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Everything posted by GhostPony750

  1. I think you are a male, but I'd need a better picture lol.
  2. That is an interesting thought / It's really an interesting idea. I noticed too some flaws here and here, but I thought it was mostly some writing mistakes. But let's see for those episodes...
  3. I only have one last name, but it is special... Synnett; -It actually means brave and victorious in ann unknown language (comes from Sigenod) -There are only 312 people on the planet who wear this name. -We are only two in the world who wear the exact same full name, and I know him.
  4. I went through a depression 3 years ago, I know what it's like. :/ And weirdly, I followed most of the stuff here, without even knowing it. Thanks for these nice tips, they are indeed useful. Medication is a bad thing actually, it's even harder to stop the pills.
  5. tickle to death papercut Make them eat their least favorite food
  6. I will survive!!! (Gloria Gaynor) "Is this the real life Is this just fantasy Caught in a landslide No escape from reality..."
  7. Da quality of the songs decreased. They probably will never beat Smile Song or Find a pet song. They just... doesn't sound appealing anymore weirdly. o_O
  8. Most popular genre: Progressive Rock (262 songs) I need moar albums, still haven't put Marillion. Most popular artist: Saga (114 songs) Longest Song: Citizen Cain - Somewhere but Yesterday (26:45) Shortest Song: Saga - Nine Lives of Miss Midi (1:17 used as a transition) And what about Song with most listens: Saga - Images (329 times)
  9. Well, I was quite weird (and still am), very different from other people. But in the end, I found awesome friends who love me for who I am. I have quite a weird interest: rocks. I've been bullied for that, but well. It's just a knowledge that the others doesn't have. If you think you might bother the others, it might be some self-esteem issues. I was actually forced to make friends, I had no choice. o_O
  10. I just finished reading Animal Farm, and omg... such a masterpiece!!! It's just... astonishing. No doubt why it's a classic. Also, my favorite character was Clover, and Benjamin. Edit: Time to complete Les Miserables now!
  11. No one got it easier, absolutely no one. My life was harsh, and still is, but I guess your is too. We've all got it harsh in different ways actually.. So nope, one gender is not better than the other, completly agreeing with Golden Shield, etc.
  12. I just finished reading "Animal Farm"... what an amazing masterpiece!

    1. Thunderchild


      Orwell was an amazing writer-well before his time. The whole thing was written as an allegory of the soviet union.

    2. GhostPony750


      Well, it's pretty well done. :) (Probably my favorite book so far, just behind Les Miserables)

      I'm going to complete Les Miserables and read 1984 now.

    3. Thunderchild


      His real name was Eric Arthur Blair. The 2 books you reference were his best known. He was very much against totalitarianism in all it's forms, but because of the times he lived in, had to write in the form of allegory.

      Really glad to see people like yourself enjoying it-brought back good memories for me. /)

  13. In most of the episodes in season four, she was used only for silly jokes, with no real developpement. But in Pinkie's Pride, she was very very well developped. My aunt actually is a Pinkie Pie. Seriously. She always try to make the others smile, partying, trying to have fun. But we recently learned that she was not well treated by her husband. What a shock, she never ever talked about it! She actually care for the others more than she care for herself, and she didn't want to feel like a victim, because talking about it will only destroy the good mood for the others. She live to see the others happy. And that is why Pinkie Pie is awesome.
  14. Great idea, but sadly, I'm far from being a social butterfly. :/ Good luck with that project!
  15. Don't mind if I pick this? I'm trying to find more typos to put in my sig. I should make an official typo thread...
  16. Oh great! As you can see... as the thread, this car derailed: Bring on the random posts!
  17. Well, I'm known to be really joyful on other forums/communities. I don't know here tho. Everyone will have a different sense of humor, some tends to be more negative than postitive; it's the same everywhere! If there is a forum where there is no buffoons, it will be quite boring eh? But we also need moar serious people, so it won't end up like the newgrounds forums. Also, it would be misplaced to make a somehow racist joke on the debate section, while we can joke as much as we want on cloudsdale colosseum. I tend to play with words a lot. I actually laugh at my own signature.
  18. Yea, it's true, and sadly, it's the same in real life... We've got a lot of members here, like hundreds of active members. So it's quite difficult to be popular. Try to get some friends around here and here and talk to them often, you will be appreciated by your friends at least. It's easier to be popular on small communities. I remember when I joined; I felt the community to be a bit cold. But well, try to be active as much as you can and some people will get to know you. I'm not very popular on here either lol.
  19. Ford Escort RS Cosworth!
  20. Oh hey! Welcome to the forums! This website is not really complicated to use. You can start by visiting each sections and post in the topics, then you will probably find your favorite section. I am currently active on Everfree forest, so you might see me here!
  21. Oh well, it's going to be a difficult task! o_O Sometimes, the mood change in a song, and some songs are going to be heavily hard to classify. But I guess you could add anger, and maybe depressing - energic. Listen to the beggining of Death Walks Behind You by Atomic Rooster, it's really dark
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