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Everything posted by BullPony

  1. Yeah, I agree with that. Maybe the magic that was used wasn't necessarily dark magic, but the animators wanted to have some type of defining appearance different from the magic used by other unicorns. I am not saying that this is true, just bringing up a possible argument.
  2. I am sooo happy that I am not the only one who didnt like the season 2 of Korra... the whole season was a miss or hit, most of the time being a miss (the only redeeming factor was Uncle Iroh was in the last 2 or so episodes). But back to ponies, I disagree with you on the opinion you set forth. I think that if anything this premiere set into motion a season lasting arc that could be very interesting to say the least. Not only that but it gives me so ideas as to why the Apple are traveling when they are singing "Apple's to the Core" (the song that was shown at one of the cons before the premiere) as well as to why Pinkie might be traveling with them. Either way I can somewhat see your point, buy I thought that overall the premiere was good and I hope that you enjoy the rest of the season more
  3. I truly enjoyed this episode. Even though I missed the first 5 mins of the premier, I still felt like I got the whole story. Trying to be a little more serious. I found it extremely interesting how the other mane 6 basically kicked Twilight out of the group (for safety purposes, since she is the "last princess" to look over Equestria). Another thing I really liked about this premier... The lock-box. I think we are going to have a solid full season arc similar to season 1 (in how the season really started with the ticket master and ended with the gala episode). Side note.... They gave up the elements of harmony.... EEYUP this season is definitely going to be interesting I would love to hear other ponies thoughts about my comments to reply to me if you want to discuss the aspects of the episode I brought up.
  4. This is amazing. As a Whovian and a Brony, this type of art makes me very happy!! Well done, and I hope to see more of your art work. - BP
  5. Well I am heading back to college!

  6. There are a few different weapons that I would want. - a lightsaber is definitely near the top of the list - the gravity gun from Half-Life 2 - Saka's sword and boomerang - Does Doctor Who's sonic screwdriver count?
  7. I LOVE THIS THREAD!!!! Anyway, I have my own little lovely gun as well. It is a Smith & Weston 375 special.... I am soooo in love with this thing. It is a breeze to get a sight picture, and I have even been able to hit a tennis ball at about 20 yards. It is a beautiful little gun that can hold up to seven rounds... did I mention that I just love revolvers of any kind.
  8. Falling Dusk
  9. Cloud Buster
  10. There are a few different things that I want to see happen with this new upcoming season - have more CMC centered episodes - have a scootaloo episode were it explains why she cant fly yet - see another apple family reunion - maybe have a Babs stand alone episode - an episode showing the equestian games in the crystal empire I think that is about it..... I will probably think of more after I post this I am interested to here what you ponies think about my thoughts. -BP
  11. Hey CMC's, what do you ponies have planned for your next adventure to get your cutie marks?
  12. Mom..... at what age did you have me.... I am concerned...
  13. SOOOO MANY HUGSSSSSSSS! -ummmmmm, AppleJack can you let go of me, I need to go to class
  14. when luna and shadow meet up, the night gets 20% cooler
  15. I cant believe I got dressed like this for nothing..... *Darn it*
  16. Waffles FTW totally beat out pancakes! What is your favorite time of day? mine is dusk
  17. even though I havent seen it, I love Jersey Boys ( love Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons) Know the whole soundtrack by heart. and do you mean striaght to disney movie?
  18. I have no idea..... that is very interesting. Never even got the reference that was made. Who makes it and when in that episode?
  19. Youtube is where I have the playlist. Dont get the question you put there. sorry. Would you explain it to me?
  20. All the songs from the seasons and equestria girls and a few different remixes. I make my playlist public my name is Marth919 Favorite side character pony mine is scoots
  21. I will accept your friend request, if you send me one! Who wants to sing along with my brony playlist?
  22. Avatar: the Last Airbender Saka or Iroh?
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