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Icicle Frost

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Everything posted by Icicle Frost

  1. Icicle Frost

    request Lunar Guard Armor

    I need a cosplay armor maker to make it for me. . 3. I kinda have a rather short deadline, I need it done and shipped to me so it arrives by October 21st. If there's anyone who's able to do it in that time frame, i'd love you forever. Basically, I'm interested in having the cuiras, bracers for the forearms and whatever the leg pieces are called and the skirt. I wouldn't mind also having a custom spear made but I might be able to order a premade one.
  2. Icicle Frost

    rp rules Welcome to Tabletop RP

    Cheesedoodle basically made his own ruleset for mlp for d&d. Dunno if you guys are aware of that. Also, I has an question. Does the rp we're looking/trying to start have to be mlp related or can it just be anything?
  3. I gots a tablet nao! ^ u^ Add me- 19de7 (Amazon Underground version)
  4. I got more codes! I got my Samsung GS II working again so I put the regular and underground versions on it. Samsung GS II Codes- beed7e (Regular), C1C1F (Underground) Samsung GS 4 Codes- a3fe2d (Regular), 7432 (Underground)
  5. I hate writer's block! Dx

  6. I'd still like to have someone play as Luna when needed and you guys haven't told me how y'all feel about the ranks I've given y'all. That's a bit of an issue with me, I don't really have an idea so I usually come up with something with my partner except this time there like four or five of you.
  7. Icicle blinked a few times, "You want to goto the castle?" He asked, a bit baffled. "Even if you go there disguised, Princess Luna will likely know its you." He said, rather concerned both for his safety and his own. Getting into trouble wasn't something he looked forward to.
  8. Sorry if I disappointed you guys, its just alot of pressure on me to make this fun for y'all and I just wanted to get as much information and input as I could. This is a first for me so I'm really nervous about it.
  9. Good to see everypony still around. I actually thought you guys lost interest since I haven't gotten any input in a while.
  10. "Ahem." Icicle cleared his throat. "Dear Icicle, I will be able to meet with you later tonight. Please come to the castle when you are able to. I will notify the guards to let you though since visitors aren't allowed tonight." he red the letter out loud, a bit confused about why she said that visitors weren't allowed tonight. "That's odd, usually ponies are allowed on the castle premise after-dark. Many enjoy visiting the gardens during the night as there are some flowers that are only in bloom under the moonlight."
  11. "Yeah, I know." Icicle said with a nod, "I would like to go at it in a faster pace but I don't have the time to do both my studies and advanced guard training. I don't think I'd be able to take the stress." As he finished, there was a flash over the coffee table and a small scroll bound with an indigo ribbon dropped onto it. "See? She's quick about mail."
  12. "Actually, Princess Luna reinstated the night guard. They're her personal guard but I don't really know much about them beyond that." Icicle said, blushing a little. "It would be nice to directly work for her like that but I have to work towards that first." It was fairly obvious that he wanted to get closer to Luna in more ways than one.
  13. "I don't think she's like that, sure she's really nice but she can be firm when she has to be." Icicle said, stretching a little. "Still, I hope to find something to be able to help repay her. I've been considering enlisting into the royal guard. I think that's the best way I can repay Luna for how much she's help me by helping others however I can."
  14. Icicle finished the letter and rolled it up and tying it with a blue ribbon. "You underestimate my influence." He said with a smile as he zapped the scroll away. "Snow and I are fairly close to Princess Luna so we do keep in touch with each other regularly." He said, taking a seat beside Nightmare. "I'm not sure if Snow's powers could become that great but they are useful nonetheless. I'll continue my own studies though I do need to find employment soon. I'd hate to keep going there on behalf of the loans the princess has been giving me. I don't want to take advantage of her generosity, I'd like to start giving back somehow."
