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Posts posted by Carimyp

  1. Revenge, Best served hot!
    ... Or cheese and meat, then more cheese, then more meat, then more cheese, then more meat, then more cheese, then more meat. A few mixed herbs here and there. Oh, And more meat... cheese... and bacon... And some Icecream.... and of course a bun.

  2. I bought a Rainbow Dash plushie without my parents consent, they know about her now, they weren't exactly happy but its my money, so meh.


    Probably easier to do granted I am 19 (20 in less than a month).


    I do plan on buying many more once I move out, so sometime within the next year or two. No hurry.



    That's an awesome Plushie, I'm jealous of you all. I'd never be able to get anything like that... Plus I don't know where you can get them in the UK...


    I got my rainbowdash just like that one, and I live on the Shetland Isles, Doesn't get harder to send things to anywhere in the UK than there, so you should be able to get one, Mine was on Amazon! :-)

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Slamming my thumb in a car door comes close, Had to get the nail removed. It was kinda sore, The guy pierced the nail first with a very very VERY hot needle.


    But what trumps it, and I don't mean to sound Sheeple here, but a kick to the nuts, Multiple infact, in the same night, It was agonizing, I got a revenge kick, but not worth it, moving my leg wasn't much fun either.


    But again, something tops that, One time I was cycling, Trying to impress a girl, I would have been about 13, maybe 14. I was going pretty fast and they had recently re-stoned the roads, I tilted to the side and gritted all the skin off my lower leg and knee. It was so much agony. Buuuut! I was still trying to impress her, so I didn't cry, my shoe's were squelching with blood people kept asking if I was ok "Fffffffiiine... Urghk!"


    That however wasn't the painful part, I gritted my teeth for that, but a friends mother wanted to put an antiseptic spray over it, AAAAAAAAAAAARGH! That was not comfortable! And before that pulling my trousers out of the blood. So many scars over my leg still too!


    So there you have it, May not be much, but hell, I am only 19 yet, give it time, I will be in more pain yet. Especially the way I do stupid stuff! Yay!

  5. Carimyp was an NPC in my first Dungeons and Dragons, I took the name for my own, and used it in a book I wrote, She was an elven lady who had a massive obsession for Honey, Hated evil, And her sister was a Necromancer, Meany sister!


    She's also my Night Elf in World of Warcraft. And now an overly Purple Pony!

  6. I minorly crossdress, But mostly for comfort, I don't mind anyone doing it for any other reason, Wear what you please :-). And for anyone that is strongly against it, I always tell them either, Don't knock till you try it, or, Atleast I am not making you wear them! 

  7. They have twilight


    A Twilight Sparkle?! Oh how exciting! \o/




    The last option is to go to a convention and buy plushies from the dealer tables


    Never heard of an MLP Convention in Scotland unfortunately  :-( Perhaps someday!




    I have one from theirs of Rarity and it's probably their best on


    Is it possible for Rarity not to look good? She is probably... No, Definitely the most vain pony out there!


    I won't be buying any more till I move out of my parents, Which should be a few months maybe a year, They haven't quite accepted the MLP idea yet :-)... Yet!


    So buy (Hehe silly pun!) the time I move out, Then there should probably be more possibilities... I hope!

  8. I was wondering how someone like myself in the UK Would get lots of MLP Plushies, Amazon only has two, ( I already have the Rainbow Dash, Hooray ). But I want more Ponies, Trixie, Pinkie, Rarity, Lyra (No hole), Scootaloo, Applejack and most important, Applebloom!


    Any suggestions? I am not a huge fan of Ebay, but an official site of some sort would be great!

  9. Sorry if the picture is too big, but I am new to using this for posting things. This is my Desktop, I don't have a Camera,  so I couldn't take a picture of my set up, my Apologies, I will post one as soon as possible!


    Notice the Clutter of desktop icons, before you make comments on that, remember, I have even more on my laptop! This forums Desktop icon is just above Nuka Cola and next to Internet explorer, Yes, I use Internet explorer, it works just fine for me :-)



  10. As far as Exotic food goes, I live in Scotland, so what might be normal for you folks over in America to eat, its usually unusual here. For instance, where I live in Scotland, The Shetland Isles, We don't even have a McDonalds! Or even a Burger King! (No KFC either!).


