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Everything posted by TheDragoniteDestiny

  1. idon'treallyfeellikewritingaveryelaboratepostsohi
  2. I was banned because I didn't give a reason why the antidisestablishmentarianism was sneaking into the officer's bedroom at night and stealing his cookies, RIGHT OUT from under his unfathomable regions!
  4. Hi there kind sir! How's it going? My name is TheDragoniteDestiny (as you may have already deduced), but my OC is Dawn Enigma, so you may call me as such as well! I've personally found my little section of the forums: the "miscellaneous" category, so I suspect that you'll find where your most comfortable with soon! If you want to play games together sometime, you can shoot me a PM and I'll respond with my name for the game if I play it. I hope that you enjoy your time spent on here at the My Little Pony forums!
  5. Arguing with friends is the worst. Especially when they're doing the thing that ticks you off more than anything in the world. You're my friend, I thought that you WERE'NT supposed to be a jerk to me...

    1. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      dude i know that feel

    2. Concord


      We all know that feeling... It happens to most of us atleast once... :c

  6. I listen to only 2 albums, if that. I made my own playlist, so I mostly just use that. You could count that one if you want. ^.^ And yeah, I can't get enough of classic rock!
  7. This should be fun. Top 5 Songs: 1. Awoken(The Wooden Toaster/Glaze) : My god, this brought tears to my eyes the first time I listened to it. There are no words to describe the beauty. 2. Discord (Living Tombstone) : It has an amazing beat and techno-ey theme to it. I love me some techno! 3. Riftshop (PlayerPOV) : It's really catchy, I've been listening to it non-stop lately. 4. Fireflies (Owl City) : No comment on this one... it's just a song that you listen to and don't know exactly /why/ you like it. 5. Another One Bites the Dust (Queen) : It's a classic, and, I mean, Queen, man. You can't go wrong! Top 5 Albums: 1. Queen Greatest Hits (Queen) : Again, you can NOT go wrong with Queen! 2. Number One Beatles Album... or whatever it's called : See opinion on Queen Those are kind of the only albums I listen to... :| I have a very... refined taste in music... But cool thread, dude!
  8. My beef with Walmart is NOT the contents of the store, nor their service (though it's shoddy at times), my troubles reside with the people that regularly attend the store. Now, I know not EVERYONE who goes to Walmart wears creepy costumes or wears nothing at all. In fact, MOST of the people that go there are pretty normal! The thing is, the people who ARE weird and DO do those crazy things are really discouraging from the store.
  9. I just got a Luna theme for Google Chrome. And by "just got", I mean that I got it yesterday. >.>

    1. Shiki


      Just got born. And by "just" I mean 16 years and 9 months ago.

    2. Rainbow    Dash

      Rainbow Dash

      Shweet...now to Luna-fy e'erything else on your computer hehe

    3. TheDragoniteDestiny



      I didn't think people "followed" me or whatever. 0.0 DUDE, THAT'S AWESOME! <3

  10. Snowstorm in Iowa, hallelujah! Iowa Assessments are being delayed until Monday, so I get to sit back and relax in school!