  15. "Well, its easier to explain with myself since I am a unicorn and the aura is tied to my magic. When my magic becomes exhausted or extremely diminished, the size and effectiveness of it is also reduced depending how much magic I've used." Icicle begain, "Though, for my sister, its difficult to explain. She is a pegasus so the kind of magic she would normally possess is for flight and weather control. That is a given but, she can't fly." He said, finding a piece of parchment under the snow and a quill. He began to write to the princess to request an audience as soon as possible, with in the hour would be preferred. "We're not sure why she isn't able to fly and its not from the lack of effort. She trains and practices very hard every night with Princess Luna to even the slightest hover possible but she'll made little actual progress. On the otherhoof, she has very high aptitude for weather control, specifically when it comes to winter weather. Even on her own she is able to create a blizzard if she is happy or angry enough to do so. Strong emotions seem to augment her 'magic', so to speak." He said, kind of gesturing as to why it looked like a blizzard had taken place in the house. "With Princess Luna's help, she's learned better control and restraint over her powers, like a unicorn with their magic. She's able to create things with snow and ice, able to pull it out of the air and other sources to make things happen. Its very fascinating."
  16. Its hard to say either of you are right or wrong. There's very little of the Lunar guard shown and just as little shown about how the guard's ranking system would work. Though, the lunar guard does have somethings in-common with Flutterbat so there may be something to it. Anyways, what do you guys think of the positions?
  17. Fair enough~ As for everyone in general, I think I have a good read on who is who but if you want to place something specific, do let me know. I'll go ahead and post what positions I think each pony would play. If you have any questions or want something different, feel free to say so! ^-^
  18. Its alright with as long as your careful about who you bite.
  19. Perhaps but the ranking would be lower since Shining Armor is captain of the royal guard. Your character may be captain of a group/squad of other guards but his rank in the system will be lower. Canon wise, its post season 5. Alright, I think that enough players for the moment. Also, tonight and most of tomorrow I'll be having trouble staying connected to the internet so please do try to bare with me.
  20. Icicle chuckled a little, "My sister and I have a unique magical aura that's appeared on my mother's side of the family. There's a small area of cold energy around our bodies, which keeps us cool in the hot summers and keeps the cold bite of winter at bay." He explained, "There's also the fact that my sister has a certain gift with this sort of magic that is tied to her emotions." He walked over to what appeared to be a small coffee table. "She is able to manipulate winter weather far better than the average pegasus at a level that rivals that of a skilled unicorn."
  21. Twist is a-okay to join, threstal are kinda sorta appropriate since all we really know about the lunar guard is that they work directly under Luna and that they're 'all' threstals though its only an assumption since all known lunar guards kind of are threstal. Go with whichever you'd prefer, I will be limiting it to one character per per player, with the exception of cameos of other characters. Like I said for Emerald, either will work but Eternal will be more appropriate. Sorry to say but I'm not very keen on hybridized ponies. :c
  22. Uhm... I haven't really thought that far into it so none at the moment aside use commonsense and no godmodding/etc.
  23. Icicle chuckled nervously, "Well, I'm glad you two didn't go insane. Equestria would be a very different place if you and Luna were insane." He said, stopping infront of a small two story house. He opened the door, releasing a small gust of cold air and a small flurry of snow. Inside was the living room, which had a healthy layer of snow on everything. "This is my house. I'll send a letter to Princess Luna for an audience later tonight." He said, walking in and closing the door behind Nightmare. "I don't think my sister is home yet so feel free to change back to your regular form."
  24. I would like Icicle to become a guard, a lunar guard specifically and I thought it'd be fun to do it in the form of a rp rather than just typing something up. I was considering making this a small group rp but I'm not particularly great at group rps so I'm not sure about it but as far as what the rp will entail, some slice of life, sparring, maybe some adventure and action. What sort of ponies would I be looking for to do this with? Well, some lunar guards/night watch guards, regular guards, perhaps a Shining Armor since he is guard captain of the royal guard though I think he'd just be a cameo if this is a group rp. Another would be Princess Luna though again, if this turn into a group rp, she'll probably just make cameo appearances as needed. Players- Snow Frost: Icicle Frost (Recruit) Dapper Charmer: Mist Twister (Private) ENNebula: Eternal Night (Warrant officer and trainer) The Lonesome Spectre: Dark Star (Squad Captain/Sergeant) Emerald Bolt: Emerald Bolt (Private First Class) Cameos- Shining Armor: Snow Frost Princess Luna: (unassigned)
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