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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by DiscordPF

  1. "Yes, and?" Ceres cocked an eyebrow, clearly not fazed in the least. "How many failures did you think I had to go through to get a success? Advancing the growth of plants can lead to problems, but that will be a thing of the past when I finish my research. I've already made great strides in that area. The plants you see before you can last up to one year if left alone, where any other plant breeder can only make their own advanced growth plants last a maximum of a week." Ceres sighed, rubbing her temples. "I thought you would understand the beauty of advancing nature, but I suppose that I was wrong on that front."
  2. "Really? I guess that kind of makes sense, I can pretty much feel what my babies are saying to me. But I can't actually hear them audibly." Ceres scratched her chin in thought for a moment, contemplating how to go about listening to her plants. Ceres grinned widely at Evergreen's last statement. "They're my babies!" She declared this as if this was enough. Thinking twice about that, she added, "I cross-breed plants for a living. Karen, the smoke popper you just saw, had about five generations before she was perfect. But once I got the breeds and mixes right, she turned out just great! The 'smoke' Karen produces is actually a mist-like spore that is in abundance when they bloom. Which happens in about five minutes due to my accelerated growth breeding"
  3. @,@@Descant, @, @@ParsoOfEquestria, @@Nomadic, Ceres smiled at the arriving ponies. "Hey Evergreen, I see you met Wish. She's our cabin mate actually." "And yes, I have met Evergreen." Ceres strolled over and bopped Wish on the nose, grinning playfully. "You're fun. I wanted to get everyone with my prank, but apparently they didn't get fazed by it." Ceres cocked her head over at Evergreen. "Before you left, you said you could hear my babies... how can you hear them?"
  4. @@Nomadic,@, Ceres smirked. It seemed that Pelate and her could at least be tolerable of eachother. And Monkshood was, as before, deflecting any attempts at praise. Looking around, Ceres talked to herself. "I wonder where those two went... oh well, I'm sure they're fine. There aren't any animals in these woods, my babies would have told me by now."
  5. @@Nomadic,@, Ceres nodded at Monkshood. "I figured, you seem to be the dedicated type to me." Taking a moment to listen to how that sounded, she added, "Not that it's a bad thing of course." Ceres cocked her head to the side at Pelate's statement. Surely he didn't just show a genuine interest in her did he? That would be impossible. "Yes, I cross-breed plants for a living. I also do a lot of it on my free time and make things like Karen over there. Or Viola, which I showed Monkshood earlier."
  6. @@Nomadic, Your character is pretty well developed in terms of personality. At least compared to the basic characters you see all too often. More advanced development is always a good sign of getting more depth to your character but don't feel like you need to change it because someone else had the same idea. @, I never intended to have an instantaneous turnaround. But I'm saying its a step in the right direction.
  7. @, There we go. Common neutral ground for Ceres and Pelate. We might have these two get along yet! XD I'm gonna wait for Nomadic to post though.
  8. @,@@Nomadic, Ceres laughed jovially. "I wouldn't get caught in the woods for too long. I'm sure I'd find my way out eventually." Ceres watched Monkshood carefully, following his movements. When he stopped an equal distance between Pelate and herself, she put two and two together. Mentally she sighed, was it that obvious? Externally, her smile never broke. "I was just showing Pelate and some others here some of my babies. Karen here is normally called a smoke popper, because of the smokey mist that seems to come from it. It's actually a mist-like spore that is in abundance when they bloom. Which happens in about five minutes due to my accelerated growth breeding." Ceres mentally shrugged. 'If anythings going to go anywhere I need to make Monkshood feel comfortable. Even if that means calling a nonverbal temporary truce with Pelate.' Ceres got up and walked over to Monkshood and sat down next to him, smiling as the fire crackled and illuminated the sides of both ponies. Ceres leaned in slightly towards Monkshood and said, "So what have you been up to lately?"
  9. @, They are tolerating eachother. They aren't getting into huge fights are they? Ceres might have been sarcastic, but I don't think it's a direct attack. Relationships (any kind) go through ups and downs, you can't expect every one of them to be ups. Ceres wanted to have fun and play a prank and Pelate was unfazed. This frustrated her and so she lashed out with sarcasm. Makes sense to me XD
  10. @@Nomadic,@, Ceres held back her retort to Pelate. 'It wouldn't do any good. Just let it go.' Despite telling herself these things, her tolerance level for his antics was growing short. Ceres caught some movement from the entryway to the clearing and perked up when she saw who it was. Still in the mist of spores illuminated by the violet light of the petals from Viola, she spoke up in a cheerful voice. "Hey Monkshood! How's it goin?" 'Thank Celestia, somepony saved me from this terrible fate of dealing with Pelate alone.'
