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Everything posted by Heartstrings

  1. I've changed a lot in the past decade or so. I went from being a social, hyper kid who would speak his mind at every opportunity to a reclusive, shy person who has a lot of trouble with people. I used to always be changing, I'd look back at myself 12 months earlier and see someone completely different than the person I am today. However, in the past 2 or 3 years I've really started to stay the same. My interests and goals and beliefs are really frozen where they are and I'm not too sure what I think about it. Before grade 7 or so, I think that was the year, not too sure. I was always with people. I talked to them, tried to befriend them, tried to get them to know me and such. I was always chatting with people at school and had a rather huge group of friends. Then, in grade 7 my parenty moved, taking me with them a slinging me to a bunch of different schools and each time I made less and less friends. By the time were settled in a place I had given up on friend making and basically spent a couple years in total isolation, not talking to anyone. Today, I'm pretty much secluded. Not really having any friends aside from a few internet buddies that are so far away I'll never meet them in real life. Now, you'd think that sucks, but I'm actually quite content with how I've turned out. I'm happy with my beliefs and interests. My biggest change was starting to get interested in drawing (about 2 years ago). But yeah, that's pretty much it ^^
  2. My favorite of the mane six is Rainbow Dash. I dunno, I've always like characters that looked adorable, but have so much attitude behind them. Just makes such a good mix. Secondary character would be Trixie. Mostly cause of her over voice and mannerisms. Something about them is just so cool to me. And background pony is Lyra. Because she's just awesome, no need to explain :b
  3. My laptop'd probably be useless without power, but I'd bring that anyway. I guess any other electronics would just die eventually. I'd probably grab a bunch of books, maybe some paper and pencils to draw with (Then again, how would I draw without hands, heh). Honestly, I'm not a very material driven person. I'd be able to get most of what I'd need in Equetria ^^
  4. 8/10 You're avatar pops out a lot and make you kinda noticeable, heh
  5. Silly stuff today. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzG6g11_Mzc
  6. Usually 11-12 hours. Sometimes more. This is if I don't have an alarm set of course.
  7. I hate sleep. It takes me over an hour to fall asleep if I'm not completely exhausted. It have nightmares all night and wake up multiple times. I don't wake up normal either, I get stuck lucid dreaming for 1-4 hours before waking up. If I could not sleep I would.
  8. How come you don't talk to people? Do you have a girlfriend? Why don't you smile more? YOU DON'T DRINK?! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!
  9. I'm an awful sleeper, but I usually sleep on back, with two pillows stacked, fully clothed (whatever I was wearing on the day). I can only sleep from passing out from exhaustion anyway, so I don't really need to be that comfortable.
  10. A lot of things. So many I wound't even know where to begin. But, I will say that it's better now than it's ever been (in terms of humanity at least) so I shouldn't complain too much.
  11. Sonic Colors What is the ultimate answer?
  12. I also live on New Brunswick! I'm surprised somepony else on the forums lives so close to me.
  13. I do like how the show uses proper English and doesn't feel the need to dumb things down for kids. When I'm forced watch the last bit of Strawberry Shortcake before MLP airs, it feels like they're talking down to kids, like they need to talk slower and simpler. MLP doesn't do that because they understand that kids arn't stupid and can understand speech normal dialogue. And even the references that kids might not get (Tartarus, Et tu, Brutus?) kids would probably just look up online. I remember when I was 5-10, if I didn't get something from I show I liked I'd look it up online.
  14. I like Rule 63. It's kinda cool to see what all the characters would be like as opposites. I'm surprised I barely hear of Rule 63 Snip and Snail, the Sugar and Spice pun is great.
  15. draw_text(view_xview+80,view_yview+20,magic);
  16. Rarity is my favorite pony. I know everyone doesn't like her, but she really is a great character. Even though she does like everything to be perfect and can be a drama queen at time, these are only went she know that doing those things won't really hurt anything. When things get to the point where she needs to act up and put those needs beside her she can, and has on many occasions (e.g. covering herself in mud to win back Sweetie Belle, not even complaining about her hair while trying to cure the Poison Joak incident, letting herself get disheveld while making dresses for her friends, etc.). She does things she enjoys and avoids things she doesn't, but doesn't let them get in the way of what's really important. This is a quality that I really love and respect. It also makes for very interesting senarios when the writers start pushing what the line in between when she should do the right thing and when she should do what she wants to do. She's the only character who is artistic. While her episodes mostly focus on the dressmaking, you see her doing many artistic things throughout the series. In 'Look Before you Sleep' she's making little ponies out of the trees for fun (which I find really cute btw). In 'It's about time' in the background you can see her picking leaves out of Applejacks mane. I doubt that Applejack would really care, but Rarity thinks it's a nice thing to do. When putting together the Mare-Do-Well costume she had fun in making it and made a really cool looking outfit. She cares about things looking nice and having everything be as nice as it can be. I'm very much like this and it makes me smile whenever I see that brought up. Her voice acting is amazing, definitly my favorite of the mane six. All the little noises she makes are hilarious and I love how raspy and unsofisticated her voice gets when she's overexcited or angry. He design is wonderful aswell (why are white ponies so cute?), her hair is the most awesome of any of them. So yeah, Rarity is my favorite and there's why. I dunno why so many people hate her
  17. I'd have to say this either this one: Or this one: Both took a ridiculous amount of time to draw.
  18. I'd have to say Big Macintosh. I like guys that don't feel the need to talk all the time. I really like being able to sit in a room with someone and enjoy their company without having to force small talk. He's also really sweet and kind too
  19. So far we know that John De Lancie is coming back, there will be a Scootaloo Episode, a lot of the writers left and they've only ordered 13 episodes. Trixie was hinted at by Thiessen. Also, Megan McCarthy is story editor, woot!
  20. My hair. It'll grow back and I can sell some diamonds, not bad.
  21. I've done pixel art quite a bit, and this site is a really good place to get started: http://www.petesqbsite.com/sections/tutorials/tuts/tsugumo/ It goes over the basics, and is a great starting point. You should also get sprites from classic games and place with them (http://spriters-resource.com/). Try editing, recoloring and mixing them around to get used to how pixels work with each other. You can just use MS Paint for pixel art, it's surprisingly good at it (it's what I use).
  22. Aww, it's so cute. I love the way Pinkie is hanging off Dashie
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