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Posts posted by trentonjedi

  1. Hello my fans! I am the one and only TrentonJedi and boy do I have a plan, but first, I have one Hell of an explanation!



    I had just finished the final episode of Soul Eater on toonami (as I didn't realize it was on Netflix). I got on Skype and started playing DayZ with my friends. As we were being murdered brutally by five year olds, we were talking about what a wonderful anime soul eater was. One of my friends, who we will call Chris, cause thats his name, told me that an even better anime existed, and it was called Sword Art Online. I took his word for it and immediately went on Netflix. "WHAT THE HECK, SOUL EATER IS ON HERE?" I yelled, before scrolling down to Sword Art Online.


    I started watching it and thought it was amazing. When I finished the tenth episode I concluded that it was my new favorite show.


    I am also an animator, and for a while now, I have been brainstorming on a few ideas for animations. Then, today, I heard that Sword Art Online 2 was coming out, and I had a glorious idea, a frame for frame remake of SAO!


    I have some animators in my group, but I still need some people to help me do this. So below is a list of people I need to help.


    *also note that I won't be needing voice actors, as I plan on copying the sound from the show.


    Animators - obviously I need people to put together the actual thing itself. My 'team' currently includes me and 3 other animators. As you can probably guess, that isn't enough. So, I need more animators. Yeah. This one is pretty self explanatory.


    Story boarders - Like I said, this is a shot for shot remake, however I do plan on having story borders who can draw what the show would look like so it can help the animators do they thang.


    Editors (video and audio) - I need people to add shading to the animations and to edit them in such a fashion that the look good. I also need people to ste- borrow the sound from the anime and make it sound good and pretty. If the sound is good and pretty, then the animation is good and pretty. Then my YouTube channel is good and pretty, and I get good and pretty money. And if you all want any than you can kiss my good and pretty ass. Just kidding, but sorta not.


    Flash Puppet Makers - I know that Hasbro will shut my ass down if funimation or whoever made sao doesnt. To prevent that, I want all origanal ocs. Not even background ponies can be there. I need yalls to make the puppets and the other wierd shaped things that are needed to animate this show.


    Background artists - I need you to copy backgrounds from the show, and thats about it. That and we may need a few more other small things done, but dont worry, you all are some of the most important people in the project! Without backgrounds, it would suck!


    I think thats about it. Its like, 10:30 and I woke up at 5, so im a little tired. If I forgot anything, ill fix it.




    Alright, so, first and foremost, I plan on having the entire show (all 25 episodes) remade. I also plan on having the FIRST EPISODE (or the opening at least) done by July 27th, because that is when sao 2 comes out.


    * How to Contact Me!


    If you want in on this project, send an email titled


    to trentonenix@gmail.com .

    in the email, tell me what kind of job you want (more than one is okay too), what experience you have with that job (if any), and your skype name. Skype is a must. Its free if you dont already have one, but we have to at least text chat through it. From there I will send you my skype and we can get a'rollin!


    If you do join, you will get full credit for what work you have done, in the credits, description, and a special thank you video.


    Thank you for reading this, and I can't wait to see who joins in on the fun!

  2. Okay, what's up guys. I am looking for a special kind of art, and if you can supply me with this, please don't comment, Email me at trentonenix@gmail.com. Now, lets get started on the art I need.

    Okay, my youtube channel (trentonjedi) is doing something BIG. We are making an mlp animated series. I have animators, voice actors, and we have already made the trailer, BUT, we have one major problem, we need backgrounds! Most of them would be inside a typical pony house. A living room, a few bedrooms, and the occasional outside scene would be all I need.

    So, know that you have seen this, I will link my email again trentonenix@gmail.com Thanks for reading this and I can't wait to see the art. /)

  3. Alright, this is TrentonJedi here, and I need help.


    \My friends and I have been wanting to make an MLP series for a very long time. I have ideas for episodes, OCs have voice actors and concept art, some jokes are already written for the show, and other things are done. But, none of us have flash. I've used the trial, and I cant figure anything out. So, as you have probably figures out by now, we need animators. You will be given credit for your. This IS NONPROFIT, it is only for fun.


    If you want to be an animator, contact me at




    Thank you.

  4. I am new to SFM, but I have been wanting to make animations for a long time, and for some unknown reason, SFM had completely skipped my mind. BUT, now that I have it, to make my youtube series, I need to have my OC as a pony. However, I cant make it, because i suck at that kind of stuff. So, I have a picture of my OC attached to this post. If anypony can make my oc for Gmod and SFM, please let me know. Thank you.



  5. I have been trying to create a youtube series about a couple of friends living in ponyville ever since I became a Brony, but I only have one problem,


    I can't animate anything  :(


    I really would appreciate if somepony who can animate would help me animate my series. I can supply voice, story, and anything else, except for animation. I even have some concept art on what the characters would look like, I just cant animate them.


    I will go ahead and give you the basic idea of the first episode


    Trenton & Drew walk through ponyville talking about random stuff like "why cant Trenton fin jeans" or "Knowing Luna in X-box", then something happens (I think it will be a fire) but Trenton, Drew, Nikko Hayden, and Emily (all characters based of real friends and family) have to work together to stop a major problem, but it turns out that their efforts really did nothing to help, because the problem was already fixed.


    I know that that sucks, but that is the VERY first draft. I am going to work a lot on that, and the overall feel of the show should be comedy.


    If anyone is willing to help me make this dream come true, tell me in the comments. We will go on from there. Thanks for reading this. /)

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