Rainbow Dash's Game Show
Disclaimer: If there was any fanfic like this, I had no idea it ever existed.
Hello, and welcome everypony, to Rainbow's Game Show! Rainbow's voice echoed throughout the room. Today, we have Flitter, Valor, Lyra, and Fluttershy! Flitter, a very agile, and overall awesome pony. Like me, but not as cool. Then we got Valor, she was featured in Hearthfire Flitter's fan-fic, The Adventure Of Valor and Her Friends!
Lyra, This pony specializes in anthropology and human culture! Bon Bon is her waifu! and then we have Fluttershy! A very shy, cute, and kind pony. She is the best pony with animals in all of Ponyville, and possibly Canterlot! The crowd let a loud cheer out. Everypony was so excited. They couldn't wait to see who will win.
First question, Whoever buzzes the buzzer first, answers first. Rainbow announced. Ok, question one. What book did Twilight let me barrow when I was in the hospital? It took a couple seconds, but then Flitter buzzed. "Is it... Daring Do?" Flitter asked. "Correct!" Rainbow announced. Question two. Who makes the best wubs ever and who plays the cello like nopony ever could?" Lyra buzzed her buzzer. "Sassaflash and Bon Bon?" "Incorrect." Rainbow Dash said. "Any other answers?" Fluttershy buzzed her buzzer. "Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Melody?" Fluttershy asked. "Correct!" Rainbow dash announced.
As of now, the score was 1-1-1-0. "Question 3. Sniper rifle with the most damage output in Black Ops 2?" Valor instantly buzzed. "DSR 50." She said. "Correct!" Rainbow said. "Question 4. Creator of Friendship is Witchcraft?" Valor buzzed again. "Sherclop Pones." she said. "Correct again!" Rainbow said. Only 2 more questions everypony! The crowd grew excited and quited down. Question 5. How to spell "enlightment." Valor buzzed again. "e-n-l-i-g-h-t-m-e-n-t." Enlightment. "Correct again!" Rainbow said. You are on fire!" Question 6. Who figured out about electricity?" Fluttershy buzzed. "Ponjamin Squeeman." She said. "Correct!" Rainbow said.
"The Winner is Valor!" She announced. Some left in happiness, and alot left in total dissapointment. "Bye, everypony! Cya next time on Rainbow's Game Show!"
Thank you everypony for reading. I made this fanfic the same day I made "Fluttershy Eats a Double Cheesburger at McDonald's. Again, I thank you for reading. Have a wonderful day!
-Hearthfire Flitter
this image = new sig
anyway, hope so much that you enjoyed. More fanfics from me and others to come. I promise! wont let you down.