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Posts posted by Duskrunner

  1. I wish I coulda said that too, set your mind at ease.

    But I can't. Pony personality quiz has me mostly in the Applejack & Rainbow Dash spectrum.

    One thing I can say to put you at ease is he logs into skype pretty often (we don't talk but I added him idk when or why), so wherever he is he still has internet access.

  2. I don't know him personally, I just know it makes me depressed. It depresses me because Theory practically IS me: long term unemployed, can't find anything and is ashamed that the huge amount of help people gave him wasn't 'enough', that he's -still- in trouble.

    Everything I say is memory off comments he's made i videos that by now are private. Please correct me where I'm wrong and know I'm trying to relate facts, not spread malice.

    Funds were raised to help him leave where he was and everyone was optimistic, then he spent / lost like half of it at the first place he stayed and had to leave. At some point in time a person who took him in wanted him to go somewhere to get professional help (most likely for his depression). Idk what state or even country that was in so it may be something like non-voluntary comitted. Another place had problems where peole accused him of theft. The current place where he stays his presence has led to problems for the people keeping him, so he feels obligated to leave even though they aren't asking him to.

    The long and short of it is that his situation was met with heart more than head; people took him into their homes and they either couldn't deal with the person they got and his needs or they expected him to be able to get his life back on track too soon.
    It's been 8 months and he's been in at least 2 different homes in that time; as a guy who still hasn't found anything in 4 years I can relate.

    His last video goodbye and the way he took down everything on his channel worries a lot of us. He needs a room to stay and a job and he needs both for the long term and he's competing with literally thousands of people in the same boat.


    The whole thing just sucks.


    Nothing would make me happier than for someone to delete my post and / or reply to me here or in PM and say the whle thing's been resolved for the better.

    • Brohoof 2
  3. Despite most of the continuity for Wonderbolt Academy being preserved I found it odd that Bulk Biceps is, technically, a completely different pony than 'Snowflake' (and did they change voice-actors too? I could swear the fandom does better imitations of his "YEAH!" than what we heard this episode -nevermind. It's the same voice but man doe sthe 'YEAH!' sound different.).
    It forces a choice: either the Wonderbolt Academy is for everypony who wants to go (not believable since Dash was nervous about getting in), or Snowflake was retconed from being Cloudchaser's wingpony to a bodybuilder Scootaloo  

  4. I think Flutterbat is an interesting idea. Since FiM's debut we've gradually seen the introduction of additional pony species.

    Gradually, it looks like we might end up adding them all to the group:

    Unicorn became Alicorn. Pegasus becomes Thestral (or whatever everyone agrees to call Bat-ponies). All we need now is for Pinkie Pie to become a crystal pony (she already has the postive energy / negative emotion body transformation thing going) and the Mane 6's species exemplar is in balance again.

    • Brohoof 2
  5. When he noticed nobody was left except Star Belle, who could fly away, and Twisted continued to mutter something that sounded suspiciously like stealing the ship Duskrunner did the only thing he thought he could in accordance with his conscience...


    and entwine the rope he looped around the ship's wheel to the metal chain and dropped the anchor.


    After the steering mechanism was ripped away and the anchor smashed into the dock Duskrunner ran after it and escaped down the chain, giving a backwards glance to make sure Star Belle could fly off on her own. Dusk couldn't stand to see Twisted Fate harm her.


    His hooves touched the floor and he began galloping off into the night, wording the letter he would write in his mind as he wanted.


    "To the Captain of the Canterlot Guard.

    My apologies, the vessel I was assigned to work on was stolen in the night. The last I saw it was in Manehattan. I jumped ship and managed to get away. Unfortunately, due to circumstances outside my control, damaging the wheel was the most I could do before I got away. I'm a stranger to Manehattan and to the best of my knowledge the ponies who took the vessel know the city well: I couldn't risk staying there.
    They have a competent carpinter and machinist, I suspect they'll have her repaired and airworthy within the week at the latest.
    Please note that not all components in the vessel are complete. Chances are that even if the vessel were to be made sea and airworthy there's a chance they won't be able to complete its engines. My checklist for the missing parts is enclosed herein.
    I cannot say if the privateers or corsairs or whatever they are have the knowledge to make these repairs or identify the missing parts.
    Please forgive my inability to help with these thieves; ruffians and sabateurs they may be but they're not all bad ponies...well, except for one or two at the most who are complete sociopaths.
    I truly regret what has happened and will put myself at your disposal... when I place myself at your mercy when I arrive again in Canterlot.
    Embarrased for my sake to yourself and her majesty.


