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Walter White

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Posts posted by Walter White

  1. Well i have played a lot of games with a lot of well designed characters but my favorite would have to be Marcus fenix from the gears of war series.



    While you go deeper into the gears of war campaign you really get a feel for what he is going through and all of the problems he had to face.











  2. This is going to sound strange, but.....



    This is just for standard shooter games of course. This game looks really nice and also has really nice mechanics/gun play. Probably the most fun I have ever had killing mutant monsters except for maybe GoW. The kills are just so satisfying. 


    Honorable mention goes out to Bioshock Infinite. It had a solid story and looked really nice. I felt it was lacking a little bit in the mechanics/ gun play though. Kills were satisfying of course, just felt a little ridged with the guns. 


    Another honorable mention goes out to the Halo franchise. Can't really pick just one, although ODST is at the bottom. Halo is just so fun, I could play the multiplayer for hours.

    Bulletstorm is awesome but i don't know if they are going to make another one. I think they should cause its a fun game to play and the characters are funny.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. You know what games really let me down Fable and Fable 3. Fable 2 was awesome but it still committed so many sins like being to easy and repetitive but it was still the best. Its such an awesome premise. How could they mess it up? 

    Your right fable 3 sucks. Its really bad, it lag's, and there is to many loading screens and glitches,and the sanctuary is just a bad idea.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Well that's easy 4 games, so far I have been luck over my life when it comes down to gaming, but the 4 I'm talking about really fucking sucked


    1# we have attachicon.gifGears_of_War_Judgment_Key_Art_2.jpg

    The campaign just sucked, noting really that fun about it, the multiplayer had no locust, just cog vs cog...top of all that no, down but not out, and no active reloads in any multiplayer... and no horde.


    2# we got...attachicon.gifFallout_New_Vegas.jpg

    I played maybe 30mins of this... and I turned it off... never to play it again, I'm a big fan of Fallout! I have 1-3 but Vegas....


    3# attachicon.gifDead_island_PC_packshot.png and 


    The games both had soo many bugs that needed to be fixed, the hole pay to fix you're own weapons was bull shit. Cars would break down after hitting maybe 3-5 Zombies, the zombies could do way to much dmg.... skill trees where noting short but terrible, the story was boring.

    And for dead island riptide don't forget about the modders that were modding weapons 5 days after release of the game. And another thing to add to gow j is the stim gas and the 2 piece.

    • Brohoof 2
  5. Well there is a lot of games that were bad but the two that come to mind for me is Gears of War Judgement and duke nukem forever.


    I don't like gow j ending. In every past gears of war it always has a gloomy ending in judgment's ending it was lollipops and rainbows. And they have most defiantly killed the series 


    And for Duke nukem forever it was just a disappointment.

    • Brohoof 3
  6. Hello. Nice to meet you. And pretty much what im doing is cooking but that doesnt matter. Any you should start to explore the site because there is lots to do and lots of people to meet.

  7. Well gee if I have to say then you clearly don't know me that well. Of course it's Team Fortress 2.




    It's got variety, an active modding community, is still actively supported by its developers nearly six years after release (but only on the PC) and it's nearly impossible to find a "Top x PC shooters" list without TF2 in the top three. Why? Because it's a good game. Unlike some other insanely popular online games *coughcallofdutycough*


    Second favorite is probably Half-Life 2.



    What the original Half-Life didn't get exactly right (e.g. movement speed, NPC participation) Half-Life 2 did do right. It's too bad we'll probably never see a proper sequel to it though.

    I play lots of tf2 and the hats are the best part. I've also played half life and the story is great and portal is also good. And Call of duty's multiplayer isn't the best considering they have been using the same modified quake 3 engine since cod 2  and there is no new ideas in it, its just new guns and different maps every year.

  8. My favorite FPS game is definitely Timesplitters Future Perfect



    What else can I say? It's in the title, this game is just perfect


    And Medal of Honor



    Pretty much what made me a MoH fan

    MoH is a very good game but i haven't played the newest one unfortunately, but some look both ways at it  some like it and some don't. But these games came out when ea was actually  good company :)

  9. Let's see here...I have two personal favorites, here's my #1 favorite FPS game:


    Condemned 2 Bloodshot





    and then:



    F.E.A.R. 2 Project Origin




    These two just combine shooting and horror together perfectly...to me, at least.


    (You seem to like Doom...I have a copy of Doom 3 just sitting on my shelf...is it worth playing?)

    Its not like the classic doom where you pick up a berserk pack and start to rip and tearing. Its more slow paste now but its still a good game its just i prefer the fast paste shotgun every thing you see type of doom. Really tho its just doom 3 redone.

    My favorite FPS is Halo: Combat Evolved. I've played it for as long as I can remember, and I've had a lot of fun memories playing the game. The campaign and the multiplayer are both great, and the game definitely left a memorable impression on me. There are many other FPS games that I like, and I'm sure there are some great FPS games out there that I haven't tried, but out of all the FPS games I've come across Halo: CE is my favorite.

    I remember playing it for the first time i loved it, at that time the graphics were amazing so many great times on that game. Where have the good fps shooters gone to these days. 

    • Brohoof 3
  10. Well Mr. White! I think they should! a lot of ponies I know only got World At War for the zombies, same with Black ops 1 and 2. Truth be told if they did I'm sure it would sell like hot cakes, I know I would buy it. Oh and Mr. White?! how is Jesse doing? :)

    Well Celestia i never knew you played zombies maybe we could play sometime,and for jesse from what i herd he was doing fine. 

    • Brohoof 1
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