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Everything posted by SpectrumUK_D

  1. Perhaps they are. But all I want is for the forums to return to normal and everyone to be able to enjoy them as much as they could before.
  2. No, I'm actually legitimately concerned for the forums right now. I know we've gone through major changes, but all this is completely unnecessary and won't help in the slightest. I just don't see why everyone has to react so badly, I'm not happy with some of the changes either, but I don't go around making endless topics about it or being nasty to everyone. I'm just worried right now, I like these forums and I hate to see the community upset by this.
  3. I have no idea. This right here was a great community full of nice people. Now look at it. Hate and butthurt everywhere. Seriously, when I first joined the forums I was welcomed with open arms, I take a break for a couple of weeks, come back, and the first thing that happens is someone insults me! I just don't get what happened. My guess is the increased moderation, character limit, people suddenly leaving and the whole 13+ thing have something to do with it, but I thought a sensible community like this would be able to deal with it better than this. Well I just hope it all dies down soon. Because if it doesn't then it isn't looking good for the future of these forums.
  4. Finally back on the forums. I missed them.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Speedy Transition

      Speedy Transition

      I call it as i see em, im a nice person, but don't like it when people are being like that.

    3. SpectrumUK_D


      @speedy transition: yeah. I kind of noticed but I'm not gonna even bother with it....

      @akimBrony: I kind of agree, we shouldn't start insulting each other over a status

    4. Speedy Transition
  5. #offtopic: As usual, all the shit goes down when I decide to take a break from the forums. #ontopic: I am deeply shocked, saddened and disgusted, faith in humanity down by 500% I don't even...I just don't see how this whole awful mess could have possibly happened in the first place. Firstly, why the hell are 8 year old kids using the forums, let alone internet! I used the internet from about 10, but my parents limited me to very specific sites and constantly checked what I was doing until I was 13. Secondly, What the hell does the father think he was doing? I mean he didn't even check where the post originated from! even my dad (who gets angry pretty quick) wouldn't be so rash as to track the guy down without even check the source and context. It was a game for bucks sake! A GAME! what.... Ok, Ol' Sarge, please, please don't leave. You did nothing wrong and acted under information that you thought was correct at the time. And I think I speak on behalf of the community when I say that none of us hold you responsible. We will all try our best to support you through what must be an extremely difficult and troubling time. Just try get it cleaned up with the relevant people, just in case it escalates and turns even nastier. (which I very much hope it doesn't) And if you need anything, the forums are here for you. This is indeed, a very dark day for us here at MLP forums.
  6. I dislike R34 immensely. (not just for what it is, but also because of the negative stigma it gives the entire fandom) Those bronies who SAY they Don't care if someone doesn't like it but then shove it in their face if you don't. And the people who try to relate EVERYTHING to ponies even when there is no connection and they aren't even with any bronies.
  7. I used to know a furry a couple of years back. I see him again for this first time in ages the other week and guess what? He's a brony too. I have heard a little about this, and yes it is a completely stupid and pointless conflict. Why are we fighting each other instead of the trolls that plague both of us? Inter-fandom fighting won't help anyone. It will just make both of us weaker. Additionally, I do not consider myself a furry, although I have had numerous contact with the furry fandom the past few years.
  8. Hey guys, quick question. Does it matter if your tulpa looks like a character, but has a different personality? I don't think it would, but I just want to check. It's just that I really want my tulpa to look like RD. (I have also been thinking that this may help with the visualisation, which is my main shortcoming.)
  9. All good here! *manic laughter* you shall never takes my internets FBI!
  10. After reading all the guides, several threads on other forums, and every post on this thread I have decided to make a tulpa. As a matter of fact I saw this thread when it was first started and wanted to make a tulpa, but, after I finished writing some traits I gave up. (Back then I didn't have enough spare time in my life to spend it tulpaforcing.) But anyways I still have some of the traits for my tulpa lying around somewhere and that should speed things up a little. It’s the visualisation I'm more worried about though. (I am not good at imaging physical objects in detail, hence why I'm no artist.) But, yeah, good luck to those of you who have already started creating your tulpas. With luck I should be able to start work on the personality tonight.
  11. *sigh* I didn't need that sleep I just missed anyway.

  12. *fakes surprise* well, fancy meeting you here! Anyways, welcome to the forums and have fun (these forums are the best BTW!) Also I already added you as a friend.
  13. You might not like it, but you can avoid it (which I do 95% of the time) and just try not to make a big deal of it when you do see it. Just forget it and move on. The sad thing is I used to be like you when I first encountered R34 of MLP so I can completely sympathises with you. But over time this fandom taught me that TRUE tolerance is being able to tolerate anyone, no matter what dark little secrets they may have. Recently I've tried to teach myself not to judge people by their actions, but by their intent. They didn't post that there because they wanted to scare or disgust you. They were just doing what they do. They didn't intend for unwilling people to see it, and they can't change what Google images picks up. tl;dr: there's a lot worse things to fap to anyway (child porn, rape porn etc.)
  14. Rainbow Dash. No question. It was a picture of her that reminded me to check the show out and for that reason she holds a special pace in my heart. (that and I just like her anyway) Also I would much rather have her as a Daughter than a pet. (it would be so nice just to spend time with her and talk and have fun ect.)
  15. Whoa all of this happend while I was away? Well anyways this looks like a great idea an if I have some spare cash I'll know where to go.
  16. *off topic* dude you actually joined, told you these are good forums! *on topic* oh of course, you would make a topic about hacking wouldn't you? I know you too well xD Well it depends, hacking, like most things can be used good or bad. But hacking and hackers aren't inherently bad, and it's all down to personal opinion really. IMO hacking is just another tool for people to use.
  17. Oh god. We ended up talking about bronies in class and the teachers only experience of it was R34 - started a massive debate xD

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SpectrumUK_D


      Can't it's over now :/

    3. weegeez


      lol, yesterday my english teacher made us watch the season 2 finale for the lulz, most people groaned, some(like me) were like were overjoyed

    4. Victoria and Co.

      Victoria and Co.


  18. Let's just say it has....a lot. I won't go into details as I was (and still am) planning on making my own topic basically expressing my thanks to everyone later this year.
  19. I like this idea! Can I be in one? Here's my OC for reference.
  20. Loyalty. I always stand by my friends.
  21. ....man it’s empty here today…

  22. Got my new phone! But I forgot how damn hard they are to type on....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SpectrumUK_D


      No thank god. It's an iPhone so it's not too bad. I'm just bad with phones. :/

    3. Neon Streak The Pegasus

      Neon Streak The Pegasus

      lucky, I jumped on the bandwagon and brought a blackberry...big mistake!

    4. SpectrumUK_D


      Yeah my dad got a blackberry...now he regrets it.

  23. Well shipping. (But that's considered normal-ish right?) And I’ve read far too many clopfics for my own good just because one of my good friends proofreads and reviews them in his spare time (goes by the name of Zenos on most stuff) and like it or not he tends to spam me with them and I read them for the hell of it. (I'm not a clopper though, I just like the well written ones for the story ect.) Well I used to be rather anti-clop as well which caused some friction between me and him but I decided to change to a stance of 'uneasy acceptance' and go along with it. In actual fact the only reason I was so opposed to it is due to the negative stigma it invaribly brings to the fandom as a whole. I'm kind of ashamed of that now, I shouldn't have hated on them in the first place, least of all considering they’re a part of the fandom too. I like gorefics IF and I mean IF they’re well written and have a decent story. (Cupcakes = not for me cause it's just a gore scene with basically no story whatsoever which IMO is not particularly creative.)
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