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Everything posted by NocturnalTwilight

  1. I would rather her be a Queen, but I'm okay with her being a Princess. I read something forever ago that Hasbro made her a Princess because something about Disney portraying Queens as evil? Blah, I dunno. But still, I'm okay with how it is!
  2. Let's see... I became a Brony because I first watched the show and loved it, later on discovered what an amazing and wonderful community it is. The show is amazing, and has outstanding quality. The Voice Actors of this show actually care about their fans, it's so cool! It's great being a Brony.
  3. Spoderman is possibly one of the greatest memes of all time, haha. Welcome, Bro! (\
  4. Oh goodness, I <3 this topic so hard. I've been collecting the cards when I can, they're so awesome! I've got a lot so far, in Series 1 and 2, no sweepstakes winners yet, though :/ My favorite from Series 1, is the holographic Twilight Sparkle (Royal Wedding Edition) My favorite from Series 2, I JUST got today! It's a holographic Filly Twilight Sparkle :3 I love these cards!
  5. Usually, when something this big and exciting is coming out, I get prepared hard core. Probably watch Seasons 1-3 a week or 2 before, just to get the feels. On the day of, get every snack I can find and horde it all in my room, wrap up in my bed and try not to pee myself from the excitement, if I don't see it live, I'll have it recorded and protected for that night. If I had to work during the episode's showing, I'd quit my job a few days before. Just because it's all worth it. I'm so pumped for Season 4, Bros!
  6. I think Twilight would make the best babysitter (in my opinion, of course!) Since Twilight has most likely read every book Equestria has to offer, I'm sure she's read a few on Babies. Also, now that I recall the baby cakes episode, Twilight and Rarity were advising Mr. Cake to be careful around baby Unicorns, due to the random magic surges. I think Twilight would know what to expect from such and would know how to handle it.
  7. First, I think I'd have to laugh at the ironic side of it. Then again, I'd think it wouldn't seem like Trixy to actually accept help from Twilight, considering the humiliation she's caused her...Like a boss, if I might add.
  8. It doesn't come on nonstop. The show isn't 110% revolved around Twilight and how amazing she is. All jokes aside, I can't think of anything about the show that's my least favorite thing. I love all of it so much. Snips, Snails, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon; I can do without, but that may be the only thing? EDIT: OH! I remember now, they censored Derpy. There was a great disturbance in the force that day, but that's probably it. Remove the censored voice, please!
  9. Of course not, by far! If anything, I've learned to have more faith in them. I doubted the Season 3 finale, Princess Twilight, and Equestria Girls. I don't plan to make that mistake again. Things is, I love the 3 things I doubted almost overall anything in the series. Hasbro has some smart cookies over there, in my opinion!
  10. Definitely a Unicorn! Considering Twilight is one! :3 Twily is my favorite, so obviously I'd have to side with her xD But really, I just feel like you'd have everything you need with Magic, I couldn't even list all the things you could do, but use that wonderful imagination of yours! Not to mention, since the Sonic Rainboom episode, I think a Unicorn would be able to cast the kind of magic to make him/herself a pair of wings. Of course, not permanent, but it could get you were you needed to go!
  11. I agree with those who say to wait another season or two. It's kind of exciting thinking of what they'll get, although we've gotten some hints from the talent show episode on what their special talents may possibly be. I hope we get to see them get their Cutie Marks though, I'd hate for the show to end without seeing it. But, wait a couple of seasons, then I'll be ready!
  12. Twilight's Cutie Mark represents her amazing skill in Magic, I'm pretty sure that's putting it boldly. Since she got her Cutie Mark when she discovered how good she is at it. Well, I guess it's because her main goal before then was impressing Celestia, doing everything she could to pass every test that was given to her. I'm sure it's not every day one Pony would think, "I bet today's the day I'll become an Alicorn", haha. It was probably unexpected and such, being such a high honor to one little lovable Pony :3 I've wondered this too, we haven't seen much of them. Mostly Twilight's parents, but I guess that's because the show's revolved around her. Also, we've recently seen Rainbow Dash's Father, and Rarity's parents. It's sadly assumed that Applejack's parents are well...passed, I don't know about Fluttershy's Parents though. Oh! And we've seen Pinkie Pie's parents. I assume you mean why they aren't shown more often, right? Well, I guess because the show is more focused on the Mane 6 than other Ponies. It's strange how they mention them, though. Hope that answered your question!
