song:

  3. So, I saw the space shuttle Endeavor today. It was fun. :3

  4. Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! It's sooooooo good! I love it! :3 Thank you Pink Mist! *proceeds to squee, fall over onto the floor, and roll around in pure bliss*
  5. Okay, my sister thought that anime characters were spouting gibberish. She said "They talk like 'mlegh bol gah' and you can't understand them." I replied, "They speak Japanese... and you can find English voice-overs."

  6. Welp, I'm going to bed now. Goodnight, all!

  7. Okay, this is... odd. This anime I'm watching has been lightly silly, with a little adult humor thrown in here and there. Then, suddenly, there's an episode where all of the adult characters strip and play on the beach nude. Now, luckily it was all censored (in a silly way, of course), but it was still very sudden, and made me go WTF!?

  8. Ah! I just got rubber bands (well, they're actually latex, but whatever) put on my braces! :C

  9. Eh, sorry for not being on as much as I normally am. My computer's being crap right now. Also, I'm currently watching a subbed anime who's theme song is half English, half Japanese, and all dubstep. What?

  10. I have so many things to do. Monitor my stuff on Skype, Fimfiction, here, and Tumblr, I have a life, I'm a writer for a surprisingly popular (with the people who've read it, anyway) story, and I'm reading several fanfictions, watching several animes, and reading a manga. Why am I doing all this!?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MelancholicMemory


      Mental illness combined with video games

    3. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      Stalking my profile isn't productive either.


      By the way, no. I'm working. :P

    4. MelancholicMemory


      I wasn't stalking. I tried to hit "show all comments" and hit your name instead. Then I swore at you. :P

  11. I got two prank presents for my birthday. One of my friends decided to give me "the perfect gift" and gave me a picture of himself, and my dad got me a MLP toy, as a joke.

  12. Huh. I just pulled a gummy bear out of a gummy worm package. 0.o

  13. Today is my ACTUAL birthday! :D I'm now 14!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Randomfacts137


      @Armchair Adventurer

      Yay! :3

    3. Dsanders


      Happy 14th birthday Randomfacts! :D

    4. Randomfacts137



      Thanks, Dsanders! :3

  14. Welp, my birthday party is over now, and I'm feeling a little tired. Goodnight, all you friends of mine!

    1. Rockymoo


      Nighty night! Hope it was fun! :)

    2. TheInsaneShane


      Well, don't I feel like a dick...I should check birthdays more often. :/ Happy late birthday!!!! /)

    3. Randomfacts137



      Well, I decided to stay up a bit longer and see who comments on this before going to bed, and I have to say that my birthday is actually tomorrow, so you're early.



      It was. :3

  15. Well, I won't be on the Forums much, 'cause of my BIRTHDAY PARTY! :D

  16. So... MLP Forums and I have almost the same birthday! Mine's in two days! :D

    1. Slice0Pie


      Happy early b day! :D

    2. Randomfacts137




      I really don't feel like being happy, though. My eyes, for some reason unknown to me, hurt like there's no tomorrow! Agh! It hurts like, like, uhh, some word I'm not supposed to say! ;_;

    3. Slice0Pie


      That sucks D:

      Hope u feel better

  17. My friend's Skype is: "I think a man with a helmet defending his country should make more money than a man with a helmet defending a football..."

    1. NothingIsEverything


      That sounds about right.

    2. Randomfacts137



      Yup. I totally agree. Paying someone to play a game and paying someone to risk their life? You'd expect the latter to be payed more, but they aren't and that baffles me. Well, sports in general baffle me, but still.

  18. Whoa... I just got home, and... is that a new layout?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Misty Rose

      Misty Rose

      I just don't like the buttons too much, but the background looks really festive and happy. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MLP FORUMS!! :D

    3. Rockymoo


      Whoa, me too.

      It's alright. At least there are poniez in the background. B)

    4. Misty Rose

      Misty Rose

      What I like is that now I don't have to scroll all the way to the top for notifications anymore :D

  19. One thing I don't like about my school: My PE is essentially a Health class. Even though I've already taken Health. -_-

    1. Rockymoo


      PE is a waste of a class as it is. ._.

    2. Randomfacts137


      Yeah, especially since my school has NO sports program whatsoever. It's completely academic, for all us nerds.

  20. My sister randomly felt the need to wave her lunchbox around in my face while reminding me that our cousin was born on Friday the 13th.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DokiLoki


      My sister is weirder than weird. Today, she said to me, ''Gingerbeary Rasberry Tickle Jar Bear!'' I was like WTF...?

    3. Randomfacts137


      Okay, that is VERY weird. o.O

    4. DokiLoki


      I know right? Yesterday she tried to commit suicide by standing on this limb thing and jumping off it. XP

  21. Wow. I've been up since noon yesterday, and it's already 9 here. I should sleep. But, I won't.

  22. Gah, why are you humans so difficult to work well with?

  23. The forums seem... quiet... Almost... too quiet...

    1. Randomfacts137


      And nothing. They just seem quiet.

    2. Fluffy Pinkie

      Fluffy Pinkie

      Yeah they do seem quiet for a weekend

  24. For some reason, I am now typing vith a German accent.

  25. Adorable and badass at the same time: http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/2876/1314424650287.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      Maybe I will have it a look someday. Compared to Shingeki no Kyojin, how good is it?

    3. Randomfacts137


      I have never heard of Shingeki no Kyojin, but I can honestly say that, while its name is remarkably tedious, Puella Magi Madoka, Magica is one of the best animes I've ever seen. :3


      Too bad it only lasts twelve episodes. And two movies (that are just remakes of the episodes). And three mangas. And another movie that had not yet come out yet. And... wait, that's actually a lot of stuff.

    4. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      Attack on Titan. -_-


      I will try two episodes first. I still have some stuff to do.

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