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Everything posted by FoxRarity

  1. The feels when Ghosts is more playable than BF4
  2. IMO if they took recon out of the game and made vehicles slightly softer the game would be a hell of a lot better. Seems that getting spawn raped is a whole lot more common in this installment
  3. FoxRarity

    gaming BF4 Opinions?

    I honestly believe ive wasted my money on Battlefield 4. -Constant crashes -Maps made solely for snipers -OP weapons -Battlelog -Netcode problems -One shot problems (I know its still early days but as a generalization this is the WORST battlefield game so far) I dont know if its just me or its everyone, and i dont want to sound cliche, but Battlefield sold out man.
  4. Christ i havent been riding in years, i did a riders course with the household cavalry while i was in the army, covered all sorts....trot, rising trot, canter, gallop, jumps and drill, it was so cash
  5. Im not looking for super high end since its my first build, and moneys not really an issue since ill be buying parts sort of as and when. If i could run BF4 (just an example) comfortably on good/high graphics ill be ecstatic.
  6. Im looking at starting a build for a gaming PC because im sick of consoles tbh, ive never built a PC and was wondering if people were willing to help me out on the bare basics, tips, tricks and suggestions for graphics cards , motherboards etc etc Thaaaank you !
  7. Any Steel Panther fans out there ? I seriously fucking love this band, they're hilarious, immature, and just generally party. If there are any fans here....can you post band that sound alike ?
  8. No lifing is when youd rather sit on this forum and facebook all day and NOT want to go to work....THE CORPORATIONS MAN !!!

  9. No lifing is when youd rather sit on this forum and facebook all day and NOT want to go to work....THE CORPORATIONS MAN !!!

  10. Good god what have i done.......id honestly class myself as pretty intelligent but i just tried to run through the mechanics of the grandfather paradox.... Mind = Broken
  11. You guys know any good paradoxes? Im looking for some good ones to troll my friends with at work. Im talking about super spooky brain breakers not the " the next statement is true, the first statement is false" type.
  12. I think youll have a hard time finding a brony that ISNT a gamer to be quite honest lol My Xbox GT is FOX LUNA if anyone wants to add me.
  13. See i dont normally get sick either, ive even been asked how i get sick so little, but when i do oh my god it kicks my ass so hard, and i never know what to do because it rarely ever happens.
  14. Its the middle of the summer and ive just picked up a hell of a cold. I dont normally get sick as im healthy and eat well, but this cold is REALLY kicking my ass. (inb4 "man up you baby") I wanted to know if you guys had any tips, tricks, advice, blah blah blah etc, for getting over a cold quickly ? Pic related.
  15. Welcome to the community, its a good forum here, lots of friendly ponies !
  16. Instead of saying what i dont like and why i will just list these games and series that i hate and ill let the flames roll in... -Assassins creed -Racing games -sports games ( go outside and play if you love the sport that much) -kinect games -Call of Duty ( not all but most of them) -Netflix ( you bought a fucking games console...please use it to play games)
  17. November Rain is and always will be an amazing song !

    1. DaReaper


      Truer words couldnt be typed

    2. FoxRarity


      I concur sir....i concur....

  18. Grumpy Cat.....this legend of a creature envisions pretty much all that is me purely due to recent events im a miserable bastard. Long live and all hail the Grumpy Cat
  19. Assassins Creed series, i played them all and didnt really understand what all the hype was about to be honest, i mean they arent bad games, its just i really didnt like them.
  20. Installing squee module to primary drives... Booting cuteness parameters... Welcome to the forum lol.
  21. Its definitely a very good community here, youll fit right in ! And HELL YEAH the emoticons are sweet !!
  22. Welcome to the forums, my first day here but its a very good community, Good luck to you
  23. FoxRarity


    You came to a good forum friend...theres a very good community here
  24. My first day aswell, its BRILLIANT to come to a new forum and not get flamed to death.....There is a truly great community here.
  25. Rarity is best pony but waifu status goes to Luna ! But if it wasnt Luna it would more than likely be Rarity *look at all this space filling text !*
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