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Everything posted by ShadowPhoenix

  1. Nope. But I felt that they dodged the point during Simple Ways, which caused it to be my least favourite episode of Season 4. I do not think Rarity's impassioned attempts to impress Trenderhoof, causing her to lose sight of her own character to be as fatal as the flaw of her grossly exaggerated impersonation of Applejack. It was as if she was insinuating that Applejack normally behaved like a country hick, was perpetually unhygienic and completely lacked any civility. The Aesop would have been better if she had at least apologised to Applejack for stretching the stereotype, thus making it in a way, offensive. However, Applejack's Southern characterization is not offensive so long as we remember that the show does not take place on Earth. It is merely an idiosyncrasy that is simply part of her established character. We need to acknowledge the fact that Applejack goes far beyond being an apple farmer but instead emulating the Element of Honesty, having great familial ties, being a great elder sister and possessing considerable wisdom and outlook after years on the farm. That to me, is what makes Applejack's character work, not because the writers relegated the typical Southern stereotype (our preconceived notion) to the "roustabout" of the Mane 6. If I've lost anyone, it means I love Applejack's Southern mannerisms and accent.
  2. It's a nice distribution... According to this, I'm most like Rainbow Dash, then Rarity. A three-way tie between Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Twilight Sparkle. I always believed that I was most like Rarity, then Twilight and Rainbow Dash. But it's great that I'm most like my two favourite of the Mane Six. I refuse to believe that I am more like Pinkie Pie or Applejack than Fluttershy as I am definitely introverted compared to joyous or hardworking.
  3. I got some posters from a convention when I was vacationing in Sydney. They're really nice. http://space-kid.deviantart.com/art/Celestial-Spaceways-Poster-414156548
  4. Is there a phobia of Egypt related tombs and undead creatures? I know this sounds like an irrational fear since I actually find Ancient Egypt's mythology and history fascinating. It's the only fear I have.
  5. Yes, I am a closet brony. My family is only aware that I am a fan of the show. My parents were nonchalant when I told them I enjoyed the show about a month after I finished all 65 episodes (then) back in the wait for Season 4. They have never questioned my interest for the show and did not even blink when I bought merchandise at a convention while overseas and continually let me to purchase the comics. My younger sister, on the other hoof, ties in to this in a much more unusual sense. I made the mistake of not using headphones the first time I watched Look Before You Sleep and played the usual cards of "Isn't that meant for little girls?", "That's not what teenagers your age should like" or "That looks gay" etc. I have dropped various hints here and there about the show such as implying Celestia banished Luna to the moon as a form of exile during a related conversation which she said was "kinda cool but merciless". Almost two years later, I have long accepted that is simply not her cup of tea after she once explicitly declared that she would never like the show (without checking it out). However, I do feel bitter over the fact that she was the one who introduced me to Harry Potter, (some!) of DC Comics, Lord of the Rings and watching musicals. I gave them a shot and found that I liked them all and while I earnestly thank her for broadening my horizons, I pity her for not giving this show a chance. And I find myself unable to take her recommendations seriously nowadays when she keeps trying to push me to watch much of modern's society ersatz "teen-trash" dramas such as Glee, Pretty Little Liars and reading mostly fan fictions of the like on Goodreads. I tried to get her to watch Sherlock or consider something new that neither of us have watched before like Doctor Who but she still won't here anything about it. All in all, we've reached a wordless impasse and a silent pact. I am reticent to the extreme about this interest in school as I would prefer not to be looked upon with bias or judged. A total of 8 people know about this with 1 finding out when I accidentally flashed my desktop picture of Daring Do on a mountainside camp before hurriedly doing an nigh-instantaneous four-finger swipe to change apps in the full-screen mode. The strangest part is that he had absolutely no reaction. Quite literally. At all. We just continued our conversation as though nothing had happened.
  6. A human? If you have low- to mid- level martial arts skills and are not carrying firearms, then it is almost too easy. A pony? If I have high level fighting skills and am carrying firearms... Still Fucked.
