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Everything posted by NoveliaFantasy

  1. omg sorry everypony!! my internet has been down for a while! so so sooooo sorry!!

  2. its been a long day everypony, I am tired and I am going to bed. Goodnight everypony!!

  3. its been a long day everypony, I am tired and I am going to bed. Goodnight everypony!!

  4. *smiles proudly* thank you Princess
  5. (ooc: I fixed it, you should be able to read it now, sorry about that)
  6. I would LOVE to get to know you, I myself am bisexual, so I can relate to you Candy Spirits. Message me and maybe we can start an RP together. Love and Rockets, Novelia
  7. Hello everypony, I am starting a new RP. it is about, obviously, ponies who love to cosplay. I am not to strict on what kind of content is allowed, just not to much swearing or NSFW, so if you want to RP with me, that would be great! Thanks a ton everypony!
  8. This should take you to the story Princess, I hope you enjoy https://docs.google.com/document/d/17RS6HVhGbYhsQ-SYQ8Y7GdKLTNI4YxtL5sGc9CG-228/edit
  9. how do I role play??? i cannot figure it out. how do i start a new thread? do i just jump into a thread? how???? i needs help please
  10. My dearest Princess Celestia, my special talent is writing, and I was wondering if you would do me the honor of reading the back story to my pony.
  11. I am a writer as well, so I know where you are coming from. In addition, I am good with reading in accents, especially lisps being as i had one when i was younger. I would be glad to help you
  12. I do not cross-dress but I cross-play. Cross-playing is where you cosplay someone of the other gender. My newest one that I am working on is actually Shining Armor. I am going to a con in february and he is my contest costume, cant wait.!
  13. I am an avid pony watcher, I love them whole heatedly and I always will. I love them so much in fact, that I am cosplaying Vinyl Scratch at a convention in February in St. Louis, can anypony give a filly some advice? How to make ears and horns, clothing, accessories, anything that you think is helpful. It would be much appreciated everypony. Thanks a ton!
  14. looking forward to all of the new ponies that I am going to meet on the cite! I cant wait!! :D

  15. I was an orphan pony, for as long as can remember, I took care of myself, and grew up on the streets. That is until the day that Queen Chrysalis found me. She took me under her wing, she raised me as if I were her own. I was not a changeling by any means, but that did not keep her from loving me as her own little Philly. I thought that what she was teaching me was right, something everypony did, I couldn't have been more wrong. I thought that I was being a good pony, doing all the things that, whom I had then called, Mother, had taught me. Up until the day of the Royal Wedding, I figured myself a good little Philly, normal and, well, not very happy, for I was far too different from all of the other changelings, they made fun of me. But it was the day of the royal wedding that changed my life. Mother had been revealed, the magic spell was down and the rest of us were to go and consume all of the love and happiness in Canterlot, but, I could not bring myself to do it. So I hid. I hid in the first place I could find, which wound up being in the front hall of the Canterlot Castle under some stairs. I thought that I was safe, until a pony by the name of Luna found me. She asked me what I was doing, so I told her everything. How I was raised, what was going on today and how I knew that it was wrong, but that is what Mother had taught me to be. She smiled down at me, "My darling little Philly," she said, her voice regal and strong, "you have done no wrong. You were merely a victim circumstance. Chrysalis is an evil mare. She and all the changelings are an evil race, they feed on the love, happiness and innocence of ponies like yourself. Darling, come with me, you are no longer under the wicked spell of the changeling queen. You will spend the rest of your days here, in Canterlot; learning new things each day and starting your way down the path of light, happiness and love, just as the rest of all my subjects." And that is how it was. Soon after that, I started writhing about my experiences with the changelings and showed them to the princesses, who both thought they were lovely, and had them published. I have had my cutie mark since that day, and I have lived in harmony with the other ponies for years now. And it is all thanks to Princess Luna and her sister, Princess Celestia.
  16. HI everypony!! I'm new to the cite and hope to join the RPs and Debates soon! I love ponies and i cant wait to get into the action! :D

    1. Sugar Pea
    2. NoveliaFantasy


      well thank you! :) can i ask you how the cite works exactly? i know i have to post a certain number of things before i get into the RPs and debates, but how does that work?


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