  11. I really like Mandonpony's V-Scratch Sessions series, so Techno and Dubstep are some of my favorites. My dad basically only plays rock and roll, so I learned to really appreciate and like that as well. I don't really like country, I feel it's a bit too whiny. Techno and Dubstep tell me a lot of things that other genres can't, they really speak to me. I think they'll always be my favorite.
  12. I do some... weird stuff... Sometimes I act really metrosexual around my friends, but sometimes I'll act perfectly normal. I don't really control my emotions well, so it's usually awkward. I also get mad really easily. I have multiple personalities depending on what mood I'm in (I do not have a disease, i.e. bipolar or whatever you call that disease). I'm usually a really cool guy, but I can be a creepy @$$ mo-sakra.
  13. 1.) Whilst trying to be the best sure is alluring, I mostly do it for fun. 2.) I like to do that, yes. I also like to be the damage dealer and tank, as long as I'm helping the team out, I'm a-okay! 3.) Wow, this is a toughie. I used to play Runescape back in the day, I'd say for about 3 years. I stopped that around 2 years ago. I picked up League of Legends right before school started for me. (Around August 15th) So I've been playing that for like, 5 months or whatever. 4.) Well, I started off with Runescape. So like, 5 years ago. Yeah, I've had multiple endeavors in this sort of thing. 5.) For the most part, yes. I like to think of myself as someone who is reliable in League of Legends and that you can count on me to get you kills and not let you get killed! 6.) Many a time. I've found myself raging because of stupid mistakes that I made or blaming my teammates for us losing. I'm a very sore loser occasionally, but as long as I'm in a good mood, I'll just try to pick myself back up and dust myself off. 7.) I've tried World of Warcraft once and some other MMORPGs. They weren't terrible, and I don't mind people playing them, I'm just the kind of guy that finds something he likes and sticks with it for awhile. 8.) Aye, this is a painful memory. I was about 8, I just finished a quest in Runescape and I got a reward that of normal items that would take months to achieve. Then I went out and thought I could take on some wolves with crappy armor and low health. I died, and I raged so hard. I remember crying and yelling. My mom had to calm me down. I had some problems regarding other things than just Runescape, so I overreacted IMMENSELY! 9.) As the aforementioned, I'm happy with it as long as I don't lose too much. I'll begin to become angry. I can handle a couple of times in a row, but if I go for several rounds without winning, I'll get pissed. I know that I'm a decent player, and sometimes your team will just screw you over. I try to keep in mind that my biggest enemy is myself though, because if I let my anger consume me, I'll just lose even more. So yeah, thanks for taking the time to read this. It was fun making a response to this, I've never done this sort of answer thing before! Sadly enough, this is the longest post I've ever made. Meh, I don't post all that much on here, but yeah. Thanks again! -TheDragoniteDestiny/DawnEnigma
  14. There's also Mine-Z. Which I semi avidly play. It's much more fun with a clan so you can get right into stuff. You play the game for the first time, on a whim. Then you get killed and go back for revenge. It's just fun to see how long you can survive. Personally, I've questioned why I play it myself, but I continue to do so because it's fun. Time wasting is a big attraction to me, so having a clan to get me stuff is even more exciting. Obviously they're not just there to get me stuff, they help me along, give me tips, communicate with me through Skype whilst playing. Going on adventures to places you haven't explored is really fun too. I personally want to go out and see as much of the landscape as I can. It's just fun and exhilarating. That's all there is too it! You die, you respawn. When you get down on yourself for dying is when you lose the game. Keep your drive and go for the gold, I guarantee that you will at least have fun in doing so! -TheDragoniteDestiny/DawnEnigma
  15. Well, I have this computer/wood shop teacher. This guy is freaking amazing! He's well versed in the language on the internet and he plays video games. He openly talks about me with them, and he knows his stuff when he is. I'll casually talk to him at the end of class about League of Legends or Borderlands 2 or just anything like that. I know that he likes me as a student because I'm not a dick in his class! He expects me to know stuff which I do and he makes me feel awesome about knowing it! This guy is the teacher ever!
  16. I like to play Yu-gi-oh. I've got a small but decent collection of cards that I hope keeps growing. It's an on and off hobby, just like most, but it's a good time waster. Some of my other friends are into it so sometimes I'll invite them over and we'll duel! I used to go to a place called "Mayhem Comics" where a "Yu-gi-oh" night would be hosted. You go there, meet new people, duel, trade. It was all sorts of fun, but I've kind of drifted from it. Maybe some day I'll go back there and see who's still around.
  17. Concord! Stop popping up everywhere! You're getting to be too famous! <3 Anyway, I don't know the "details" necessarily on the picture but I know that I want it to be my OC standing by my signature with a rainbow sort of background.
  18. Well, when I told my mom, she just told me something like "Okay?". She didn't really care, but I think she thinks it's a little weird, at least the part where grown up men like it. When I told my dad, he took a little bit to get what I meant, but when he finally realized what I meant, he was okay with it. More of reaction out of him than my mom, something like "Well, I think that's great! I...uh...guess... Okay, it's a little weird!" I'm just thinking to myself "Okay, I kind of wanted this kind of reaction from my mom! This is funny!" So yeah, my parents are weird... -TheDragoniteDestiny <3
  19. I don't really know if this will get moved anywhere, but I'm going to post it anyway. If anyone could make a signature for me, I would be largely thankful! Contact me at dawnenigma8@gmail.com or ilodwick8@gmail.com (preferably the latter). So thanks for the contact (if you did). -TheDragoniteDestiny <3
  20. There is actually a book about that called something along the lines of "Otto, the Racecar----" I really don't know the rest, but the story is laid out like this: there's this kid that loves palindromes and anagrams because his first and last names are both palindromes, he's also like a 12-year-old kid who is a racing prodigy and already has his driver's license. You should look into it if you like palindromes so much! But yeah, I got the phrase "Yo' banana boy" from it, and I've never forgotten it. -TheDragoniteDestiny
  21. Considering that WPM tests are dumb, my WPM drops considerably when not "freely" typing. So it drops down to about 55 - 60. Otherwise I would probably have upwards of 65. Just today someone said my friend and I had no life because we typed so fast. I have a girlfriend, my friend has a boyfriend, and that kid has a mental disorder and acts like a douche. So yeah, that's my rant, and my WPM. Thanks... *awkwardly slithers away* -TheDragoniteDestiny
  22. This is so serendipitous because I was just thinking about how to lucid dream today in school! I've always wanted to learn how to do it, and I think that going to Equestria would be really freaking cool! I would also use it...for...um...other...things... Look, I know some really hot girls, okay?
  23. I have Bioforge, and it just strengthens my thirst for blood! But in all seriousness, people say it's a bad skin! I think that people need to have eyes before judging, I'm just saying.
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