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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Nimrod

  1. There's nothing "rude" about the crew choosing not to write an episode focused on a particular fictional character. Also, she's not really that important. Like... at all.
  2. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not... On the chance that you're not; you heard a hoax, sorry.
  3. I have a Wacom intuos5 Small, and it's really very excellent. (http://www.wacom.com/en/products/intuos/small.aspx) The active surface is plenty big to be comfortable, and the pen feels very comfortable as well, and has a cool eraser function on the opposite end. It came down to that or one of the Bamboo models for me, and I chose the intuos. It's unfortunately been discontinued on Newegg, where I got it for around $210 (the Medium goes for over $300!), but it goes for $230 elsewhere, including on the Wacom site itself. You get codes for free downloads of some neat software to go along with it too. However, if you don't care about free software... would you like to buy mine? I just don't have the time and will to invest in drawing like I thought I did/would when I bought it and now it sits in my desk. I bought it in July and I've barely used it, so I'd give it to you for like $150.
  4. In the latest Nightly Roundup on EqD, there was a segment on another pony guild on Dragonbrand called 'Canterlot Vanguard'. I think you oughta get in contact with him, Bohtty, and see if he doesn't wanna be absorbed by Everfree. His names are Chezne.5612 and Chezne Wildyon in-game, and you can also find the segment itself in the link below. http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/09/nightly-roundup-440.html
  5. Haha, all I did was expound gratuitously on objects of my personality! But, hey, slow down man, don't get your heart set on me just like that. I am not certain I can commit yet! You should definitely still look out for someone who can more readily commit while I see what I can do about my issue.
  6. My favorite pony is Pinkie as well, I find her personality beautiful and enthralling, but all this talk of waifus is on a level I don't operate on.
  7. Oh, this intrigues me. I've always wanted to try something like this. Name: [Redacted by Request] Age: 20 Your Personality: - Generally laid-back and chill (sometimes excitable) but often picky or critical (think Rarity) - Charismatic - A little spacey (rarely to the point of vapidity) - Musical (I'm always humming or bouncing in my seat) - Thoughtful (I can sit and think long and hard and get lost for some time, which goes hand-in-hand with my spaceyness) - Compassionate and loving - Vulgar (I curse quite a bit and I do not shy away from the darker or fouler depths of humor because I see a joke as just a joke, though I can easily reign myself in as the situation warrants) Gender: Male Other: Scheduling MIGHT be an issue for me. My computer is in the most commonly used room of the house, and 3PM PST Saturday isn't exactly a time when nobody is around. I may not be able to have peace and quiet for however long is needed EVERY week. I could easily move my computer into a different room, but, I must admit, for some reason I feel like telling my parents that I need a quiet room for a Podcast would be an awkward conversation. I know, I'm weird like that. To my credit, they wouldn't even what that meant, and I'd have to go into detail: "Yes, a couple random people talk about nonsense and people listen to it." tl;dr - I'm perfect for the role, and if you want, I'll keep you posted on my ability to commit to every week
  8. I was wondering why Bohtty was ignoring my attempts to communicate with him in-game. This must be my problem. I didn't EXPLICITLY ask for an invite. Well, here it is. May I please join Everfree? I'm already on Dragonbrand. [Redacted by request] character name: Golden Harvest
  9. They've been upping the population of all the servers almost every night lately! Try to transfer between 9 and midnight PST and you might find room. That's what I did and I made it in.
  10. I'm gonna camp at my computer around midnight next time they up the population limits. I checked THREE HOURS after they did it last night and Dragonbrand was already full. As soon as I get in I'm joining your guild! Bohtty, expect a letter from Golden Harvest, Human Elementalist and carrot obsessor.
  11. My good and respectable fellow, I must submit a formal and particular inquiry into your lengthy riveting tale.... Then who was phone?
  12. Thanks anyway, heh. Your guild's name is perfect for sure, I love Everfree, it's a fantastic word and it's nice and subtle. How is Dragonbrand in regards to WvW? Edit: Nevermind, Dragonbrand is full.
  13. Hey, is there a solid list somewhere of all the brony guilds on different servers? I really regret choosing Sorrow's Furnace for a lot of reasons, and if I transfer, I'd like to choose a server with OPPORTUNITY.
  14. Muse, Mother Mother, Deas Vail, and Of Mice & Men top my list! No, not Of Monsters And Men, the folks that apparently can't take the trouble of finding out if the name they want is incredibly similar to another band's name.
  15. I played PT for a while, Envoy, but then it was "off" for a while and I lost interest. @ADashOfRainbow Right on, brosephus, how are you liking it?
  16. I think you guys are making a mistake in doing this, but I wish you the best and hope it makes you happy. I'm gonna keep up with this thread out of curiosity...
  17. Everything he said makes perfect sense to me. I was already not too fond of L&T as anything more than a meme or an internet fire extinguisher used to manipulate people who believe it seriously into calming the fuck down, because I'd much rather tell someone off if they're being a dick.
  18. Ha. Haha. Hahaha. Do you have any idea where you signed up to go?
  19. Nimrod

