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Everything posted by SJ123

  1. I have seen many murders on movies and television and I'm okay with blood and gore stuff, so I won't be really gross out seeing a real murder body. I will just be shocked at the murder and call the police.
  2. Yeah, they may look alike, but that's because of the color scheme. I agree with pinkiefan1287 on that statement. In my headcanon, Diamond Tiara's mom is a busy wealthy lady with a mean attitude which got Diamond Tiara started on being a bully. Her mother doesn't get to spend time with her daughter, which got me thinking that Diamond Tiara was lonely with just her father around, so she become friends with Sliver Spoon and pick on another ponies for fun. You see what I'm saying? I don't think Nurse Sweetheat is her mother cause I can't see her in a wealthy lifestyle like Diamond Tiara and her father had, but that is a great theory you made up there.
  3. Best: Old Spongebob Fairly Odd Parents before Poof All That The Amanda Show Drake and Josh Rugarts Invander Zim Hey Arnold! Cat Dog Chalkzone Avatar: The Last Airbender Danny Phantom Jimmy Neutron Ned's Declassified Ren and stimpy Angry Beavers Rocko's Modern Life Worst: The spongebob Now Live action shows like Victorious and Big Time Rush Fanboy and Chum Chum The Mighty B Nick Studio 10 The Fairy Odd Parents now Sigh, I miss the nicktoons and what nickelodeon used to be.
  4. I used to like that ship, but I turn it down because I can't see Pinkie with Braeburn because she is too hyper for a relationship with a stallion and I see her going for someone as hyper as her, Braeburn doesn't work because he was just excited for Applejack coming over and he got serious with the Buffalo talk came up. So, I don't see it as a good match. FluttershyXBraeburn makes more sense because Braeburn can help her out of her shell. Also, I can see Braeburn going for a kind pony and knows about farm living out of his hometown which makes Fluttershy a good match.
  5. Thats a yes and a no answer for me. A yes for me because it will be a interesting and I want to see how it turn out. A no because there are anime that is like MLP like Pretty Cure, Also, remember when the Powerpuff Girls turn into a anime, but it was had a lot of flaws, I don't want the same thing to happen to MLP.
  6. Mare: Rarity, she goes well with Twi since they both associated with Canterlot. Stallion: Anyone but Flash Sentry. I ship her with Spike(Don't kill me) or some OC character.
  7. That seen intersting.. Maybe a episode about Luna and Celestia's Past or their everyday lives.... THAT, will be a episode for me to check out!
  8. Sign the petiton all the want, but it's just going to get you nothing because Flash was only for Twilight's love interset in the movie and Season four is already in develop and going to release in two months. Besides, giving Twilight's a relationship in the show is just going ruin MLP:FIM's theme. TwilightXFlash was only a ship tease and there is NO WAY that relationships will come in the original show. So, this petition is just pointless.
  9. I voted for Rarity because she's my favorite out of the mane six, I'm not suprise that Fluttershy won because she is pretty overated along with Rainbow Dash. Speaking of, I thought Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie is going to win since they are also overated, but I guess anyone want to give Flutters a chance. Speaking of Rarity, I thought she going to win at first because she took a early last month and didn't have a episode in season three. Well, let's have more of RARITY FOR SEASON FOUR!!
  10. The first time I saw this, I find it adorable and wasn't bad for me. The song is fairly catchy and the girls's costumes and hair was fairly for me. It's kind of sad to see bronies reacting horrible and unmature to this video which was the same when they react to the older generations and when Equestia Girls was first announce. There is nothing wrong when seening cartoon ponies turned into cartoon humans when the movie came out and everyone love it, but it's bad to see LIVE ACTION version of Equestia Girls that stars middle school girls? This is just a music video for the target audience, no not going to be a Live action movie. I love MLP:FIM, but some of the fandom disappoint me. -_-
  11. Sorry for the rudeness, But WHAT"s with all these shipping topics? Rainbow Dash and Flash Sentry will never WORK out because I can see her as the one who dosen't care about love and it might slow her down. Besides, we're already got the non canon Flashlight. So, Nuff said. I don't ship in MLP:FIM that much except I ship Rarity and Applejack with other ponies.
  12. Shining Armor and Cadence (I don't like this couple) Flash Sentry (I know that Flash is never going to appear, but I don't want him to because it might ruin Twilight because she needs to focus on being a princess, not have a prince Spike (I don't hate him as a character, but I don't to see more episodes focus on him like Season three did.) Trixie(I don't really care about her) Discord(He's already reformed, but why he appear again?)
