As some of you might have already guessed correctly, I am NOT Chuck Norris. For those of you who didn't know, I'm sorry if I made you have a negative emotion (sad/depressed/'let down').
I am a teenage 'brony' who has Aspergers syndrome. I started watching the show to prove a brony wrong, about how "the show is for little girls and furfags". Well, it turns out that I actually enjoyed watching the show. So much, in fact, that I started stimming. Now mind you, most people don't know what it means to stim. It is whenever someone with autism has so much joy/anger/[other emotion], that they just start shaking from the amount of it. I started hitting my fists together. No show has ever made me do that, even my favorite shows like Psych and Doctor Who. Not even my favorite game, Minecraft, could make me do that. That just showed me how great of a show it is. So, I went back online and apologized profusely to the brony who called me out on my prejudiced statements.
So, here I am today. I've watched every episode on YouTube at least once, and some of them 3-5 times. I've read Cupcakes, and cried at the horror of Pinkie Pie .... doing something to Rainbow Dash (don't look it up people, just trust me. Its absolutely horrible.). I've even read My Little Dashie, and shed quite a few manly tears at that. All in all, does it really matter though? I'm still the same person as I was before I watched the show. A teen who loves nanotechnology, quantum physics, science, mathematics, electronics, and well, women . So, for all of you bronies and bronettes out there, I would like to say.