    this fandom

    Sometimes I go to /mlp/ just to get a break from Ponychan's stupid word filter.
  20. LA, Shmellay. NBA Twilight: Orlando Magic Applejack: San Antonio Spurs Fluttershy: Beats the hell out of me. One of the animal teams. Rainbow Dash: Oklahoma City Thunder maybe. Rarity: Again, tough. Sacramento Kings? She does love royalty. Pinkie: Utah Jazz perhaps. She is a very musical pony. NFL Twilight: Not a flipping clue. New England Patriots, because of her adoration of her monarch? Actually, that's a little ironic if you think about it... Applejack: Houston Texans, because no one in their right mind roots for the Dallas Cowboys. Fluttershy: Lots of animal teams to choose from but for some reason Miami Dolphins seems to jive with her. She doesn't know that dolphins rape. Rainbow Dash: Denver Broncos! 'Cause she's a wild buckin' mare. Or the Jets because she likes to go fast in the sky... Or the San Diego Chargers, 'cause...like...lightning...and stuff. :| Rarity: She is not fond of games with such RUFFIANS, but since she must choose, she does appreciate the Fleur de Lis of the New Orleans Saints, and she does like precious and rare metals like the 49ers of old. Pinkie: Tampa Bay Buccaneers, because she thinks it would be fun to be a pirate! I can't go on.
  21. I'll just leave this here. For humor and as a cautionary tale. http://i47.tinypic.com/25sa3xh.png A weeeeee bit over the line to embed.
  22. Oh dear! This thread had died and I sighed and moved on and never thought to check it again! Did you end up trying it out?
  23. Fluttershy used to be my second favorite, after Pinkie. Then, I wised up. Pinkie > Rarity > The others are equal in my eyes.
  24. Hello everyone! We are United Equestria, an alliance in a game called Cyber Nations. We are a tight family of bronies having the adventure of a lifetime! We rank among the top 100 alliances in the game, and are in the top 40 by membership count. If things like massive conflicts between thousands of players, political intrigue, an easy to play game with very little time commitment, and being part of a tight and loving family of bronies appeal to you, then you may have what it takes to be a part of United Equestria! Right now, we have a heated senate campaign underway, and your votes are needed to keep our candidate in office and put us on the map! So, what exactly is Cyber Nations, and how can you help? Cyber Nations is an "online political simulator" game. Basically, war and politics. But, it's a very community-oriented and user-driven game, and there is no better community on the whole internet than the brony community, so it's a perfect fit! Cyber Nations is nice because it allows you to stretch your brain muscles a bit, and building your nation takes literally 5 minutes a day - There is no level grinding whatsoever, and it can fit around whatever your daily schedule is. It's also totally free to play! You don't need a big nation to have a big impact, either - anyone can contribute to politics just by being present and active in the alliance. As for United Equestria itself, we stand for honesty, integrity, respect, and loyalty to our friends - the brony way. So far, we rank among the top 100 alliances in the game, and are nearly in the top 50 by membership count! One of our main goals is bringing, and adapting as necessary, the brony mentality to our method of play. We're still going to have fun, we're still going to play the game, but we're going to bring something special and unique to the mix. Don't worry about imposing our fandom on others; practically every subculture, fandom, political alignment, religion, and nationality has their own little themed group. We are no different - this is an opportune moment to be ourselves and even gain new members of the Herd! How to Join: The first thing you have to do is create a nation here: www.cybernations.net Set your team color to White and your Alliance Affiliation to "United Equestria" (Pick "select other" in the drop down menu and type it in - Spelling counts!) The second thing you must do is register an account and fill out an application at the following address: http://cybernations.64digits.com/ponies/index.php?board=14.0 We will try to mask you as soon as we can. You need a nation before this point for security reasons. Membership in the alliance requires a forum account, but it's definitely worthwhile given the plethora of helpful guides to help you on your feet right out of the gate. Additionally, some funding methods from some of our in-game allies are available only through the forums. Optionally, if you are familiar with IRC, we also have a public channel at #ponies on irc.coldfront.net Don't know how to use IRC? No problem, just click the following link and it will drop you right into our public channel! http://www.coldfront.net/tiramisu/tiramisu.swf?channels=#ponies Hope to see you soon! As you may have guessed, fillies and gentlecolts, that was copypasta! But I want to personally say that I've really enjoyed my time in United Equestria, and I would really recommend giving it a try. The game itself is quite fun, but the best part is the community; the UE family. So I cannot overstate how important it is to apply on our forums and/or check out our IRC channel, if you decide to join, to really get the full experience! In fact, I would recommend dropping by the IRC channel just as a place to hang out with fellow bronies, even if you have no interest in joining United Equestria! We'd love to have you around! Thanks for your time, and I'll be happy to answer your questions or just have a chat with you here! ~ Nimrod
  25. Well, I feel like slowly gained love for the opening sequence is a pretty common thing. What about the Season 1 opening sequence vs the one in Season 2? I personally like the one from season 1 better. Even though the one in season 2 has Derpy and the CMC, it also has that silly train, and as far as I know NO CARROT TOP like with the season 1 opening. Also, I really prefer the sound of the theme song in the season 1 intro.
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