  13. Am I'm the only one here who dosen't want them to be together? Sorry everyone who ships this, but I don't think that couple will be happening. Soarin needs to develop character because we saw him in the Best Night Ever as a lover for pie. About, Rainbow Dash, Getting her in a relationship might ruin her character because relationship might slow her down. Also, Soarin, Spitfire and the other wonderbolts are her idols, so it will be pretty cliche and also ruin her character if she even have a crush on or start a relationship with one of them. Sorry Soarindash Fans, but the mane six getting into relationships is my pet peeve in season four.
  14. -Trixie(I don't really care about her) -Out of character episodes -Focusing more of SA+Cadence(I will get kill from adding this, but I don't really care about this couple.) -Rushing Episodes -Twilight gets more attention -No EG shout out -Mane six find relationships -No background Ponies epsiodes.(They don't interest me) -Lack of Applejack and Rarity
  15. Almost every live action show on Disney Channel now, there are cliche stereotypes, awful humor and the episodes don't make any sense. I used to watch Phineas and Ferb a few years ago, but I quit that because the episodes are kind of a downfall for me. I never watch Gravity Falls, but it's ok. I don't care too much about Fish Hooks. I only stink with Disney with there is a animated movie on, not those crappy live action movies they have like High School Musical or Camp Rock.
  16. Since Rarity is my favorite pony out of the mane six, Sweetie Belle is my favorite out of the cmc. Mostely because she is adorable because of her personality, her voice and her singing. I just high squeaky voice everytime she speaks!
  17. I feel the same way. I will feel uncomfortable if the papparazzi started following and taking pictures anywhere I go and I don't want my life be in celebrity gossip sites or on the news. I don't care about celebrity news, but I kind of feel bad for the celebrites themselves. What's worst about them is that when they had children, the papparazzi takes pictures if them ever second which will probably make them upset or scared.
  18. I notice that too, so I got headcanon that Blueblood not a prince anymore because Shining Armor taking over. He probably left canterlot and move somewhere in Equestria. He is now unknown to ponies and the royal head. But, I got a feeling he will appear in season four or later.
  19. Tomorrow, my classes are alright with me, but having to another year with homework, being alone, sometimes getting bully and teachers who don't teach is hard enough for me.
  20. I tried to watch any shoujo anime like Shugo Chara, Toyko Mew Mew and others, but I find them borning with little no action. The next thing I knew, I decide to watch shouen anime like Fairy Tail and Soul Eater. I enjoy it more than Shoujo anime. Oh, I also tried to get into Adventure Time because it was so popular. I watch the first few episodes and stop somewhere between episode four. It wasn't my cup of tea because I miss the old Cartoon Network shows like PPG and Ed, Edd n Eddy.
  21. Twilight Sparkle-Lesson Zero/It's about time Rarity-Sweet and Elite/Suited of Success Fluttershy-Hurriance Fluttershy/Keep calm and flutter on Rainbow Dash-Sleepless in Ponyville/Wonderbolt Academy Applejack-The Last Roundup/The super speedy cider squeezy 6000 Pinkie Pie-Party Of one/Too many Pinkie Pies Spike-Dragon Quest/Secert of My Excess CMC-Ponyville Confedential/Heart and Hooves Day
  22. It will be interesting if she is candace and shining armor's foal, but she probably won't even interfere with the cmc because she is might live in caterlot for the rest of her lives and will be younger than them. Also, she won't have a bully personality like Diamond Tiara and Sliver Spoon does because that will make her a genderbend and younger Prince Blueblood. If Hasbro want to include her in the series, they better have a different color scheme because her current one now is just awful.
  23. I'm okay with the Molestia stuff, but I'm not a big fan of it. I agree with the other posts, the Molestia hate is just childish and plain stupid. It's just a sexual thing that the bronies came up with, it's not going to stop if you keep hateing it. The same thing goes with pony porn.
  24. It was already cofirm that Rarity will get an episode in season four, but I hop e she has more than one because Rarity is my favorite pony out of the mane 6 besides Applejack. For Rarity, I want to learn more about her fashion career and her backstory.
  25. My first day of school starts Monday, so it will be a good and somewhat bad for me: Good: My first class is Animation! I'm be taking art2. Most of my classes are computer classes. Bad: I'm be taking Algebra. (I hate it ) I have a autism disorder, that means I have trouble making friends.
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