  6. I don't get how 8 centuries of unrelenting heat could be equal to affecting the sun.  It could be the temple generating heat, affecting the weather patterns so that they never get a cold front or rain...  (Golden Coins had unbearable heat because of the lack of rain, and I'm convinced that all cold weather in the United States comes from Canada.)



    Kind of implied as the showed the sun in the climax of the fight. but you do have a good point


    You know what, you guys are totally right and at this point I don't know if it's debate, speculation or just plain inference.


    The Rings are magical and have a great power and their removal creates the typical Dark Tower within the Temple of Talicon self-destruct.  What they do is hard to guess:

    Using common sense based on the episode comments we assume that the rings will either affect the sun directly - an Equestria-wide event; or the rings will create something like a magical barrier -presumably similar to the Radiant Shield of Razdon - that will make the sun's heat worse within the Tenochtitlan Basin.


    Both are plausable and the debate will probably end there until we get another author tweet (and by the way, it's awesome how many we get of those as a fandom).

    Personally, I was originally of a mind that the rings would affect the sun itself buuuuuut it would take a terrible amount of magic to do something that is guaranteed to last 800 years according to prophecy. And prophecy has a good record in-show so far.

    The rings themselves are pretty impressive: only the last and heaviest ring is seen to crumble after Dash and Do remove it, presumably because the enchantment magic was consumed during the ritual and that made both the rings and the fortress / temple crumble.

    800 years is pretty similar to 1000 years, and it took the Elements of Harmony to alter (seal) an immense power (Nightmare Moon) for that long a time. Pre-Season 4 I would have doubted a bunch of rings had the power to affect something to the same degree as the Elements. Some people still will. With the revelation of the Tree of Harmony however I'm inclined to think that maybe other similar incredible sources of magic exist in-world and will be encountered. I haven't head-canoned this idea though so I'm happy to discard the assumption as the season progresses.


    What do you guys think?


  7. This ever happen to you? You're watching an analysis video and you comment to the creater and find out, "wow, I just wrote a counter-analysis of my own." Yup, just did that.
    So, rather than just leave it on Youtube where it'll suffer from 'Too long didn't read" I thought I'd post it here to suffer from "Too long didn't read" :P


    So I'm watching Tommy Oliver's newest video and I'm yelling at my screen (not really).

    Here's what came out.

    0- Tenochtitlan Basin, Amulet of Atonement, Quetzalcoatl Empress, Radiant Shield of Razdon, Rings of Scorchero. Talk about dense storytelling.
    Apparently ancient Mexico exists in Equestria, analogous to places like Trottingham and Saddle Arabia, and if we follow Pinkie's red stripe which started in Ponyville (little treehouse and the town hall doodles are obvious) they followed the train north, then pretty far west before crossing some mountain range and ending up in another plains / forest environment.
    According to this map
    which matches the episode map perfectly, the gang went up to Canterlot, followed the trail between Cloudsdale and the Unicorn Range, and stopped after taking the fork that led to The Frozen North and the Crystal Empire where they crossed the mountains. Baring map alterations Daring's home and the Tenochtitlan Basin lie somewhere between Vanhoover and Galloping Gorge.


    moving on to my reactions more or less as Tommy wrote about them:

    1- "Daring Do writes self-insertion fiction."
    If the stories are true, even with embellishment greater than Shining Armor in comic 11-12, then it's not self-insertion fiction it's an autobiography. Answering 'Why?' probably has the most obvious answer: Daring Do isn't an archaeologist as much as she is a professional heroine and she writes the books because she's gotta have a job that pays in bits too.

    2- Daring gave the widdle kitty a black eye rofl.

    3- Henchponies are now cannon. For money and as native cults. This will either change perception of Equestria as a whole, ponies beyond Equestria's borders (it's debatable because we have no idea how far they had to travel from Daring Do's house), or possibly just stallions in general. This is potentially a major world-building change because it speaks to the nature of ponies. in the past we could excuse the idea of a few bad ponies (Nightmare Moon, King Sombra) a few jerks (Flim & Flam, Blueblood, Trixie, Diamond Tiara and the pony who sold Trixie the Alicorn Amulet) and a few dumb ponies too (Snips and Snails) but our impression of Equestria remained intact because they were individual exceptions.
    I'm echoing an old idea of one of my favorite Deviant artists, Nimaru.
    Normally I wouldn't make too much out of this but when the only examples of Stallions en masse were Royal Guards a change like this does push FiM closer to the real world instead of the idealized world we had.
    (Credit to http://mlpforums.com/user/19674-fngrpony/ His henchmen thread touched base on all of this before I did)

    4- "We could have used a real character to have this lesson with Dash, like Spitfire."
    Spitfire wouldn't work. The Wonderbolts have already been lowered from their original pedestal in 'Wonderbolt Academy'. That's now the example of maturing past your obsession with role-models in an adult manner. "Daring Don't" is the example of having the ground taken out from under you.

