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Posts posted by ChoroChii

  1. I like strict-ish teachers who allow a bit of fun and flexibility every now and then. For jokes, So long as it's relevant to the topic at hand, then I think it should be allowed. I like the teachers who don't tolerate any form of delinquency, such as having side conversations during class, being on your phone, missing a bunch of classes, not turning work in on time, ect. Those kinds of things irritate me too and I believe they are punishable offenses. Don't mistake this for mean teaching, though, I never want an overly strict teacher who yells at their students and I do believe there are exceptions; things can go wrong. So long as you're responsible, compromises can be made. I also like when teachers give out a decent amount of work - Some classes I feel overwhelmed with too many assignments and others I feel like I'm not learning as much as I should be or flexing my brain enough.

  2. I have Aspergers which count, but it's more that this thread attracts both people who have it or believe they have it. I try not to make it look too special, especially since the excitement over it has long past and most Aspies and even autistics are treated rather warmly in society. I had shaky starts in elementary where I was more prone to breaking down, but after middle school people were tolerant of it, if not at the least indifferent. 


    I don't think being an Aspergers excuses me from being antisocial, anyway. 


    I usually ignore this but since it's in direct reply to me.. asperger's is an outdated term and the word "aspie" has always kind of offended me, though that's personal feelings. The current term is Autism Spectrum Disorder, which is perfectly understandable if you didn't know, I'm not trying to make you feel bad, just to inform you.


    and yeah, I can see what you're saying. People are more likely to view something they relate to. If someone dosen't have autism or know someone with autism, then it might be pointless for them to comment. 


    People do seem more accepting of it now, yeah. Might just be because we're older now, though. I had lots of issues as a child, myself. 

  3. In real life ? Maybe once a month for the ones outside of college. For my college friends, it depends. Usually every few days to a week if we bump into eachother. Bonus points if we have a class together. I'm not very social but I still do love them all regardless of how much we talk. Ironically, when college is on break, I don't see my friends from college at all.

  4. Basically everything else.


    -Watch YouTube videos.

    -Browse DeviantArt.

    -Tweet random things.

    -Watch Anime.

    -Listen to Anime.

    -Play with my bunnies.

    -Hang with friends.

    -Watch TV.

    -Make MMD videos. Fnaf style.

    -Play games.

    -RP with my sister.

    -Draw sometimes.


    A lot of things. College also starts back up September 8th.

  5. Pokemon - My mom bought a VHS from the Anime when I was about 3 years old and I ended up loving it.


    Anime - It started as an obsession with Naruto but then I wanted to expand and eventually, I ended watching hundreds.


    Fnaf - The hype. I had to check it out, so I watched Markiplier play it. This lead to more interest and I played the demo, which resulted me into buying the game, which resulted in me becoming obsessed.

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