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Everything posted by Lordav

  1. Well, what i come to believe is that the sisters control the planets rotation, not actually the moon and the sun (as the sun would be too large to move... and as we saw, celestia not being all-powerful could possible do it. My headcannon is that they just spin the planet, altering the day night cycle. Thus they do not affect any orbits/ systems/ other strars =p
  2. Sunset was never evil... She was just dizzy from getting used to eating meat and stuff in the human world.... It had a negative effect on her mind... now shes ok ^^ Nice drawings btw =)
  3. Hey =p Never saw u before on here... so welcome to the Sunny club =) (Tho my memory is crap so you may have been here already. Welcome anyway =p)
  4. @, After a long sail, one of the four expeditions, traveling east has finally reached a coast. The frozen and hungry took no time to immidiately send rowboats to land. About 200 soldiers disembarked from the three frigates as well as 300 other ship personnel such as gun crew, explorers and cook. 100 ponies stayed back on the ships. The landers quickly set up camp, putting up tents, surrounding the perimeter with stakes and lighting bing, warm fires. Unlike most of the ragged crew the soldiers were, as usual in impecable form, with clean uniforms and confident looks. A horseback expedition of about twelve cavalryponies was sent deeper inland to hunt. Due to frequent famines, Ponssians had to turn to eating meat for nutrition. After a good amount of generations, they were now used to consuming animal and fish flesh (no equine meat tho =p) @@Gloomfury, The insulting words towards the head of state disgusted most of the crew. The ships formed a circle around the enemy fleet while all costal batteries were aimed at the three distant ships. As much as he felt compelled to blow these ignorant intruders into the sea, the captain knew he had to handle this diplomatically. "Hold where you are!" he informed the pirates. The captain quickly ordered a signal be sent to the harbour. A onship floodlight used morse code to transmit the intruders demands to the onshore office. From there, a telegraph was immidiately sent to the capital marked as high priority. After about five minutes, the floodlight on the onshore office started signalling. Another one minute passed before the loudspeakers boomed out again, "His Serene Highness has proved to be interested in your request. Prepare to be Boarded!" Two small metal boats, each holding rough ten soldiers approached. The captain was present on a thrid motorboat lagging behind the first two, holding the same amount of soldiers.
  5. @@Gloomfury, "Three warships have turned their broadsides towards us sir, the other one hoisted a white flag and is moving forward, sir!" The captain smiled, "Well, lets just make sure of that. Have the Big Guns fire two warning shots in case they plan anything. Lets see how they like the sze of our caliber." The two massive port guns fired, their two giant shells hit left and right of the approaching ship. The steamships started pumping out smoke and moved towards the strangers. The black column of smoke trailing behind them they adoted a spearhead formation, the ironclad leading its tip. All guns were loaded and the crews were ready. As they approached the incoming ship, the ship's captain used his microphone (old prototype, made in the 1870s) to relay a message through the loudspeakers placed above the cabin (Again, very primitive loudspeakers). "This is the Ponssian Ironclad SMS Defiance, you have entered a restricted area armed and unannounced. State your buisness or be blown out of the water!"
  6. @@Gloomfury, The harbour of Danzhoof was flanked by two long curved artificial breakwaters, creating a circle with a diameter of about 2 km. The only way into the port was a 500m wide gap, whose ends were fortified by two battery positions, each manning 2 17.72 inch cannons and 8 10 inch cannons. A tall lighthouse stood proud in the middle of the artificial lake, while smaller light towers were distributed along the breakwaters. THe breakwaters were also fortified by a long wall, bearing a wide variety of defensive cannons from 8 to 10 inch cannons. The port itself was dug into the mainland, creating a bottleneck between the articial lake and the dug in one (think of it as 8-shaped, with one of the loops dug inland). A fourth of the dug in circle as under the control of the navy, stationing one Ocean-Ironclad, 4 72-gun ironcladded steam-third rates and a contingent of 7 frigate, as well as 10 small patrol gunboats. The fleet was stationed there for at least 2 years, therefore it is not ready to function at full potential in case of action. Near the end of one of the breakwaters, a Ponssian field-Captain oversaw the ports defense. A Ponssian soldier ran towards the captain and saluted him, "Reporting in, sir! We have spotted four vessels approaching, too large to be trading ships." "Perhaps they are the 9th Patrol Squad, making an unschedueled stop?" "Negative sir, these ships do not appear to have steam engines, definetly not ours." "Very well..." The Captain takes out his telescope and looked in the direction the soldier indicated, "Intriguing, they seem to be totally wooden, still relying on sail. Much as our own warships 70 years ago. Though I am certain they cant possibly bare anything heavier than a 32-pounder. Raise the alarm, i want all batteries ready to respond to a hostile threat... And get those ships we have waterborn again" "Yes Sir!" the soldier saluted. Withing moments the entire ports garrison was in action. Some 130 soldiers and 500 millitia were now rushing around loading the guns and manning the walls. The steamships in the harbour were being crewed and work on them started immidiately to try and get them into a more prestigious state. All guns were pointed towards the intruders. The ironcladded ships, with their superior armour, mobility and firepower could easily dispose of the wooden-hulled ships, yet nobody knew the strength of this unknown strangers, perhaps they had a much larger force waiting. Nomatter how advanced the steamships were, they werent invincible.
  7. And I'm off protesting...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Unicorncob


