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The Handmaid

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Posts posted by The Handmaid

  1. Scared at first I guess. But who wouldn't get scared if the queen of changelings herself sent you a letter.


    I guess my reaction would be to maybe not even open the letter at first and hope nothing bad would happen to me. And after a few days if nothing has happened I would open the letter and see what was inside. But of course there always the fact that maybe I would've cracked by the first day and open the letter just to see what's inside, even if it was good or bad.

  2. My friend showed it to me the other day and when I saw it and I got kind of scared by it. It kind it was like re reading and re watching cupcakes, but on a new style of fighting instead of cutting up other ponies and eating them.


    Overall I think the animation is amazing, it's just the way the Pinkie Pie is beating up all her friends that kinda of scares me.

    • Brohoof 1
    • Being lost in the middle of nowhere
    • Death


    Those are my two worst fears for two reasons on both. 


    The reason I'm scared of being lost in the middle of nowhere is because I have no survival skills and I'm just scared that something big will eat me. I have never liked not knowing where I am in neighborhoods on my longboard, especially if it's almost getting late and I'm far away from home. I'm scared some horror movie thing will come get me and take me away if I'm out for to long. The whole idea just scares me. 


    Death has to be my worst fear out of the two. Mostly because what happens when we die and what happens if there is nothing, just black? I want to live for as long as possible when older, and want my death to be in my sleep, I don't want to know it's coming at all. 

  3. If she does become canon I really doubt she would even meet the CMC members. She would probably be Princess Cadence's daughter if anything, and Princess Cadence and Shinning Armor live in the Crystal Empire, nowhere even near Ponyville. If they ever did meet it would only be for a short time if anything. And lastly, I really doubt a young princess would act so rude to the CMC members like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. For me it would be Pinkie Pie or Applejack. Both of them have traits I would of loved in a mother, but never had.


    Let's start off with Pinkie Pie first. Pinkie pie would always be able to make me smile even when I was feeling the worst, she could make me smile even when I'm the most frightened. A mother who is always there for her child and always can bring a smile upon my face. I always wished for that in a mother when I was younger and even now.


    Now, Applejack. As a child and even now I absolutely love apples, so growing up on an apple farm would be absolutely great. Secondly, Applejack would be a great mother because she has such of way of calming me and making me feel like everything will be okay even when panicking. I could imagine her singing lullabies to me in bed after I just had a nightmare, another trait I wish I had in a mother growing up.

  5. I tried to have those kinda nights when I was younger with them, but after I while they didn't like them and stopped them. Now they complain about me never being down stairs with them.


    But I now prefer staying alone in my room typing and blogging on my computer, so I'm happy. Unfortunately they don't understand that I like being alone and force me to stay downstairs sometimes. 

    • Brohoof 1
  6. What did Luna do those 1,000 years on the moon? Was it kinda like being frozen in a block of ice and she couldn't tell time was passing?


    Did Celestia and Luna have good friends before they became Alicorn Princesses? And if they did, did the friends just die off with Celestia and Luna being stuck there having to make new friends?

  7. Before watching the movie I thought Spike was going to be another human like Twilight or Fluttershy, but when I found out he was going to be a dog I was actually a bit disappointed.


    I guess it did make sense though considering that he wasn't a pony and all the ponies were humans. But does that make him equivalent to just a pet though?


    Overall, I think they could of had something better than just a dog. Maybe even just him being a little brother to Twilight?

  8. The idea actually seems very pleasant to me. That when I die I will go somewhere where I'm very happy, and somewhere where I feel like I belong.


    Even though I mostly believe that nothing really happens to us when we die, that idea still sounds absolutely amazing to me.


    I can only hope that when we die something like that will happen and that we will go somewhere that we are happy and feel welcome into.

  9. Hopefully if they ever end the show they will eventually make a new version of My Little Pony and continue the show in the future.


    But I think I will actually will be a brony for the rest of my life, it will always be inside of me for a very very long time and probably to the day I die. And since I'm very proud of being a brony I don't think I will have a problem with being a future fan if they ever do make a new version of the show.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. My father is hoping that he will still be alive by the time that they get popular enough to buy. And for me, they look interesting and that they will bring new technology to new levels and exceptions. But I'm not sure if I will ever get any for myself, they just seem like a phone that is right in front of your eyes all the time. 

    • Brohoof 1
  11. College Humor released another MLP Related Video, My Little Brony! I'm starting to think that they're just closet bronies making fun of "us" to hide their true selves.


    There has to be at least one brony working there, and for all we know he may have been a closet brony and brought up the idea of the skit to the writers of it. Or like you said, a lot of them may be closet bronies just trying to make fun of it and act like they aren't bronys.

  12. If another movie is made I think it will be around the ending of Season 5 to the ending of Season 6. The ending of Season 4 sounds to close to me since they just released Equestrian Girls not that long ago. But since Equestrian Girls was such a hit I'm sure Hasbro will eventually do another movie. The question is will it be a sequel to Equestrian Girls, or a new movie with just the regular main six as ponies? 

  13. I have a feeling the Hasbro just made the toy for the little girls, but who knows that I may be wrong here. There is the possibility that Princess Cadence will have her new little alicorn baby near the ending of Season 4, but how would they announce it is my question. Would they make it big like they did with the Canterlot Wedding episode, or just bring it out of no where. Or maybe relate it somehow to the new prince that was just born in England?

  14. The last movie I saw was "Hunger". It was a bit gory and most of it was people eating other people, but the way the story flowed and the order it went in made it amazing. And usually I don't like scary movies or just movies that make me scared to walk outside, but it still contained the scariness to a certain level.

  15. On my old account I tried blogging a few times but each time failed with keeping a regular schedule. Now some people are able to keep regular schedules and have quite nice blogs as well, but for me I always forgot and then got mad at my self for forgetting. I think I won't be blogging on here for a while, but hopefully soon I can think of an idea to even start a blog.

  16. I guess it's a part of our personality and also a bit of choice as well. Like we might have been destined to like My Little Pony, but I think it was our choice to embrace it and do the kinda things that we do now.

    • Brohoof 1
  17. In order for Twilight to understand the role of a Princess,Twilight finds Celestia's journals and reads through them for an entire episode While reading them, she discovers some underlying truths with a major impact.


    That would be an amazing episode! If the writers put an episode like that together it would solve a lot of our questions and theories. 

    • Brohoof 2
  18. I actually would love a Princess Celestia episode a lot. We never actually get to know how Celestia deals with her day to day things, and if you actually gets bored with raising the sun. I would just really like to hear a bit more about Celestia than just she told Twilight that everything will be fine if she does a certain task. Like maybe an  episode on how she learned dark magic, or how she might have know Discord when he was younger and before he tried to take over?

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