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Everything posted by GhostPony750

  1. I went further, still garbage. But yea, you are right, maybe it was too early - I'll review this when I finish, if I can get that motivation. But still, most of my points above still stand. Another thing: They kinda changed the gameplay regarding the "difficulty" I'd say... in Rescue/Explorers, you could deal tons of damage, easily 2 hit ko any pokemon, but while you were powerful, you could get anihilated easily too. In this new one... well... I guess they kinda wanted to make it more like those main pokemon games battles or something. It takes ages to kill anything, same thing for them, and your moves keep missing. It's just so annoying, I want to reach the stairs geez. Also, pokemons seems to be less common to compensate. But well, just rack up on oran berries and you're fine, easy as that.
  2. Holy banana, it's garbage. -The graphics are too saturated, I can't see anything -The mini-map is pretty rubbish, I keep getting lost -Your partner is a Naruto copy -japanese school anime cliché (And I hate anime) -I can already see that this game is aimed toward childrens -controls are rubbish -They still kept the dem 5 damage cap on the neutral attack (A) -You start with too many moves (I mean, my Charmander tried to learn Ember, but it wasn't worth it because I had a better fire type move) -The menu is confusing -The sprites are not really great either, but it's better than the Charizard sprite in Blue/Red lol. Still not good -I keep forgetting to press B when I back up, pushing my partner around, and it drains my belly. They could have reversed it, like press b to push. -The music is pretty bad so far too One of the best features from these games... And I only reached the School Forest so far, so I still have hopes that it gets better... It's better than Gates to Infinishit tho, which is great, but it won't reach Rescue/Explorer's greatness. I guess my favorite series officialy ended here... gg ;_;
  3. 363469 I'm the dude who got 666
  4. Nope, not getting it. I was so disappoint with ORAS that I won't buy anything new, unless it says the game is too hard in the review. Then I might get it. Also I haaaate new forms geez. Zygarde in himself was friggin epic in design, now they exaggerated the whole thing again -_-
  5. When I was a kid, I used to go to my neighbor's to play with their daughters, and I had the bad habit of eating their food. There was that particular bowl filled with Glosets (raisins covered in chocolate) on their table. And one time, they replaced the Glosets with raw coffee seeds. It was bitterrrrrr omg. I'll never drink coffee ever xD
  6. Asasdfvshdehsfandbwar PMD is masterpiece. I did a run through Emerald with a Grovyle named Dawn (name inspired by that scene with the sun rising) He was Hasty nature too. My favorite pokemon are actually the ones I use in my team ​ And yep, I found a random shiny Magnemite when trying to capture one in New Mauville. \o/ (Magneton is one of my favorite pkmn)
  7. I name my pokemon if I am going to use them often, and I think a lot for my names. Rapidash: Spirit Seaking: Jabot Cradily: Depth Aerodactyl: Amber Shiny Magneton :3 : Pulse Claydol: Illusion (almost named him Clay-Doh) Sharpedo female: Shara Swellow: Lavalliere Manectric: Reik Grovyle: Dawn And so on...
  8. I'm an avid fan of the gameboy advance sonic games. I mean omg, they were the best games you could get on the gameboy advance back then. I recently bought Sonic Advance 2, and the nostalgia kicked in. What a perfect game.
  9. I always hated those cheap plastic bag costumes. In fact, I've always made the costumes myself using old clothes borrowed from everyone. Last year, for prom, I was checking for a rental tuxedo. While they were very dull design-wise, they were also very expensive for some polyester suits. $200 for a one night plastic bag - no thanks. So I opted for something more out-of-the-ordinary, something that I actually like; I bought some handmade 1800's inspired clothes, something that I could reuse for Halloween too. And they are not made in china! The vest and scarf was made in Canada, tailored and all, I got the pants on sale for 15$ (78% sale omg), and the shirt is great. All for a little under $250. I have it forever, and it looks epic. All this to say that I'm going to dress as a Vampire using great quality clothes. (sneak peak: http://i.imgur.com/VdTRdrx.jpg)
  10. GhostPony750

    member q+a Gone Airbourne Q&A

    AERTYHTEGWaùhrsùjarndetÙDJT mehhh!!!!!! \o/ Dude, check Citizen Cain on YouTube it's amazing. And I thought this was about questions for the forums lol. So... same question as above, and what's your favorite pokemon? Can I stay Changeling forevur? Aaaand... well, what got me to leave for such a long time was this: I was drifting away from the forums and wrote that I might leave since I was losing interest. And someone just replied with "You will just come back" in a verrry rude fashion. I mean, that's what killed me and I left for several months. Can we do anything for this? I mean, lots of people are leaving forever for this reason.
  11. I want to stay a Changeling forever. Phoenix, dragon, changeling, the a simple pony... dunno lol.

    1. Miles


      My personal fav is the phoenix, but, I'm a dragon now so... oh well.

  12. I want to stay a Changeling forever. 340574
  13. I'm still alive! (Changed my name tho, you'll recognize my avatar)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 碇 シンジン
    3. Attack of the Pwns

      Attack of the Pwns

      Hey, good to hear from you! I didn't expect you to go active again, but it''so great to meet you! (I friended you because of your avatar while you were away, Cosworth is best hot hatch.)

    4. GhostPony750


      hey! :D And yep, the cossie is the best hatch. I'll try to be active more.

  14. I'm trying to start a Super Smash Bros (Melee) / video game club at my college, but I still don't know if there's any yet, and it's hard to find people that plays the game. I have to keep my Bowser in shape.
  15. That awesome feel when you are the first 666 236,979
  16. Silk brocade super fancy handmade waistcoat: $90 Cotton shirt: 110$ wat 225,742
  17. I actually bought this game two years ago, but I had a bug where the start menu was all greyed, I couldn't press anything, couldn't save. I finally got rid of it and can enjoy the game. 225625
  18. After finally killing a bug that kept me from saving, I'm finally playing Skyrim, two years after purchasing it.
  19. 225619 I just started playing Skyrim, it's epic.
  20. hey! Someone pissed me off so bad I left for a few months. o_O 225,589
  21. Hello, I have the 666th post here. 225,583
  22. I got a job, driving licenses, left "programs for the intelligent people" at school, now feels more human and relaxing. Yea, it was a nice year.
  23. I think polo shirts are the worst thing ever created by the humankind. Too dem overused, while looking horrifying, the society is pushing it down your throat, avoid them!1!!! But anyway, I'm being dramatic. My favorite clothing is the victorian style. It looks fancy, while being laid back and comfortable. It's a shame that everyone is stuck on the tie... it looks boring really. There are much more creative neckwears than this. Here's a sample, I'm going to wear this for my prom. You might like it, or hate it.
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