      You can't just have your characters say how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

    3. Gloomfury
    4. Lordav


      We wannna change the govement... whole political class.... Pms down, so is the internal minister =)

  8. 'Okay... this message... just a normal delivery... from the capital... well.... a bit more than that.... but no need to overthink it. Come on dude, you get a late message to that douche Guard Captain... and all was fine... this is nothing, just givinng a letter from the palace to a mare... with beautiful blue eyes... totally gorgeous mane... and possibly awsome magic as well.... oah... step out of it... ok, gotta do this right? I mean... its noting like I have to lose anything... now is there? Only if that Chaos theory is right.... bah! STOP! Ok... walk to her, deliver the message and ask out? Yeah... good plan stupid.... anyway... better than nothing I guess' Lordav was behind a corner and peaking around it from time to time to catch a glimse of a pale-orange coloured mare with a red & yellow mane. He made sure his Royal Messenger uniform was clean and looked ina window as a mirror. He licked his teeth to make sure they were clean and arranged his mane. Chest front, back straight... and confidence... It was time. He took a deep long breath an d exhaled to calm down. Taking the message, carrying a red seal, from his bag he started trotting towards the mare. He soon stopped behind her and gasped in air, "Greeting miss Sunset Shimmer, I bare message for you from Canterlot..." Just as he got ready to start reading it, he stopped; My, isnt she gorgeous...
  9. [Capital City of Perlin; Population 2,000,000... The Imperial Palace] The King, his majesty Ludrick I sat in his huge office, staring at a map of the known world. The map displayed the ponssian terrioty and a few rouch coastlines of the neighbouring landmasses. The state's industry had boomed under the rule of his father and now, the sky above the city was always black from the dark clouds of smoke. The factories burned thousands of tonnes of coal each day, feeding the Ponssian industrial machine, producing steel, weapons and heavy equipment. The king knew winter was coming and with the food supplies already emptying something had to be done. He was not going to stand by and watch as anther fifth of his subjects would perish in the dreaded winter, something had to be done. the large wooden doors of his office opened and two unicorns, dressed in dark blue uniforms and wearing black hats with white plumes stepped in. As they walked the heels of their boots echoes through the long corridors. One of the two stallions spoke up with after a bow, "You summoned us, you majesty?" The young king slowly stood up from his cushoined chair and walked to the nearest wall. On it was painted the map he had on his desk. "Gentlemen, winter is approaching and I trust you all know what this implies. Yet, now I say it is time for our people to starve and freeze no more." The two stallions raised from their bows. "The time has come for our glorious nation to step up in this world. The time has come for our invincible armies and armada to march once more. Gentlemen, I propose we explore south and east. We must spread our influence and civilization to all those out there, we have been chosen by the Lord himself. It is our duty." After a short pause he walked up to the two ponies, "Admiral Gerald, i wish 12 frigates to be ready for sail, we shall send four expeditions. Explore the uncharted land and see how it can help our most divine kingdom." One of the ponies saluted, bowed again and left the room. "Commandor Brunswick, For too long we have isolated ourselves from our neighbours, I wish a diplomatic envoy be created and sent here..." He grabbed a stick and hit the wall on one of the barely drawn coastines. "Lets see if we can