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Solar Cloud

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Everything posted by Solar Cloud

  1. Are you Tara Strong? JK. I don't hate very many things but there is one. I can't stand people who blindly follow something simply because others are doing it. For the love of Celestia, be your own person and make your own decisions.
  2. This should answer the question of what Sunset Shimmer really is. This is a panel from the comic specifically issue number nine. Well. The SDCC version of it.
  3. Integrity: 1: firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility 2: an unimpaired condition : soundness 3: the quality or state of being complete or undivided : completeness
  4. Currently- Gravity Falls Avatar: The Last Airbender The Legend of Korra Xiaolin Showdown(Rewatching) TMNT(Nickelodeon and 2003) Phineas and Ferb Batman: TAS Justice League
  5. It is good for who it is aimed at. Kids with semi-frugal parents who don't like the 3D aspect. Since it is being released when the new Pokemon games do(as stated in earlier posts), they are going to probably make a profit. Say hello to a good holiday season.
  6. Looks interesting. Is Namco making it? I know Game Freak isn't. I also wonder if the game will have a big roster or will they start small. Also, dibs on Magikarp.
  7. I was waiting for the post that referenced FLCL. Once I read the thread name, I knew it was going to crop up at some point in here.
  8. That's what volunteering is for. As for the people who say they will never go to a con because of a few obnoxious people. Don't let them ruin it for you. Just because one person had a bad experience doesn't mean you will. For every jerk, there is three nice and friendly people. So get out there and go to a con. You will not regret it.
  9. Could I get the McDonalds Fluttershy? It would be really really cool to get her. It would go well with my other collectibles.
  10. The Farsight XR20. I would be able to shoot anyone from anywhere. It also has the ability to tick off your friends really when playing multiplayer.
  11. I don't think that's chicken. Something tells me it came from someone who has wronged Fluttershy in the past. Can you guess who?
  12. No Carl's Jr. or Jack in the Box? You have Jollibee on there but no Carl's Jr. or Jack in the Box. Color me confused. That said, my favorites are already stated above with the addition of In N' Out.
  13. You know Babs is female right? Hence the name Babs. I can see someone mistaking her for a boy,though,(some do it with Rainbow Dash) due to her accent and her look.
  14. I would like to see a crossover with Gravity Falls. Strange things happen in that town all the time so having a bunch of ponies magically appear there would not be farfetch'd.
  15. Dangit. All the ones that I can come up with have been taken. I guess this means I do not watch enough anime to think of other deaths.
  16. Well, I would just eat it anyway simply because I don't want to hurt Fluttershy's feelings. She would cry if I told her the food she made wasn't good.
  17. Thank you for the warm welcome everyone. This place is going to be so awesome! /)^3^(\
  18. They haven't. You know they haven't. They just want to divide the fanbase with stupid drama instead of making an actual difference. They are pretty much the brony version of Jack Thompson.
  19. Solar Cloud


    My name is Solar Cloud. I live in Spring Valley, Ca which is a small town connected to San Diego. I am hoping to have a fun time here.
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