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Sparkle Pie

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Posts posted by Sparkle Pie

  1. I had one when i was very young. We were on holiday in Turkey (i think?). We were in a swimming pool and i couldn't swim yet, so i had arm bands to make me float. At least i thought i had... Apparently i forgot to put them on and i only noticed while on the slide going into the water.


    I kept jumping up to get small moments of air, and some random woman saved me. At first i thought it was my sister, but i was told that it was not. It's all blurry to me now.


    Also, how do you ponies like my new sig that i made myself?

    • Brohoof 1
  2. No. They will just ram into each other and stay stuck there. Because an immovable object would logically be impenetrable, correct?I

    I don't know about that. I guess i don't understand physics well enough to know for sure what would logicaly happen, but I thought that being penetrated (yeah, great word choice..) does not involve moving.


    The irresistible force paradox, also called the unstoppable force paradox, is a classic paradox formulated as "What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?" This paradox is a form of the omnipotence paradox, which is a simple demonstration that challenges omnipotence: ("Can God create a stone so heavy that not even God is strong enough to lift it?"). The immovable object and the irresistible force are both implicitly assumed to be indestructible, or else the question would have a trivial resolution ("it destroys it"). Furthermore, it is assumed that they are two separate entities, since an irresistible force is implicitly an immovable object, and vice versa.

    The paradox arises because it rests on two premises—that there exist such things as irresistible forces and immovable objects—which cannot both be true at once. If there exists an irresistible force, it follows logically that there cannot be any such thing as an immovable object, and vice versa.


    Here we are.


    the unstoppable, indestructible force will keep moving since it's unstoppable, and the immovable, indestructible object will not move since it's immovable. So, they just phase through each other, that is the only logical option, isn't it?

  4. I also love gaming, although not specificaly retro, and i don't do anything on youtube either. I do like to learn (certain stuff, at least), like, im learning Japanese online right now, and i want to become a programmer. Anyway, welcome  =D

  5. I just made this account, so hi! Although I don't think i will be very active here, because i am generally never on forums. Anyway, i love the show, it just makes me feel all happy, you know?


    Also, check out this cool bag i bought online, as well as this adorable picture!



    • Brohoof 2
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