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Everything posted by Asternose

  1. I relate a lot to Twilight. But I didn't choose her as my favorite until Season 4, to be honest. I was always a Rarity fan. I still love Rarity with all my heart but I love twilight a littlr more.
  2. Does anyone know of any good hand-drawn animation programs? I don't have very much experience with animation, but I am quite willing to teach myself once I get a good program. I've tried using puppets in Flash, but (after much frustration with the technicalities of it and getting puppets to work) I have decided I would prefer to animate with my own style. I would be animating ponies in a really simple little style I have because I have a project planned. Any input would be appreciated!
  3. PM me if you need any help with voice acting or design/storyboarding (I would say animation but I don't have Flash, unfortunately)
  4. There is absolutely no reason that Fluttershy would be written out of Season 5. Literally anyone with a Deviantart account could say something like this, and if enough people saw it, there would be people believing it.
  5. I can see what you mean about Twilight being a bit useless in Rainbow Rocks, but at the same time, the fact that she was put under the pressure to help everypony and couldn't was a vital part of the plot. I'm sure she'll go back to her epic laser-shooting alicorn self in Season 5
  6. I would love to see some world building in Season 5 for sure, and I am almost sure we will get to see some new places, based on the animatic that was released a few months ago. At the same time, I wouldn't want MLP to have less of the slice of life episodes that attracted me to the show in the first place. So far, I am content with the comics and the books doing some semi-canon world building while the show focuses more on the characters' lives.
  7. I looked into this and it was started as a joke. I'm not sure if people are taking it seriously at this point. I'm not a religious person, but if it makes people happy, it doesn't matter to me what they worship
  8. Now that I think about it....I started watching the show in July of 2012 because I was really bored. I feel like I just got into the the show...time flies, huh?
  9. The fact that this writer slipped those cameos in and passed it off as satire is disturbing. However, as far as I know, this is the first time one of the comics had done something like this, and this writer obviously does not represent the entire company, so I will not be boycotting as long as nothing like this happens again. I am sure the editors are genuinely sorry that they let this slip in.
  10. Aww, I really want this! Unfortunately, it is unavailable for pre-order? I suppose I'll try Barnes and Noble
  11. I have a Coton named Bailey, and two kitties name Sebastian and Thumper
  12. This is kind of late, but, if you are still having problems with binging and purging, or starving yourself, do not be afriad to tell someone. And do not be ashamed. Eating disorders are not something to be taken lightly, and can have very dangerous effects on the person who is inflicted with the illness. When my eating disorder got severe, I was nervous about seeking help, but I am glad i did. I was very close to death at that point. Half of the battle is admitting you need help...Good luck
  13. Plagiarism is when you copy someone else's creative work. The story line does not seem similar to EqG. If you rewrote the events of the movie and passed it off as your own, that would be plagiarism. As long as you allow it to be known that you are basing your character off of Pinkie Pie, I think its fine. Keep writing!
  14. I would really like to see Scorpan explored in Season 5. One thing I that has bothered me since the finale -- If Tirek was still alive at that point, is Scorpan still alive, somewhere in Equestria? I feel like a lot of people make the assumption that Scorpan is dead...
  15. My favorite Spike episode would be Just For Sidekicks. I don't understand why so many people hate that one
  16. I haven't had a pony dream, but I've been considering taking up lucid dreaming so I can be a pony in my dreams That would be awesome!
  17. To be honest, I could care less about her. She's cute as a background gag, but she doesn't have a canon personality or anything. I don't see the appeal of background characters in general -- I prefer characters that have been developed in the show.
  18. I'd say Coco Pommel. I have always loved blue and beige together, and the red accessories accenting her color are perfect!
  19. I could imagine that! Would you mind sharing some examples of the quotes? Unfortunately, I don't collect trading cards
  20. I like Twilight as an alicorn just as much as I liked her as a unicorn. My favorite princess is Celestia. My favorite pony list goes: Twilight>Rarity>Applejack>Pinkie>Fluttershy>Rainbow. I like CMC episodes. I hate Equestria Girls (Hey, I gave it a chance). I dislike Rainbow Dash. Flash Sentry doesn't bother me that much. I like Spike as a character.
  21. This is an awesome headcanon! I never really thought about how Discord sensing magical disturbances is similar to the Pinkie/Cheese sense
  22. I really didn't like the designs. The manes and tails were too big in proportion to their bodies. basically doubled Rarity's tail, which was weird. And the markings/tattoos each pony had screamed "toy marketing" to me. In my opinion, they could have left that off in the show and kept in on the toys if they really wanted to. It wouldn't be the first time they put random markings on ponies to sell as toys. Take this toy for example:
  23. I thought it was nice that he got his OC featured in the show! However, I'd feel kind of weird making fanart/fanfics about him, since its a real person...and there's always gonna be that one person that will decide to make R34 of the poor kid's OC
  24. I don't see why he wouldn't be in Season 5
  25. I was really looking forward to Flutterbat and the Pony of Shadows being revisited in the finale...Oh well. I do like that theory someone brought up about Tirek being the pony of shadows, but he probably would have been to week to be walking at that point.
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