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Fergus Mo

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Everything posted by Fergus Mo

  1. I'll post here just to let y'all know I didn't disappear.
  2. "full blown retard" Seriously, that's the NICEST name I've heard people call me.
  3. Equestria. I don't have any friends and my family hates me.
  4. >Wake up >Eat breakfast >Go to school >Go to classes for 7 hours >Participate in extracurricular activities >Ride the bus back home >Procrastinate until 9 by playing TF2/CiV/MC and watching ponies >BS all my HW (but somehow still get an A for most assignments) >Sleep
  5. Eat them if I'm hungry (most of the time), or die of a heart attack (if I'm not hungry).
  6. I'm sure you've all heard about the new hat in TF2, and its strong correlation with MLP FiM. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=181220079 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8REVZE-REw But what may come as a surprise (or not) is the amount of hate this item has garnered. I've read the posts, and now words cannot describe how much I hate haters. Thoughts on the item? The references to MLP? The hate? Valve trolling? /Discuss
  7. A Kaiju and a falcon. A 2,500 ton dinosaur which spits acid, stomps on buildings, and flies at 180 mph? Forget the zombie apocalypse, this would probably destroy humanity. Oh, and in case any of you are wondering what a kaiju is, watch Pacific Rim. Oh, what's that? No fictional creatures? Well, ya should've said something about that before.
  8. Snipin's a good job, mate. Challenging work, outdoors, and I guarantee you won't go angry. 'Cause at the end of the day, as long as there's a brony and a hater alive on the planet, someone's gonna want someone dead...
  9. I talked to _STAR on his server after I as a soldier killed him as a scout. He offered to trade but since I was F2P at the time I couldn't.
  10. I'd do it in a civilization-esque manner, starting by convincing everyone near me to be friends. Then I tech to education to get a tech lead, get crossbows, and rush two of my nearest neighbors. I tech to scientific theory and then plastics to get research labs/public schools, as well as infantry. By the time I reach the end of the tech-tree, I'm doing a full-blown invasion of the Equestria mainland complete with mobile SAMS, advanced mechanized infantry, giant death robots, railgun destroyers, stealth bombers, nuclear submarines, and orbital ballistic missiles... Darn. My gamer side's been acting up again. In case anypony's interested, here's the initial and winning save of my Equestrian world domination as Luna. Requires CiV G+K as well as all the pony mods to play. http://www.mediafire.com/?0zl94o1d9d4vcvl http://www.mediafire.com/?dyvmf3aqtuuqlus
  11. Sell MLP to Valve. They'll fix it, before ruining it, before fixing it again in a vicious cycle of constant 3-month updates. But seriously, every one of the animators nowadays has a major flaw, and are all mostly for the $. So...nopony is.
  12. Well, maybe my OC's mark could be a soldier symbol, medic symbol, or a demoman symbol (those are the three classes I main). This could count as commercializing fictional companies, but I'm sure that's OK (Colgate's name commercializes the toothpaste brand, for example).
  13. And explain why. Mine would probably be a Steam or TF2 logo, because those are the things I've spent most of my time on (about 1000 hours on TF2, 250 hours on CiV). It might be a pickaxe crossed with an axe in Minecraft, since I like to do big builds in that game. In fact, probably it would be a combination of all three. What would yours be?
  14. Well, in Equestria, as far as we know, there is no longer war, famine, or conquest. However, they can arise again, if, say, Celestia and Luna get overthrown. So I think that, in the same way, the elements cannot be destroyed as long as ponies are capable of laughter, loyalty, generosity, kindness, honesty, and producing magic.
  15. Both Rarity and Pinkie Pie could like desserts; just Rarity would like more fancy ones (dark chocolate, waffles, etc) 100char
  16. Good list, except I think Twilight would like fried dragon more. Obviously she is not one of the mane six, but I know FOR SURE what a certain pony's favorite food is... Though Applejack is a big eater and loves practically anything made with apples, Pinkie as you alluded to is easier to pin down. Generally, all sweets. She talks about them in the most detail. Other than the Mascarpone Meringue Madness, the food I think she got the most excited about was the Chocolate Rain emitting Cotton Candy Clouds ala Discord. Oh yeah, forgot Pinkie loves cotton cand - wait a sec... Are those...the bits in Derpy's cupcake... Oh my Celestia. It can't be. I thought...No, it can't be...Is that - is that Dashie? NOOOOO!
  17. Maybe Hearth's Warming Eve was a cover story created by Tia and Lulu to gain political legitimacy, only they forgot to alter one small detail, the flag? What are they hiding? Why are they hiding it?
  18. See title. I think Twilight Sparkle's is the daffodil sandwich. Applejack's would probably be apples (I know, real creative). Spike's is, we know for sure, gemstones (or more specifically, the fire ruby). Pinkie Pie is most likely cake or any sugary desserts. Rarity would probably like something sophisticated. I'm taking a blind guess here... maybe a salad as grand as Angel Bunny's (most foods for nobles are meat or animal products in the human world). Fluttershy would probably eat what her animals do; veggies or lettuce. Dashie, I had absolutely no idea; maybe fruits since they contain more glucose which would allow her to be more active? Share your thoughts below!
  19. Atheism? What nonsense. All hail our holy god Gaben! Srsly tho, I'm kinda borderline atheist/Christian. I have a hard time believing in a god, but at the same time I can't bring myself to reject the existence of one.
  20. Nondisjunction. That would explain why the Cakes had babies of different species. For anyone who isn't familiar with HS biology, nondisjunction is when chromosomes don't line up properly in meiosis so that that gametes have the incorrect number of chromosomes. My theory is that, since pegasi, earth ponies, and unicorns have different numbers of chromosomes (or so I assume), nondisjunction can cause one subspecies to create offspring with different amounts of chromosomes and therefore of different subspecies. Of course, pony genetics might be completely different from humans, but nondisjunction is IMO the only way to explain the Cakes' situation with human genetics. As for the alicorn origin thing, Faust stated that Tia and Lulu were both born alicorns. As for the flag, that might've just been a general Equestrian banner personifying the day-night cycle. Or maybe the two alicorns always had controlled the sun/moon; they only revealed themselves later.
  21. Well, there's a lot not explicitly stated in the show. I merely believe my headcanon to be what I believe the most likely/plausible explanations for things not directly mentioned. As for the dogfighting bit, I'll take your word for it. Seems reasonable.
  22. *Eats sandvich to regain health* (OOC: kk, whatever milady. But you have to admit, there's not much to do in this thread).
  23. Yeah, but you couldn't have any power which you didn't ever think about. And exponential increase can still never amount to infinity. Besides, since you mentioned these powers, I automatically have them . Nice set. Thanks for giving'em to me!
  24. I'm surprised nopony has mentioned this yet, but I will LITERALLY be God if I had these powers. Neither hero nor villian, just God. Okay... 1. The power to have all other powers mentioned, and all powers that will be mentioned, in this thread 2. The power to have all powers mankind's or the most advanced alien races' technological/mental prowess will ever allow. 3. The power to have all powers the current deity(s) have right now, the ones that they will have, and the ones that they had; fictional or real (God, Jesus, Vishnu, Celestia, Luna, Gaben, Notch...you name it) 4. The power to multiply any power I already have by an infinite amount .
  25. Have you guys ever considered polygamy? There's no specific rule against it in Equestria, so if you can work out a compromise, that would be great. Just great... Just make sure to include me as well.
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