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Girls Dead Monster

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  1. Well, I would think it would be obvious to kids that the Diamond Dogs were not good characters. Besides, their parents would probably explain to them that Rarity was only whining because she needed to get away from them. This is probably better than that awful Stranger Danger video.
  2. This episode will always hold a special place in my heart, mainly because it's the episode that made me a brony. It also cemented my love of Rarity.
  3. Who opened the portal to the human world in the first place? I mean, why would anypony purposely build a portal to an alternate dimension?
  4. I was 12. Fanfiction.net taught me what lesbians were. I blame Fanfiction.net for a lot of things. Then again, it spared me a lot of awkward conversations with my mother.
  5. My first episode was Fall Weather Friends, but the episode that made me a brony was Suited For Success, along with cementing my belief that Rarity is best pony.
  6. Thanks! I'm glad I actually know how to type this time around. My spelling was awful last time.
  7. Whoo boy, this is gonna be lengthy. 1) For the love of God, one Rarity episode that won't make half of the fanbase hate her. Preferably with her singing, her voice is gorgeous. 2) More Rarity/Sweetie Belle interaction. Heck, more Sweetie Belle in general. 3) A return to Appleloosa, or maybe something in Manehatten. Or just a whole new city in general, I'm not picky when it comes to world-building. 4) The much-wanted disability episode. It looks like we're finally going to get this with Scootaloo in S4, and I think that if they write it correctly, they can pull it off. 5) A Daring Do episode. Ever since she was introduced in S2, I've been dying for one of these. There's just too much potential to only have her star in one episode. 6) Twilight/CMC interaction. This hasn't really been explored, aside from the infamous scene in Lesson Zero, and I think it would be neat to see how the neat and orderly Twilight would deal with three rowdy fillies. 7) Another time travel episode. This one could deal with the consequences of meddling with time. What Twilight meddles with, I have no clue. It looks like we're finally going to see what happened 1000 years ago, so maybe Twilight will go back in time to then? 8) Sweetie Belle gets her Cutie Mark. Her talent is the most obvious, and it would be neat to explore what would happen if it inadvertently drove a wedge between her and Applebloom and Scootaloo. 9) A redemption episode with either Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon. Silver Spoon seems more likely, since she seems to be just following Diamond Tiara around and only picking on the CMCs when Diamond Tiara starts the fight. 10) Rainbow Dash/Gilda grudge match. I cannot be the only person who wants this, but I would like the moral to be different than Magic Duel's. I think it would be neat to explore the consequences of holding a grudge. 11) Equestria Games. That is all. 12) Mane 6 Bodyswitch episode. Not like Magical Mystery Cure, I'm talking Twilight in Rainbow Dash's body or something else like that. Seeing the Mane 6 attempt to live a day in somepony else's life would be great character development. 13) If we do get an Equestria Games episode, I would like to see a bit of exploration into how other species work. Heck, maybe that could be the Rainbow Dash/Gilda episode. 14) Less Applebloom. Her episodes are presenting nothing new, she's learning the same lesson over and over again. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo have a lot more potential. 15) More Mane 6/family interactions. It looks like we're going to get an Apple family episode, which is good, but I think it would be neat to see Fluttershy's family. How do they handle having a pegasus daughter who's more like an Earth pony? 16) Less Spike. All of the episodes he got in S3 just made him out as an annoying, unlikeable douche. What happened to the Spike we saw in Dragon Quest? 17) Develop Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo's relationship. I know almost every other person said this, but it's just too adorable to never mention again. 18) Discord struggles to not use his magic for chaos. He's a spirit of chaos, so naturally, he's going to have the urge to create chaos. Exploring his struggle to keep his friendship with Fluttershy would be really neat. 19) Discord/Twilight interaction. Twilight seems to trust Discord the least, and I would like to see him trying to win her trust, possibly in the episode mentioned above. 20) Keep Twilicorn. If they turn her back into a unicorn just to keep the bronies happy, I will be so disappointed. Twilight's new alicorn-hood has too much potential to be canceled out because the bronies threw a tantrum. 21) Let's explore Celestia and Luna's origins as alicorns. This is what I have been dying to see ever since they were first introduced. After all, I think it's been made clear that alicorns are made via magic. So what did they do that made them special enough to rule Equestria? Wow, that was long.
  8. Hello there! I had an old account about a year ago, but I abandoned it, and decided it would just be easier to start with a clean slate. (I had an embarrassingly OOC Ask Vinyl Scratch, among other things) A bit about me is that I love all kinds of manga and anime, and if I can ever get my hands on some recording equipment, I plan on posting some English covers of songs. I do write fanfiction, but I've already attempted My Little Pony a couple of times with poor results. Then again, that was two years ago, so... I don't really want to drag this out, so I guess I'll just post around and get reacquainted with this place. Geez, you leave for a year and they go and change everything. Hopefully you guys will see me around!
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