reach an agreement." The second pony saluted and left the room. The king walked to the balcony and glared at the capital city. Below the dense smoke clouds rising from the east of the city lies hundreds of thousands of little crammped buildings. The area around the palace was mainly populoated by rick mansions with their own gardens and fountains but as you moved outwards the atmosphere changed. Houses were small and squished together on the streets. Carriages and horse-pulled trams frequently travelled the overcrowded streets. Ponies from both classes, middle an working went about trying to do their job as well as they could. It was common to see a homeless citizen starving on the street, sleeping in a pile of old newspapers, especially on the outer rim of the cities, where the population was the poorest. The only buildings that enlightened the atmosphere were the numerous churches scattered around the city. The grand harbour however was always bustling with activity, especially the millitary one, The navies grand ships awed citizens left and right as they passed by. The frigates were ready to depart after a few hours. Strong sailors and small groups of well trained marines were boarding the vessels, ready to leave.
  10. MLP EMPIRES OOC Thread: https://mlpforums.com/topic/141074-mlp-empires-clash-of-cultures-diplomacytrade-war/page-1 Nations Info Thread: https://mlpforums.com/topic/141125-ooc-mlp-empires-nation-info/?p=4186543 World Stage RP Thread: https://mlpforums.com/topic/141384-mlp-empires-clash-of-cultures-world-stage-diplomacytrade-war/ Colonization Thread: https://mlpforums.com/topic/142769-mlp-empires-clash-of-cultures-colonization-diplomacytrade-war/ This is where individual characters with little to no political power can interact with each other. It was once said that the action of individuals cannot affect the course of the world. This couldn't be more wrong.
  11. MLP EMPIRES OOC Thread: https://mlpforums.com/topic/141074-mlp-empires-clash-of-cultures-diplomacytrade-war/page-1 Nations Info Thread: https://mlpforums.com/topic/141125-ooc-mlp-empires-nation-info/?p=4186543 Commoner RP Thread: https://mlpforums.com/topic/141385-mlp-empires-clash-of-cultures-commoner-thread-diplomacytrade-war/ Colonization Thread: https://mlpforums.com/topic/142769-mlp-empires-clash-of-cultures-colonization-diplomacytrade-war/ The world is set for conflict. The ruthless northerns start exploring their surrounding in order to assert their dominance over those who they see as lessers. IN the far east, the vast hordes and tribes are on the move, looking for new targets to raid and plunder. The south, a magical land full of wonderous beasts, a place not ready to meet the ways of the outsiders. The reign of harmony in the south might be over... This is the time nations meet, armies battle, a time for cultures to clash...
  12. 356.738 Dont u mean on the rootops =p
  13. Heyo ppl, I iz back ^^ And i got a lot tho catch up on this particular threade 0_o Great to see new Sunset subjects fans =) Also, Sunny's horsey side is still there =p
  14. With the final exam outta the way... i haz returned ^^

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Unicorncob



    3. Dawning Demon

      Dawning Demon

      Lordav is love, Lordav is life!

    4. Lordav


      Yes, he is XP

  15. Lord Tao Sounds like some chinese aristocrat lord.
  16. Friendship Games... Candance is a Dean... Shining armour still a studen... does that mean? Oh.... Oh my...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lordav


      Maybe the laws in that country are... different?

    3. Jeremiah


      say... where in the hay of all hays DOES EQG take place in>???

    4. Lordav


      MOTHER RUSSIA!!! In MOTHER RUSSIA THE STUD.... no wait... that sounded better in my head

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