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Everything posted by NocturnalTwilight

  1. Oh yeah! I completely think so. What comes to mind when asked this question is in the Episode "Sonic Rainboom", at the very end when Rainbow Dash saves Rarity, not only does she carry her, but also 3 of the Wonderbolts. Now if you want to get technical, you can go ahead and understand that a Pony would weigh more than a human, even if it didn't, or was close, there were 4 total that Rainbow Dash was carrying. So yes, I think Rainbow Dash could easily carry a human!
  2. Hey all! Wasn't really too sure where to place this, hope I'm not in the wrong place ^^" But while re-watching (for the nth time) Episode 1 ~ Friendship is Magic (Pt. 1) I noticed something rather suspicious, which I think may be an accidental flaw. I love finding things like this! Makes me feel like I've been paying attention, which I have been, of course. But what I seen (around the 20 minute mark) was the Cutie Mark Crusaders (if that's what they were called back then) in a cuddled up state of fear from Nightmare Moon...from what I remember, the three didn't meat until Episode 12 of Season 1 in "Call of the Cutie", because they meet in the end and introduce their selves, thus becoming friends. So how did they know each other back then? Makes you wonder don't it? Thought I'd bring this to attention for observation and possible discussion. I think it's kind of cool, don't know what the writers were thinking? But still, it's cool. Here's a picture to see the exact scene I refer to in Episode 1 (Season 1):
  3. I'd highly doubt that, she's a Princess now, and you get royal duties when you become one, from what I've seen. Cadence got the Crystal Empire along with Shining Armor to rule over, now I'm not saying that Twilight will get her own empire to rule over, but it's a possibility. She's a natural born leader, I'm sure there's more responsibilities heading her way, but with time.
  4. Wow, really? That's something I didn't know. I always thought it'd be harder for a Pegasus to become one than a Unicorn, because a Pegasus would have to learn magic, and that seems more time consuming than learning to fly. But, no. I'm more than sure the rest of the Ponies won't become Alicorns, Twilight did because it was pretty much her graduation from Celestia's lessons.
  5. I believe he meant physically changed, not completely personality wise. She's still our beloved egghead! <3 Just having to get used to the flying and new responsibilities.
  6. But there's SO MANY to chose from! Can't I pick them all!? D: Well, if I had to choose JUST 1, like with a gun held to my head (because they're ALL so amazing! Hardest thing ever to choose!) I'd have to probably go with The Canterlot Wedding, I thought that Episode was pretty awesome, a close second would be Magical Mystery Cure. Oh oh oh! And Look Before You Sleep!
  7. I was planning on pasting "Gilda" like 100 times, but I don't think that'd be appropriate. But yes, completely Gilda, although she only appeared once. If you're talking about Minor characters who appear multiple times throughout the series, I'll have to say Diamond Tiara, then Silver Spoon. Trixie is up there as well, but she's no where near the others.
  8. Just found around 40 Bronies who live around me, I'm so THRILLED! :D

  9. I suppose this is an appropriate place to place this song. You guys know BlackGryph0n? That awesome Bro that does awesome stuff? That song is by him, in case you didn't know. He said he wrote the song based on Twilight's perspective on her new transformation as an Alicorn. Description: "I find it hard to imagine how Twilight must have felt after her transformation. Being a thoughtful and analytical pony, the range of emotions and internal conflict she would have faced must have been overwhelming... This song attempts to express some of the thoughts and emotions she may have wrestled during her first night as an Alicorn." I think the song describes how Twilight feels pretty well, or how she will feel when Season 4 starts. In the song, it mentions that Twilight, now an Alicorn, is now Immortal. I must have forgotten that being an Alicorn granted Immortality, makes me slightly sad though, acknowledging that Twilight will probably outlive her friends :/ Do you feel them feels yet? I sure did. But, based on how determined Twilight is about studying (My little egghead <3) I'm sure she'll have things figured out soon enough. She didn't become an Alicorn by sitting around now, did she? The flying will be hard to get used to, made me laugh in Equestria Girls when the bed sheet kept getting messed up because her wing kept popping up, LOL!
  10. I'm like 95% sure the intro will be revised, now that Twily is an Alicorn! <3 -squee- As for the theme song? I'm not sure at all, like a 50/50 I'd guess. It wouldn't hurt it to stay, but with a new intro, it'd be expected for the theme to be slightly tweaked. I honestly wouldn't mind the Equestria Girls intro to be in it, personally. But do with what they will!
  11. That new song by BlackGryph0n gives me the Feels.

