OK so today is interesting, I realized I hadn't really tripped in the past ten years since I was six years old. And I'm going to be in a play towards the end of the month were I have to get beat up. we started practicing stage combat today and I had never done stage combat before so my director told me to think back to when I last tripped. I had no idea what to do so we spent over an hour sliding around on the stage in our socks, I had to fall on the stairs, and all failed miserably. but I'm good at falling on my flank so were gonna roll with that.
then came the part where I had to get punched in the stomach... [select tripping story>copy>paste]
but in all of that I have had a safe fall on my foot like a 2'x2'x2' or maybe it was 3'x3'x3' but either way it hurt.
and on top of all of that I had the pacer in PE 6th period. so i was pretty worn out today.
Plane fact o' the day: the Lockheed SR-71 Black Bird is the fastest plane created to date reaching speeds of up to mach 3.5 (3 and a half times the speed of sound) at that speed, coffee doesn't get served, it gets vaporized