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Posts posted by PonyCommunist

  1. She was a supporter of capitalist and free goverment. Her people then saw the beauties of socialism and demanded her to step down from her position of power and bring in the new order of communism. However she refused to do so and the people decided to lead a rebellion to bring down her, and the rich who profited upon the sweat of the people.

  2. Welcome comrade to our soon to be red forums! You as a married fellow and I'm sure you will enjoy our equel and orderly community!

  3. I believe they would, too, PonyCommunist. Though, sadly, I cannot have children, as I am married to Sticky Apple and we are both men. Though, we do plan on adopting, and putting their names as such.

    As long as you two do not spread the sheer lies and demonism of "Free Market" to all the poor, ignorant nations of the world, but to spread our red ideals to the now poor countries so they may strive in the future. 

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