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Bolero Ironside

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Everything posted by Bolero Ironside

  1. sorry ive been so sloy guys. i will begin working on them soon. ive been busy with work and very tired i wil get started again really soon.
  2. For those of you not familiar with Warhammer 40k you may not appreciate this but i hope you still think its Cool Ive been working on getting my army painted and i spent the last few hours working on this piece.
  3. I like i said i wont turn some one down i may set terms on what i will do. i cannot say when it will get done but hopefully i can get to you. patience is your friend here.
  4. I will never tell someone no. I can't promise when it will be done but I am going to be updating the request list soon. check back and see if your name has moved to the list! Your in line just not n the front post. I will say this. Yes I can design the cutie mark I will probably explore a few options the quill and parchment are VERY frequently used. So that said I will try to do something to make yours more unique but don't fear It will signify writing. and if you don't like it, i can always go with plan A. Your very welcome it makes me happy to make stuff that people love
  5. Next! Minty Wintergreen! I love trying to get good dynamic poses so this was a neat one to do sorry i played with her hair i felt like she needed the curl i can remove it but i think it suits her pretty well! I hope you Enjoy it. Hotfix! I had to fix her mane and tail color sorry i forgot the 2nd stage colors and i Roved the bg cutie mark it cluttered the image and kinda blended with everything too much. the 2nd color makes her pop a bit I am working on yours now. I have completely overhualed your Golem.... i couldnt use the main colo scheme but i did manage to get the red and green in there.
  6. whats the objective of this? your sayign draw for youtube do you mean to animate? or are you trying to do still shot stuff? im curious
  7. Bolero Ironside

    request shop Dil's requests (Closed)

    so im guessyou you either missed mine or ignored it its okay either way... *sniffle* My post is on the first page i hope oyu might consider doing it.
  8. Fixed. Sorry about that when its late and i finish the body i nearly ALWAYS forget the horn or the wings *sigh* well its fixed now and i think it looks good.
  9. I love it..... it is so amazing..... you have captured who he is without knowing his backstory.... he is my main rp pony... thank you so much for this.... i will liekyl be paying for a full body with background picture too. Working of Dash forevers character this one is giving me a time trying to capture it... im hopeing it comes out right. very very tough. im looking at it.... and im gonna be stright forward with you. i can try this. but thats about as awesome as it gets. i'm not sure i can improve upon her... who ever did this for you is working with a better program than i am. but i can try. okay here we go!!!Downpour This guy gave me a lot of small problems. finding his bodysize was hard along with proportions but i think i finally nailed it. so I hope you enjoy him remember I can fix thigns as needed.
  10. its not like your coming out i/e gay it's not really a big deal. Being a brony isn't THAT taboo. literally all your saying is "i like watching my little pony FIM" at the end of the day there are more like you and we have a community. the biggest thing to remember is if you want to be a Brony. there are a few things you should know socially. 1. your still just a person 2. if someone gives you shit about it just act indiffrent to there opnion becuase.. frankly it's not there concern and it doesnt matter. 3. feel free to wear the merchandise. be proud but not pushy. 4. Don't just go off the handle about it and talk to every person you meet about it it best only to really talk about it if it comes up in conversation or if it is convient to a conversation. forcing it on people comes of as creepy and weird and it just hurts the movement. at the end of the day your are still just another person who likes something.
  11. Bolero Ironside

    request shop Dil's requests (Closed)

    sure i'll bite lets see what you got. This should be fairly easy to work from its some of my own work is reletively clean and easy to work from.
  12. This shouldnt be a problem i typicallt take liberties with the mane and tail style anyhow the aura won't be an issue either the prgam i work with will make it quite easy.
  13. Alright another one done! Casy Ellegence Grace and beauty browns drive me crazy! It is difficult to do a brown pony with a brown mand AND a brown cutiemark. but I think I managed to pull it off... She doesn't have the sepia tones your painting has for two reasons. 1. it's not in the spirit of the show. 2. every time i tried to extract a color from your painting it turned into grey hue. I hope you love it.
  14. Wow... i still have 11 requests to do. I want to get everyones done so I now have a Request shop status on the top post the que is currently full! please feel free to post in the thread but i cannot assure a request will make it in the que.
  15. Alright! Swift Quill! I will eventually get back to doing the outfit but in fairness to other requests i am for now going to be moving on to other requests. however if there are any adjustments you would like to see done please ask.
  16. does this little one have a cutie mark? I enjoy making them but if he is a blank flank then obviously you shant be needing one. just let me know.
  17. im not seeing anything ... i need a picture or some sort of description to work with lol somethign went wrong with your attachment.
  18. As per request of the requester freckles and scarff are removed. I aim to please! so if your not happy i like to make sure you are
  19. yay more ponies!!! welcome! glad to meetcha! I hope you enjoy your time here.
  20. Hello friend and welcome to the forums!! its good to have you here:)
  21. OKAY!! Puzzle Piece! she was fun! I took some artistic licence she looked like she needed some freckles i can remove them if you dont love them. Her earring looked a little plain so I took the liberty of making it her cutie mark and i couldn't ignore the necklace you had on so i recreated it i hope you like it! the scarf feels like is just taking up space but i added it as per request! I hope you Love her!
  22. OMG I FEEL LIKE A SPAZ I FORGOT YOUR WINGS!!!!! there i foxed the problem.... whew im suprised to didn't say anything... I'm sorry... i was a lot more tired this morning than I thought....
  23. Welcome!!! ask and you shall recieve everyone here is wonderful and helpful! :3
  24. Hello! SOOOOO glad you could join us here! always happy to make a new friend!
  25. Code Junkie I hope you like him I do my work in flash so there is a lot of small details that cant be seen his headphones are set to ultra bass had to add the satchel for something to hold the MP3 Player the 3 1/2 floppy is the satchel clasp. it has a retro feel. OH and the Binary on your flank also Translates into Code Junkie! (Note: only thing i am not happy with is the tail i will likely repost this with a fix.) i will be glad too wow first night and I've literally had a ton of commissions already i will be busy for a while!!! I want you to do Bolero for me i would love to see him done in your style!
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