    I would also point out, Exotic food would be different where people live, But I will post a few foods I enjoy and hope that it fits in!


    So for Exotic food, I suppose Chicken Skewers from the Local Chinese, Along with Wantons, I am not a huge fan of anything spicy, as it tends to burn my mouth and leave painful scars for a few weeks :-(. I also enjoy Alligator, I had that when I went on Holiday to Nebraska, (Who goes to Nebraska, Everyone asked) Well my Grandparents live there, and I had no choice, I would much rather have gone in winter. I have very violent Hay fever and spent the whole time indoors sniffling. Then my granddad said some very mean things and we are never going back... Yay? Still, I've been to America Three times, I've learned some things.


    If they offer you pancakes, Never ask how many is the maximum and say you will take that, I finished them, I didn't eat anything else that day... I did this on two separate occasions to prove a point.


    The same applies with Milkshakes, Never ask for the Extra large, Its bigger than the meal itself, usually...


    If you don't want anything on your burger, they will force salad down your throat, this annoyed me, However I had never actually had a cheese burger before, and I've found out they are ok with letting you have cheese and no salad, Woo!


    If in doubt about a eating location where sawdust is the flooring, just know that the vegetarian option is likely go eat somewhere else, I however am definitely not a Vegetarian, Much closer to a Carnivore. Don't worry I would never eat a pony... Intentionally *Eyes Tesco*.


    Now, I am typing too much here, my post is quite long, sorry about that, I tend to ramble, I am sorry for bringing up a dead post, But as I've seen on other forums, people get angry if you make new ones of ones that exist, and if you bring up dead ones, I will try my chances with bringing up a dead one!


    TL:DR, Tasty food, Yummy food, Little balls of meat, Edible food, Foreign food, Chomp Chomp Chomp.

  11. So I had this gnarly dream where we should build a 7500 mile high robot and take over the world!



    First, we decide on which Pony, in the Dream it was Rainbow Dash, Which may be related to the plushy I got recently. However it will be open for debate!


    Second, we need Scraps! Its not easy to make a four mile high robot, Let alone the robots length and width, However, If you are going to take over the world, you need a few eccentric scientists finding ways to make you rich, So that should be taken care of!


    Third, we recruit. Taking of the world requires people! There will be a questionnaire about MLP that people need to fill in before they can board the Giant Ponybot, We cannot just let any riffraff in our robot!


    Forth, we will also need an Aquatic Robot, This one wasn't in the dream, but if the main Robot is going to have issues with the ocean (Granted the Robots four miles high, but the ocean happens to be deeper than that sometimes) Then I fear we will need two robots! But have no fear, for we will be rich, that's fairly doable.


    Fifth, we take over the world, Destroying anyone who hates My Little Pony! Making sure to clean the world of their scummy hate! This will take some time, as the world is quite large, But have no fear, as we can do this! In the end I suspect we will have more than two Robots.


    Finally, we need to repopulate the planet with a society that worships the Robot as a god, afterall, it is the Robot that spared their ancestors for the new world ahead of them!


    Now, What will need to be done is the robot will need to have an AI, So that it can communicate, there will be a microphone and speakers so we can talk of course, But the robot needs to say things now and then!


    For instance, If shot in the face with various missiles, The robot should say this.(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=413TqJPYBMQ)


    I do hope you will discuss my plans to take over the world, and perhaps some day the universe, Good day.

  12. Finally, From Factorytopseller, My Rainbow Dash Plush arrived, She's in better condition than the things I order from Blizzard, she smells nice (Am I weird for noticing?). She is however triple the size she looked in the picture, Which is a good thing, so for 20 pounds, I'd say that's not a bad deal!


    She did however take a month and a half to get to my cosy abode in the Shetland Isles, Apparently she was coming from China, Must have been sent by Canoe to take a month to get here... Or maybe I am just jealous that she has travelled the world more than I have!


    All in all, I'd say Factorytopseller on Amazon are definitely not con artists, Which I thought they were, I did have to mail them to send another because the first had apparently been abducted by Customs (Can you blame them? She is very cute!).


    Anyways, I will add pictures later! For now I am going to hug her and play video games!


    Sorry for the long post that essentially just says Factorytopseller on Amazon is safe, But I thought it necessary to point out for the fellow Pony fans!

    • Brohoof 4
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