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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Jackie

  1. "I'm not racist but-" Yes you are, stop. Just stop talking.

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    2. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      Who said that? It was a black guy, wasn't it?

    3. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      Gosh darn racist black people.

    4. Chevette


      Just as my Grandpap's Grandpap always used to yodel in his sleep: "The true racist is the one calling someone a racist! Wait... That makes me a racist? The hell with it, everyone is a racist!"

  2. I wanted to be a lot of things. I wanted to be a teacher, then a cartoonist, singer, actress, forensic detective, nurse, psychologist, artist, etc. Now I have no idea what I want to be.
  3. I wake up, put on a long shirt and underwear. I wish I had real pajamas, they're cute and I haven't worn pajamas since middle school. >.>;
  4. I like to put butter and honey on my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I can't even remember how I started doing that but its sooo good.
  5. Walmart, Target, Kmart, Sam's Club, Winn-Dixie, Publix, Richard's Foodporium, and a lot more. But none of these are within short walking distance of me, but I'm the closest to Sam's Club and Walmart.
  6. I normally eat alone unless its a special occasion because I hate the food smacking noises my parents make and I just don't really know what to talk about.
  7. This guy messaged me on Meetme saying that Invader Zim was on Cartoon Network...Loll.

    1. Scootalove


      He was probably crazy.

    2. Jackie


      He said he used to watch it on Cartoon Network until it went on Toonami and I'm just like, .......

    3. Scootalove


      I think he went to the crazy asylum first. :P

  8. I don't think I have just one, lol. But this song is just one of mine. Riff Raff is so funny and his music makes me feel like dancing, I don't care if he gets a lot of hate.
  9. In love with the new banner, it looks great.

    1. Rockymoo


      Everyone's kinda creeped out by it(I was too at first), but I've really lightened up to it.

    2. Jackie


      How is it creepy? I think its cute and pretty.

    3. Rockymoo


      *shrug* No clue, bud.

  10. I am pretty I can sing I can dance I'm good at being persuasive I'm empathetic I'm really nice I can eat a lot and not gain weight I can get away with a lot
  11. I like: Reeses cups, whoppers, fun dip, squeezepops, m&m's, cotton candy, and anything with white chocolate in it. I dislike: Almond Joys and some weird peanut brittle candy I had once, that's pretty much it.
  12. When my brother pulled me out of bed and dragged me out of the door by my ankles. I didn't think it was funny at all at the time but he did.
  13. I guess its a lot easier to work a register than I thought, work was pretty ok :) I just want more hours.

  14. 1. Enough money on me to pay for whatever I wanted. 2. Super strength without looking like a weird muscular girl. 3. The ability to pause time.
  15. I love Tumblr, but I HATE the over the top social justice stuff, I left for a while because of it. A post came up in my dashboard saying that lesbians can fall in love with guys and gays can fall in love with girls. ????? Then another stupid one came up saying that if you have a preference for a certain physical characteristic like you find blonde hair more attractive than red hair then you're a BAD EVIL PERSON. What. the. hell.
  16. In the 8th grade when I had a kidney stone. It felt like I was dying and it hurt to move or talk... or do anything. I lied on the bathroom floor in pain and two girls got a nurse for me and I told one of the girls that I loved her because for a split second the pain went away and I felt super relieved. The pain would come and go. It was the scariest and most painful thing ever.
  17. I've never had plain blueberries, just blueberries covered in chocolate. It was really good, but I still prefer bananas. Even though I can't really eat them anymore because they hurt my stomach. D:
  18. How do you tell your parents that you've been dating someone for almost 2 years?

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    2. Jackie


      I'm too scared too, because he's a lot older than me lol.

    3. Mephala


      Oh, man, I know that feel-in the same boat. Well, hmm, trying too think of something. Is it an online relationship or someone that you know IRL?

    4. Jackie


      I know him in real life.


  19. When my ex's girlfriend kept sending me tons of hateful texts in a matter of a few minutes and I couldn't block her because my phone company said it would take at least 2 weeks for the blocking to take effect. 2 WEEKS! I hung up on them. In 8th grade when this girl stole my shoes out of my gym locker that I thought I had locked, and WORE THEM IN THE NEXT CLASS THAT WE WERE BOTH IN! I got them back though, but she made fun of me for a year after that. I hated her so much, she was so ugly too. She looked like a dinosaur. Last year in my first hour when the teacher made a gay joke and all the students laughed and one kid said he'd beat his kid if he was gay. I wish I would've said something. I hated my first hour, it was an easy class but I skipped it SO much just because I hated everyone in there. Last year when this guy looked at me and then back at his friend and said he'd disown his kid if they had stretched ears. When this inbred hillybilly told me that he wouldn't let me near his 3 year old daughter because I'm bisexual. I can think of soooo many more but I'd rather not, lol.
  20. Underwear, panties, and knickers are all terrible words. Makes me cringe to say them but I've never said knickers and I don't think I ever will.
  21. Tosh makes fun of everyone, he's a comedian.. That's what they do, lol. I don't have anything against cloppers but the thought of someone masturbating to little cartoon ponies is pretty funny to think about. Sorry.
  22. My favorite is Rarity and I guess we're a lot alike. I can be full of myself and I like to look nice but I'm a nice person. But I think I'm like Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle as well. I'm shy and I like to read.
  23. Well if I take a picture of myself, I like it most of the time. But I don't really feel like I prefer one over the other. Idk.
  24. Dying your hair can cause hair frogs.
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