  12. I'd LOVE to live in Equestria, I think that'd be the best thing ever! Ponies everywhere, all day and everyday. Sounds like a plan to me, ya know?
  13. I'm awful at naming topics! xD But pretty much what it says! I was thinking this while watching the movie, what would have happened? I know Princess Celestia said it could mess things up, but let's hear what you think. Also, a second part to the question, what do you think would have happened if the Human Mane 5 returned to Equestria with Twilight? I honestly don't have a clue. I think it would make some epic spin off show, though!
  14. Hey all! So, I just got done having another amazing round of Equestria Girls, I'm sure when I wake up from this epic coma due to over amazingness, I'll be able to finish this topic. [3 Weeks Later] Now, where was I? Oh okay, I remember. Throughout the movie, I saw every one of the Mane 6 have super cute moments, I mean sweetness everywhere! Of course, in FiM they all also have their cute moments as well, rest assured. But I was wondering what you guys think? Are the human versions of the Mane 6 cuter than the Pony versions? Don't get me wrong, I love Twily's cute little Pony face more than anyone who has ever existed in existence, but I think she's really cute as a human too. Could it be because being the same species, you'd have more of an attraction? Possibly, yes. Or, maybe you think otherwise, I dunno. I just think they're all so cute! Let me know what you Bros and Broets think. ( Remember though, it doesn't mean you hate the ponies if you like their human forms better! Just asking an opinion! EDIT: This is kind of silly, but it was bugging me for like 20 minutes. I'm totally siding with the Ponies being cuter, have no idea why it was bugging me, just wanted to point that out. I voted No. Geez, stupid mind!
  15. This would be really cool, good idea! I have the idea that they could mix together the evil visions Twilght and Spike saw when trying to open that door in Season 3 Episode 1, and combine those with the nightmares every pony had in the Nightmare Rarity comic arc, that'd be so cool! Although Twilight's dream is basically the same in both ^^"
  16. Can someone please help me fighure out how to make YouTube links actual videos in posts?

    1. Moonlight


      I'm pretty sure you just paste the link....you don't link it, you just paste it as plain text.

    2. NocturnalTwilight


      Oh okay, I'll give that a try, thanks!

  17. I meant to ask forever ago, I LOVED Equestria Girls, but there was 1 part I didn't get. Whenever Twilight first meets Pinkie Pie, she (Pinkie Pie) mentions something about another Twilight that looks exactly like her with a dog named Spike? This..confuses me to an uncomfortable level. Let me see if I can find a video to shed more light on the subject, I appreciate the help in advance! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mI1pz5xYlc&feature=youtu.be&t=54s
  18. Twilight, by far. I believe it was Discord in Season 2 Episode 1 who said that Twilight had the most powerful Element of Harmony, Magic. If you think about it, Twilight has an insane amount of Magic, just think of all the chaos she could do to the world if she turned evil. Also, the other elements wouldn't even work right without Magic would they? You know... "and Magic makes it all complete." I'm sure if she did go bad then she'd start studying black magic, which would probably rip Equestria a new one. Opinions! Opinions everywhere!
  19. "Hate" is a strong word, but it still doesn't compare to how I feel about Gilda. Thing is, she wasn't so bad until she started bullying Pinkie Pie around. This part just made me mad... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sHlZl9X6aM
  20. So you're saying Episode 1 and 2 of Season 4 will connect with the Season 3's finale? How cool! Looking forward to it! At least I hope that's what you're saying ^^"
  21. Oh! Sounds like fun! Let's see... Twilight Sparkle <3 I feel like I connect with her the most, at least my Best Bro thinks so! I'm nerdy, OCD about everything! Really precise on grammar, I use big words a lot, and I didn't have many friends when I was younger, but now I do because I discovered the Magic of Friendship! Rarity - I like her! But, I don't like getting dirty. I just don't. You'd think someone who grew up in a country town in Tennessee would love it, but nope, not one bit. Also, I speak like Rarity, by that I mean without sounding with an accent, like Applejack would. Applejack - Although I don't like getting dirty, when I start a job I really get determined to finish, I'm one of the hardest workers you'll ever meet. Oh, and I love Apple Pie! Pinkie Pie - I'm ALWAYS making my friends laugh and smile! I do my best to make sure everyone's having a good time, like the life of a party! I like to pull pranks and tell jokes from time to time! I can be random too. Fluttershy - I'm not very shy in most situations, but I do try to be as kind as I can to everyone I meet, manners in a necessity! And it's kind of a habit ^^" I like animals too! Not as much as Fluttershy though. Rainbow Dash - I like to live in the action from time to time, I love being the center of attention. I love to go fast, and also have somebody I somewhat idolize from speed and coolness. I'm loyal to my friends as well. EDIT: Oh my goodness, I accidently put too many emoticons and had to edit a lot of them out! xD
  22. Wow, strangely I haven't thought of this. Here I am, getting even more excited for Season 4! Honestly, I have no idea what Hasbro holds for the new opening, at least I hope it has a new one. With Alicorn Twilight and all, it's bound to. I hope they put in that awesome remix of the theme song from Equestria Girls! Man, that'd be AWESOME! Maybe they'll show Shining Armor and Cadence in it as well? Maybe Luna too. Like I said, I dunno! But I'm excited to see it!
  23. I just have to throw out there how seriously awesome I thought the Nightmare Rarity Arc was in the MLP comics, why is this not canon!?

  24. Silly prankster with a love for jokes, eh? Why not laffy taffy! I know it's silly, but it matches her, right? Good looking character by the way!
  25. I agree, I think they could have stretched it out some. But while typing this post, I thought to myself that maybe they slightly rushed the Finale so Season 4 could start out fresh, with Twilight just becoming an Alicorn. That...and maybe they were trying to focus on Equestria Girls? Bah, I dunno. It would have been cooler to see a second part but...hey! What if the Season 4 premiere is like the second half to the Season 3 finale? There we go! Positive thinking!
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