@@Akari of Duskshire,
Gentle Secret took deep breaths as the first beams approached her. They were relatively slow, unlike the further ones near the exit, these probably served as a warm-up. Tensing herself, Gentle Secret sprung forward like an ambush predator, ducking down the first one before taking a decent leap over two rapid lasers. Landing onto the white material, Gentle Secret felt the force of her jump dissipate before she continued forward once more.
Slowly and slowly, Gentle Secret felt the boost of energy run across her body. It was magic time. This time at running speed, Gentle Secret ducked, jumped, leaped, slid, performing aerobatic movements that the average pony could only dream off as she made her way across the course. Spinning herself, Gentle Secret avoided three consecutive beams running perpendicular to the ground before widening her eyes and did a last-second burst towards her right as a laser-beam sliced off half of her tail.
Her body soon began moving on its on as she began dodging the beams, a decent amount at the last minute as her progress now halted to a snail's pace. She was nearly there, but the course got ever so harder. What were once slow or decently paced passes soon became near-death moments. The beams started to move at a rapid pace, moving at speeds that only a readied mind could respond to.
The turrets were programmed to be indiscriminate on what they shoot at, but there was one mare that was being rather annoying. One focused on the stallions while the other two began firing at the annoying mare that was screaming. A combined amount of twelve barrels soon began spitting rounds after rounds at Midnight Comet.