  7. Season 1 is better than Season 3. In terms of passable to good episodes, they have the same. Season 1 has Owl's Well That Ends Well and Griffon The Brush Off while Season 3 has Spike At Your Service and One Bad Apple. Percentage-wise, and out of only 13 episodes, Season 3 wins. Also, I consider The Crystal Empire and Magical Mystery Cure superior to Friendship Is Magic and The Best Night Ever. Celestia and Luna are equally enjoyable to me. As much as I respect Lauren Faust, the show got better after she left. The show can be light-hearted, saccharine and still appeal to all ages and be awesome. As Walt Disney once said (although I think that Disney Channel is garbage and a debacle to his legacy): "You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway." All episodes, even Dragon Quest, can range from decent to beyond perfection, when compared to the rest of the muck by other cartoons.
  8. That monotone voice in their videos is really grating and annoying. I don't mind watching them if I'm bored but they have been prone to instances of poor judgement and inaccurate research.
  9. Three storey penthouse with built in gymnasium, library, rooftop swimming pool, five bedrooms etc. in a premium high rise in the city. I'd call it the Cloudsdale Suite. or Luxurious mountain retreat with stunning views
  10. I have this stinging headcanon that tells me Celestia and Luna were born Earth Ponies but their longevity is due to their connections with cosmic entities such as the Sun and Moon and because they were the first Alicorns. I believe Cadance was originally a pegasus.
  11. Twilight Sparkle - Chess/Long distance running Applejack - Athletics/Wrestling/Rodeo Sports Rainbow Dash - Track/Soccer Rarity - Any form of Martial Arts/Golf Fluttershy - Tennis/Aikido Pinkie Pie - Gymnastics/Cheerleading/Swimming
  12. A person with extremely bad taste, or more precisely, a grown man who watches Dora the Explorer.
  13. The developers of Starswirl Academy got it right. Twilight Sparkle: Tài Saito Applejack: Annabel-Jean "Anne" Smith Rainbow Dash: Robin Douglas Rarity: Rosalyn Montgomery Fluttershy: Faith Summers Pinkie Pie: Paulina "Polly" Parks Lyra Heartstrings: Laura Hartley Derpy Hooves: Dixie Hayes Celestia: Celena Solomon Luna: Lynette Solomon
  14. Rap - The few instances which I like a rap song are few and far between. Death Metal - Incoherent screaming, heavy metal without the appeal for me Modern Pop - I draw the line at "artists" such as Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus and it seems that every other artist has a flop somewhere or another. If the songs sound too generic or melody too vapid and uninteresting such as Roar, Royals, We Are Never Getting Back Together then it'll earn my dislike. K-Pop or J-Pop - I may live in Asia but in neither of these two countries.
  15. Shallow/Ignorant/Dumb people who love showcasing off their idiocy online. Also, the mistake of "your" and "you're". Ants. But at least along with lizards, they are the only pests that pervade my house. Never seen a cockroach indoors before. Online scandals, surveys and re-directories that are so poorly programmed and fake that it's pathetic. Seeing my classmates spatter their notes with tons of redundant highlighting till it nullifies the purpose. Food pictures. Bottom line, if you're enjoying/creating exotic cuisine and want to share it, it's fine. If you're standing in line for Starbucks or McDonalds, don't... just don't. People who have been brainwashed by mainstream media (music, celebrity glorification of talentless twats/pricks/assholes such as Bieber, attention whores etc.) who lead largely superficial lives. At the same time, people who carry nostalgia overboard. Basically, any form of extremism.
  16. Vsauce, The Angry Video Game Nerd
  17. Well, I'll admit, he's pretty funny for the most popular guy on Youtube and I'd rather watch his content rather than something like The Fine Bros or Nigahiga
  18. Some people claim that Frozen is above The Lion King, which is an overrated film in itself. But it is an excellent film, deserving of its Academy Award (not much competition in the likes of Despicable Me 2, The Croods etc.) but at the same time I can't stand "Do You Want To Be A Snowman".
  19. Like? No. Quality? Below Tom and Jerry and around the same standing as Young Justice for me.
  20. I don't dislike Fluffle Puff, I just don't understand how any video involving her and Chrysalis always place highly in the Top Pony Videos but I appreciate creative effort. To me, she's a less appealing form of Derpy.
  21. Hm... As I get more and more confident expressing myself in this fandom, maybe I'll divulge more and more. But a photo is a long way to go. All I'm saying is that I'm 16, am effectively bilingual and from somewhere in Southeast Asia.
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