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Posts posted by Syl50o5

  1. To be fair, i tought bronies were 25 year old fat pedofile girlfriendless guys, i tought that just becouse it is a show ment for 6 year old girl. 


    Luckly one of my friends told me to give it a chance and just try 1 episode and then i watched 1 episode but i got hooked and it got around 15 episodes in 1 night


    And now i actually shame myself for thinking that about bronies in the beginning. xd

  2. Well I am used to play WoW, but these MoP patches are screwing the fun of WoW, i dont hate the idea of MoP, just the buffs and nerfs and other stuff just destroy WoW.


    My main was an Goblin Mage on Darkspear

  3. Well whenever i dont do the stuff in home like emptying the dishwasher he is a little bit like RAGE to me, And my father is abit stressed so he drinks too much beer and wine, and has conversations with me about bullshit and he repeats his words too much, but i never get punched or so, he is just annoying. (yes i dont have my mother anymore she is dead for +-5 years)

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Oeehhh this is a nice piece of music, finally somepony who makes more slow music, more feel music. I havent seen anyone making this sort of music yet becouse it is so unpopulair, but i like it! :D

    And i see on your channel that you make more of this sort of music, i love it :3

  5. Hello guys, i am Syl50o5 and i am new to this forum. I once was a brony hater, but then some friends told me it is an actual fun show, so i started to try out 1 episode, what followed up by another episode what got followerd up by another episode and before i knew it it was 06:00 in the morning, so i got kinda  hooked by MLP:FiM. Fluttershy is my favourite pony, and my favourite character in the whole serie is Discord. As you probably see im not English or an American but i am from the Netherlands so i can have made some mistakes.

    I Hope to see you all back in the forum :D

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