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Everything posted by WhiteLight

  1. Like there's steam coming out of her ears
  2. I have a steam account now. If you want to add me, White the LightMaster

    1. baltoist
    2. Blue Bay

      Blue Bay

      Sure thing, I'll send you a request later on. :)

  3. Okay. So apparently this is gonna be all about memes for the fandom. And possibly for the creators as well. Let's recap. So far we've had Grumpy Cat and Slenderpony. Have I left anything out?

    1. TurtlesForSale


      Not that I know of.

    2. WhiteLight


      Thank you. Thank you very much.

  4. Don't forget to watch the new episode tomorrow. Night everyone.

  5. Merry Christmas. Happy Hanukkah (even though I'm late). Happy Kwanzaa. Happy Holidays. Whatever it is you do, I hope you have a good time.

    1. Blue Bay

      Blue Bay

      Have a happy holiday aswell. :)

    2. WhiteLight


      Thank you Blue Bay.

  6. My eyes have a similar detail. I think it looks good.
  7. My new favorite song:

  8. Oh. Okay. I don't usually watch that kind of stuff but that is pretty funny.
  9. I don't get it... How is this funny? Oh wait. I think I'm being overcritical.
  10. With the way those two clouds are positioned, it almost looks like she is mad.
  11. Scaling isn't that hard. You can look into that. But for ferocity, don't make his smile straight. Give it a little bit of a wavy touch and have some teeth show from under the lip.
  12. What kind of an image are you going for here? Ferocious? Docile? Hairy? Scaley?
  13. For those of you who haven't read "My Little Dashie", here is a link: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/1888/1/my-little-dashie/my-little-dashie So yeah. I just finished reading "My little Dashie", and it was awesome. Sad, but awesome. I didn't cry, although I wanted to, but that's my fault I guess. I wasn't born with the heart I wanted. Why God must I be so insensitive? I wanna thank BronyDash465 for linking me to it. http://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?ht...

    1. Blue Bay

      Blue Bay

      It was something between almost crying and fighting the urge to, when I read it. The latter won in the end. It was a greata fanfic though, even if that's usually not the genre of fics I prefer

    2. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      I didn't come close to crying, myself. But then, I am a heartless monster.


      It is very good, of course.

    3. WhiteLight


      It's an amazing piece, but sometimes when I just want to cry, my body refuses.

  14. LOL The email notification I got says you used Twizzlers. Hah. I guess candy can solve just about anything now. Don't ya think?
  15. Uuuuuuuuuhhh *headache* So much confusion. I'm just gonna say that you know what you're talking about.
  16. These weren't bad ideas. The important thing is that you were all trying to help him. "It's the thought that counts."
  17. NO! Using a magnet can interfere with inner components of your computer and permanently damage it. I agree with you, Magos. It's a better idea to get a professional's help rather than taking it apart and causing permanent damage to the system.
  18. I'm with ya on that one. However I won't mind trying to trade a little. I don't mind battling either. Just don't use any legends. PLEASE READ. BRILLIANT IDEAS LIKE THIS SHOULD NOT GO TO WASTE. If any of you all are having trouble communicating during in-game playing, may I make a suggestion? Why not connect with Skype? We can use Skype to msg each other. Put your skype username up and I'll add you so we can chat while in-game. Don't have a Skype? Find other ways. Like Facebook or any other chat site. It's up to you. Skype name: whitethelightmaster
  19. It is official. The synchronized version of me and my dark brother shall be called White Shade.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Keezuw


      I know how you feel. D:

      I'm awful at coming up with names.


      ....poor future children of mine. ;_;

    3. WhiteLight


      Awww. That is so sad yet adorable at the same time. C'mere I need to hug you.

    4. Keezuw


      Haha I don't see how it's adorable, but -hugs- c:


    1. MelancholicMemory


      Your caps lock is scaring them away.

    2. WhiteLight


      LOL [Pinkamena laugh]

      Good point my friend.

  21. "Oy! Is this a private party, or can anyone join? Cause McSquizzy wants in. Oy!" ah-ahem Anyway...Yeah. I wanna part in this. EDIT: Is it up by seven in your time zone? I live in the Eastern time zone of the United States.
  22. OMG! I can't believe my first Eevee evolution was Sylveon. This is freakin' awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WhiteLight


      Just got Umbreon not long after that.

    3. Blue Bay

      Blue Bay

      I've kinda lost track, how many evolutions of Eevee are there by now?

    4. WhiteLight


      I think there are eight. Hold on.

      *A considerable amount of time later*

      Yep. There are 8.

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