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Everything posted by Pixelish

  1. I luckily avoided all of the spoilers and what not, but after finally finishing it, WOW. The episode at the start seems to be nearly rushed (still good) Then when it got to the end, I was beyond surprised, it was a amazing moment, the whole episode was great including the musical numbers, defiantly my second favorite episode! (Bridle Gossip being favorite). Really can't wait until season 4!! /)* Hasbro
  2. Well personally, the graphics of a game is a very small factor to weather I like the game or not. In summary, I find Call of Duty a better game to me, although I won't talk down on BF3, Battlefield is a much slower, more tactical game, which does require more patience and skill to a degree because of all the vehicles and many more weapons and alike. Call of Duty is trashed a fair bit for being 'too easy to be good' and yes it is easy to be good, but it's hard to be great, yes there's ALOT of trolls and campers with a fairly poor community, if you get to the point of being great at the game, the campers are hardly a problem because the developers implement things that can remove the campers out of the equation. Battlefield is fun but nothing more that that to me, I can play for it for a hour at most but that's only playing around in vehicles, and when I attempt to play properly I get bored due to the guns/map size/objectives. So entirely IMO these are the pros/cons BF3: Pros: Better community More variety of guns More variety/complex game modes Longer games Dedicated servers Cons: Large maps Too many different guns Slow game style Vehicles (Yes I know, I just don't find them all that exciting) CoD Pros: More statistical focused Better leveling system (imo) Many fun game modes Easier to learn More character customization Kill streaks Cons: Lag Poor community Campers So that's what I think, so yes I am a Call of Duty fanboy, but I do also like BF3 at times (:
  3. Woo finally someone big and proud to be a Brony, now it's a good come back Kid: Brony's suck Me: Do you like Micheal from RT? Kid: YES!1!! Me: He's a brony Kid: Oh okay.
  4. Haven't stopped listening to this for the last 12 hours ~http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvHLXoHeGGA~

  5. Thank you to the internet, I have a few back up plans for when I happen to get bored Plan A. Assuming no one is really on Skype to talk to, i generally find a Podcast to listen to (RTP/PKA/TNYWC and a few more) then if they're a simple audio podcast with no video i'll play either MC or CoD and listen. Plan B. YouTube is a wonderful place that's dedicated their selves to help with this very issue, I watch things from technology news to prison documentaries to documentations about mystical animals. Plan C. Retro gaming, with nothing else to do, no Anime you want to watch and no one to talk to, it's always good to get that nostalgic hit from a retro game/console like Zelda/Mario/Breakout on the NES or N64 Oh also, there are alot of good free games, also cheap games on Steam, that's always something to do ^-^ But yeah that's what I do when I get bored, which thank you to technology, isn't very often.
  6. Well apparently if anypony needs life advice we're screwed! Hehe but anyway I generally lurk around in all the different topics, but seeing im new to things like this, mostly I just post in threads like this asking your opinion on something or some welcoming posts, so just to share my ideas on a topic. Although at some stage I would like to venture out of this and maybe do some RP or signature/arts (:
  7. Well of course a glass of milk is a necessity, you untwist the Oreo, eat the white filling, then dunk each biscuit in a glass of milk and take it out before it falls apart, that way you get 2 biscuits and yummy filling = profit
  8. I've only just discovered about Equestria.tv, I can't wait for it to be all fixed up, it sounds like it would be a fun night ^-^ Goodluck with it all (: Hehe just saw this in a episode and thought it was more than appropriate *Insert Dr.Evil doing quotation marks* "Intermission"
  9. I haven't watched a film in so long, it's been well over 2 months, hence why I can't wait until Equestria.tv is back up (: But the most recent film I saw I believe was "Episode 50" That being a movie title, not a actual episode of a show Although I most defiantly am looking forward to The Purge ^-^ (My taste in movies is rather unusual, I only watch Horror/Zombie Thrillers, Can't stand the new hollywood Dramas/actions and comedy movies) *Oooh and Disney Movies! everyone loves them (:*
  10. Hmm well there's a few things I haven't done that alot of haven't, but I plan to do most of these in the next few years! Well iv'e never seen Star Wars/Lord of the Rings I've never seen snow (That's because where I live, it's a loooong way from anywhere that snows ^-^) There's also more but I completely forgot right now, If I remember i'll edit this (: This is also true for me, and as well, I have no intention of doing so. Also I have been to a club once (My sisters loves them so she dragged me along) I got sooo bored it wasn't funny, you can't hold a conversion with anyone because its either too loud or they're too drunk, within a hour I got picked up and went home, one of my worst nights IMO
  11. I think they're both at wrong, but Iron Will is the one to blame, when she was at the lesson, he thought her to yell and push that guy over when he was in front of her, he taught her to deal with the situation then tell the pony off, and not only did he encourage bad behavior, once he heard about her running a muck and causing havoc in Ponyville, he went to collect his money as he was happy with what she had been doing, and he was hoping she was happy. So to me, the one to blame for her poor behavior is most defiantly Iron Will.
  12. You're close to me, March 24th (1995) Everyone if my family is completely different (June,December,February,September) I think I prefer being in late mach instead of a date like early December/January because you don't really have to wait long before events (Easter, Birthday and Christmas) ;D
  13. Agreeing with a few of the comments, i believe the meaning is the same, but they're a different tier, also it depends if they want to get into the 'community' For example is someone just watches the show every so often, a episode every week or so, enjoys it but doesn't love it, they might not consider their selves bronys as such, just someone who likes the show. I think the term brony, even if it does mean you're just a fan of the show, it's more seen as someone who also watches alot of fan-made animations, is active within the brony community and things alike, this is in the majority of cases, I know there are some people who watch the show only, and not often and still can be called a brony, which is perfectly correct, the above statements was about the majority of people IMO. So they have the same meaning, but I see it more of a two tier word.
  14. Is there any better way to spend time? Welcome to the heard, hope we can talk some time (:
  15. Seeing iv'e only talked to four people, not yet xD
  16. Nice to see a new artist, there's so many! any links to see some of your work? I would be fascinated to see what you can do ;D Either way welcome to the herd! /)*(\
  17. I'm not one to be fussy with food, I'll eat nearly everything, but the things I don't like, I hate and will refuse to eat, they are :3 Anything pure chocolate (I eat candy bars but not pure chocolate bars, chocolate mud cake, they're all to sweet) Cream/whipedcream (Sweetness factor, instant sickness) Any beans (Can't stand the mushy texture) pears Lamb Most parts of meat (only eat the 100% meat parts, no grissle or like eat directly from the bone) fresh sea food Can't think of much else (:
  18. Much like alot of others, without a doubt it would be Applejack. Even though Shutterfly is my favorite by far. Applejack is the only one with a legitimate reason to go, Applejack has a entire family and community to support, also if Applejack goes the whole town would advantage (Increased Sales, more crops all the boring things). So with Applejack having to support a family a towns food supply, it would only be reasonable if she went (:
  19. -Edit links are fixed Thank you for that, The Fluttershy Kindness background is awesome, and it fits my screen perfect! Love the work ~ brohoof /)*(\ ~ Additionally, I feel sorry for your intent issue, If I am capped with slow internet for a day I go crazy, I couldn't do 3 months, I'll be at the 24/7 McDonalds all day every day for their WiFi!
  20. Hello Aries Flare! Nice to meet you (: I'm sure you'll fit in great here, I've only been here for a day and I've fitted in perfectly, the members really do make you feel like you belong, I hope we can talk some time
  21. Pixelish