  11. @,@@Descant, Ceres rolled her eyes. "The spores weren't flammable. At least not dangerously so. They might crackle and pop but they wouldn't explode or anything." Ceres looked over at Pelate. "I wanted to have a bit of fun. And what are you? Immune to eerie situations? Most ponies freak out when I do stuff like that." At Pelate's last comment, Ceres gasped comically. "Oh no! Anything but that! Please keep the big bad camp staff away from me! I don't know what I'd do if they told me to stop!" 'Self-righteous piece of... who the fuck cares!? Nopony was hurt.'
  12. @@Descant, @, @, @@ParsoOfEquestria, Ceres was disappointed, her prank had gone off and only really effected Wish, who had gone off into the forest somewhere. Ceres sighed, emerging from the trees and captured in the glowing mist, giving her a slight eerie glow to her coat. "Well that was a disappointment, I was hoping to scare you all. I guess I only got Wish." Ceres shrugged, and turned to Evergreen. "How did you know it was me? I was hidden away from plain sight and you would have had to know what you were looking for to see me."
  13. Yeah... damn time zones XD I'm in PST Alright, I'm gonna go ahead and make my next move. Parso, you can just retro-actively put your reactions into your post.
  14. @@Descant, I get the feeling that you want this to happen... PS - I'm still waiting for Parso to post, but if he doesn't post in a few hours I'll just continue and he can retro-actively post his reactions.
  15. @@Descant, That's all very reasonable for an argument. Are you sure your in the right place? XD But seriously, call it laziness on my part then. It shouldn't effect the story as a whole, but I'll keep it in mind for the future.
  16. @@Descant, My excuse: This is a world of magical pastel colored ponies where there exist such things like a manticore and poison joke and all other manners of random mythical miscellania. Ok, so I'm gonna wait for Cinderscribe and ParsoOfEquestria to react to it before I post. Just to give everyone a fair chance at their first impressions.
  17. @, That's fine. However your character reacts is how he reacts. If it's a failed attempt Ceres will probably react in a dissapointed and defeated fashion (she's kinda blowing her cover right now) XD
  18. @@Descant, It's spores out of flowers so you can decide based on that if she can communicate with the original plant. They are genetically created by Ceres' cross-breeding but this is in a land of magical ponies after all XD
  19. Lol, Ceres is playing a prank. Although Eve will probably be able to 'hear' what's going on since she's using her plants to do it XD
  20. @,@, @@ParsoOfEquestria, @@Descant, Ceres stopped alongside Evergreen in the brush of the forest, watching the ponies next to the fire conversing amongst themselves. 'Oh! They want to have a party without inviting me huh? We'll see who has the last laugh.' Ceres began cackling softly like a mad-pony, a shining look of sadistic glee in her eyes as she went over her plan in her head. 'Yes, that will do nicely.' Ceres silently slipped away from Evergreen and moved in the forest around the open area where the fire was being built. 'Sorry Evergreen, but you don't seem to be very observant of ponies around you anyways. I'll get back to you later.' Her internal monologue complete, Ceres had mapped out the perimeter and finalized her plan. It would be all too fun to watch as everypony jumped in fright with her trick she was about to pull. Grinning wickedly, Ceres went to work. Ceres then planted a few seeds along the perimeter which grew to small grey flowers. These flowers released a fog-like smoke from their pores. She then took a few petals from her Viola that she had grabbed earlier. Tossing them around, their now violet glow gave the spore fog an eerie glow. Satisfied with the setup, Ceres took a step back, and began howling in an otherworldly voice. Something that she had picked up in her time as a thief, this howl tended to make children wet their beds and ponies run in fear of whatever it was they imagined it to be. It came in handy quiet a few times when she had to escape her pursuers.
  21. Just go back and read through the RP. It shouldn't take too long but it will give you the background information you need to figure out what each character is like.
  22. @@Descant, Ah, ok. Well if you've been following the RP you'll see that Ceres doesn't exactly epitomize the qualities of "sanity" XD
  23. @@Descant, Ceres perked her ears at Evergreens whispers. It was obvious that she was talking to herself, but Ceres listened anyways. 'A fire? No one told me about this...' Her curiosity got the better of her. "Oh? Sounds interesting." Ceres nodded to herself. "Mind if I tag along?"
  24. @@Descant, Oh, just to give you a heads up. I know your character wasn't insinuating a sexual interest in Ceres, but I intentionally had her take it that way. Just because that's who she is.
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