  13. Hey, Bros. Had a pretty good idea (so I hope) I got from a different forum, so I thought I'd give it a try! Basically, if you have some pony-related question that's short and simple, just ask it here. Instead of making a whole topic to ask (Example) what kind of animals is Discord made of, you could just ask here and another member could stop by and answer if he/she knew it. Maybe throw a little discussion or debating in there and there you go! I hope this makes sense ^^" I'll go ahead and start us off! _______________________________________________ What is Equestria? Is it the planet's name or just a part of it? What does Derpy's Cutie Mark Mean? What trait of personality does the Element of Magic represent? (As the other elements are part of the Ponies' personalities)
  14. I assume that you mean "Disharmony" when you say "Chaos"? Basically the same thing, right? Well, it'd have to be the opposite of the Elements of Harmony, such as: Magic -> Bewitchment Generosity -> Greed Honesty -> Deception Laughter -> Despair Kindness -> Cruelty Loyalty -> Severance Sound about right? :3
  15. I wouldn't mind a second movie, I loved the first one! Loved it so much I pre-ordered it a month before release! It did make quite a big profit as well, to my understanding. I was surprised that the movie was showing in a theater close to this small town I live in. But, I trust in the MLP staff. If they make another movie, they have my full support!
  16. [Personal Favorites] 1. Twilight Sparkle 2. Pinkie Pie 3. Fluttershy 4. Rarity 5. Rainbow Dash 6. Applejack [(Personal Opinion) - Best Singing Voice] 1. Twilight Sparkle 2. Rarity 3. Fluttershy 4. Pinkie Pie 5. Rainbow Dash 6. Applejack [(Personal Opinion) - Prettiest Pony] 1. Twilight Sparkle 2. Fluttershy 3. Rarity 4. Pinkie Pie 5. Applejack 6. Rainbow Dash
  17. I absolutely love Twilight! Everything about her is so great. She's a cute kind of nerdy, always determined and really organized, always willing to help out her friends, and is a really powerful unicorn! Rarity has always had such a beautiful and talented voice, I love hearing her sing (almost as much as Twilight!), she has a really neat style of mane. The "Cutie Pox" episode had a part where Applebloom's loopty hoop flew over to Twilight and changed her mane to look like Rarity's. Very cute! Applejack has an awesome name, I've said it before, so simple. But I think it just really suits her, she's a hard worker and has a cute accent! Pinkie Pie is always so fun and making me laugh! I feel like I'm kind of like her because I'm always making people laugh in real life. The random things she does are just so adorable, her cupcakes song is pretty great, too! Fluttershy is super sweet! I loved in EG when she was telling Twilight her name, and she whispered-yelled "It's Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash is pretty cool, 20% cooler to be exact! Always determined to be the best of the best, and sometimes can over do it, but it's okay. The "So awesome!" face is cute, haha.
  18. Thanks everyone for such kind welcomes! I'm happy to be here, and sure we'll all be good friends with time!
  19. I thought this would be perfect to post here, some people who have a hard time thinking about their least favorite of the Mane 6 reminded me of this earlier today: LOL!
  20. Oh yes, by a landslide. I thought at first it was going to be bad, just because the first art of it that came out looked awful. But, they changed it around, and I thought I should give it a chance, now it's one of my favorite movies!
  21. I think after a hard day of teaching and putting up with Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara, she goes out and parties hard with DJ PON-3. I'm kidding! I think she just goes and lives a normal life with her friends. Same thing as to what Rarity does when she's not making dresses, and AppleJack when she's not Apple Bucking the day away. Maybe she still sees Big Mac every once in a while? They did have some sort of connection at the end of Hearts and Hooves Day.
  22. Hello fellow Bronies and Pegasisters, my name is ThunderCracker! I love that name! xD I've really been looking for a cool MLP forum to join for a while now, and I'm glad to be apart of this awesome community! I hope to make as many friends as I can possibly make here, because the best kind of friends are the ones who like Ponies, am I right? xD I'm from Tennessee, in the US. It's probably the only place in the world where there are no Bronies or Pegasisters, it's kind of a bummer. But as long as I have some ponies to watch, I'm A-okay! My favorite Pony is Twilight Sparkle! She's so great! If I had an Element of Harmony, it would be Laughter! Because I love to make my friends happy, laugh, and SMILE! I love to play Video Games too! I hope that's enough basic info to get somewhat acquainted until we can become making friends, that's something I love love LOVE to do! Hoof me, Bros! (\
  23. When I first started watching MLP, I LOVED Applejack, still do, she's just not my favorite now. Now, my favorite is Twilight Sparkle! Cuz she's awesome! Hmm, now that I think of it...I've had every one of the Mane 6 be my favorite Pony, I guess it's because they're all so great!
  24. I absolutely LOVE Derpy! <3 She's so cute and adorable! It really bothers me that people seriously consider her offensive, I mean, seriously? I know people have heard it multiple times, but there are way more offensive characters in other cartoons than MLP. It was so adorable and dream-fulfilling to hear her first speak in "The Last Roundup", but when they censored her... Good thing is, I don't think she's being taken out of the series. Mainly because we've seen multiple appearances of her since her voice was censored in "The Last Roundup". I hope to see more of Derpy in the future, love her little muffin loving heart!
  25. I voted Fancy Pants, just because the two made such a cute pair in the few episodes he appeared in. Not to mention the snap shot photo of them in the ending of The Canterlot Wedding!
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