    request shop Avatar/Sig requests!

    Ah thanks Silent Dawn, That makes alot more sence now (: Yeah my friend has a wacom and iv'e seen some amazing work come from her, can't wait to see until you get one!
  22. Just a quick question/thought shared, do you guys get a good feeling when the good guys win? In this sense in reference to Season 2 Ep12 Family Appreciation Day or any other episodes where Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are the instigators with one of the 3 younger ponies (Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle) When they insult Apple Bloom for having a shameful Granny, then in the end it turns out without Granny Smith her and her father would be nothing. There is also another point in a episode with the Cutie Mark Crusaders where they both end up being singled out and told off, which as a classic bully, once told off are unsure what to do. Another example is with Gilda (The Griffin) when even her friend, Rainbow Dash turns against her and disproves of her because of her attitude. Not too much of a topic here, more of a thought I decided to share. Does anyone else find this the highlight of a show, the face that the ponies are able to disprove those who said they can't or aren't good enough? Would like to hear your thoughts (:
  23. Pixelish

    request shop Avatar/Sig requests!

    Hehe iv'e been looking through these threads and you do some awesome work ^-^ But I just released something, you are yet to make your own signature Silent Dawn ^-^ Oh also another thing I was curious about (Sorry if it sounds 'nooby' :3) What does OC stand for in regards to pictures? I looked around and found out it meant Original Content possibly, but does that mean that the picture od the ponies/scenery are hand created, or that the signature is assembled and edited by you? Thankyou (:
  24. With a community like this and skills like yours i'm sure you'll fit in great, iv'e only been here for a few hours and I already feel more than accepted (: I'm not sure what you're referring to in the 'gamer' text, but in case there was any miscomunications, here is my introduction thread http://mlpforums.com/topic/67843-so-this-is-where-it-all-begins/ <---Although it's a little bit long (: Nice to meet you, can't wait to see some of the artwork ;D
  25. Hello and welcome (: My name's Nick, much like you, i'm new to all this too, I've only joined today, and only been into the series for the past week. The people here seem to be very accepting and nice to talk to, i'm sure you'll fit in much like I have. We must talk some time, you sound very interesting Hope you have fun and fit in well (:
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