    I can't help but feel Tommy's frutration comes from the fact that this nerfs Celestia more than it affects Dash, but that's #6.

    5- The henchponies were spotted by Pinkie as they entered so who smashed the cottage? Daring's reaction to the mane6 is so mild home invasion must be pretty common for her. Because she's an author or because she's an adventurer? That answer is probably on a case by case basis.

    6- The limits of Celestia's power are being expanded on. The rings of Scorchero make the sun hotter and it fits because Celestia didn't create the sun, she just moves it.
    Further, If all of Daring Do's book are based on real adventures it also means that Celestia doesn't or can't know about and respond to every threat to Equestria directly, not even the huge ones. Because the series has begun the trend disproving the idea that Celestia and Luna are gods this is fitting.

    7- Twilight's quote after Daring Do gives chase annoyed me. "We're out of our league"??
    Ahuizotl's an ordinary non-pony monster/villain with a small army of thugs and felines and a fondness for death traps and magical artifacts. Twilight's comment would feel appropriate if it were Season 1 Twilight but this is Season 4 and she's an Alicorn princess now with Nightmare Moon, Discord, changelings etc under her belt. And if that weren't enough she HAS the research on the bad guy ala Nightmare Moon (heck, even more than Nightmare Moon- 1 pony tale vs the entire Daring Do series).
    This should've been an ordinary adventure for them. The team was nerfed for this episode, in abilities and personality.

    My conclusion- I didn't hate the episode but its consequences for the world-building are larger than anything else that's come before, including Equestria Girls.
    Some of those decisions might put off the fandom (not too bad a thing usually) but others have the potential to contradict what's been built before.
    The episode is consistent with the micro-rebooting of S4 and the general shift away from absolute good/evil stories in the adventure arcs to grayer areas with shadier, baser villains.

    Thanks for reading everypony, super big thanks to the content-creaters who really moved me to get off my rump and write and please, if you don't already follow Tommy oliver aka Bronycurious, Nimaru and everyone else cited I hope you'll give them a chance.



    • Brohoof 7
  8. "What's that for? Protection?" Star asked. Using her hoof to gesture at the crowbar.



    Dusk teased.


    "Actually it's because I have a new policy while alone on board: Every new pony sized crate or larger gets searched.

    And that reminds me..."


    Dusk went up to the deck and got the spyglass.

    "And thar she blows. One courier in the distance. Not sure how big a crate Grey sent back to us though... or what's in it."


    And with that Dusk put back the spyglass and wrapped a rope around the wheel.

  9. "Yay! Thanks." Star Belle took her hay fries and gobbled them up.She then used her hoof to cover an escaping burp. "Scuse me." She giggled. "Anyways, need any help, Dusky?"


    (Sorry, been busy with other stuff, as my birthday just pasted, but I'll try to post a little more often. To my relief, posts have stopped coming every two seconds, which is good, because I don't type incredibly fast.)

    (many happy returns :D )


    "Heh heh, that was cute. Yeah, Gray said we'd have a shipment of something arriving via courrier."


    Duskrunner grabbed a crowbar and swatted his hoof with it threateningly.


    "After what happened last time I received a big crate I'm not taking any chances. Wanna back me up?"

    He added with a naughty grin.

  10. "Where you least expect him."
    He walked up behind Belle and tussled her mane under her stylish cap.

    "Just kidding. I'm not too up to date on what's up but I do keep an eye on who comes on goes; makes it easier for me to anticipate issues."

    He set a quick fire, poured some peanut oil and set it crackling, and quick as he could tossed in some foodstuff as he talked.

    "I've been busy on the dech. I kinda took out a personal loan but I got this really awesome utility launcher, it kept me a bit busy but so it goes and on that note-"

    He tiped the frying pan over onto a paper covered plate.

    "One order of hay fries" :)

  11. "Oi Dusk, There should be a stallion named cliff heading to the ship delivering parts. Can you sign for them when he gets there he'll load them on the ship for you I would do it myself but I have a party to attend."




    Duskrunner clicked once on his communicator then ansered back in what he hoped wasn't an overblown volume.

    "You got it boss."


    With that a pang hit him and he taped on his communicator again.

    "Allright everypony. I have a shipment inbound from someone I don't know with contents I can't be sure of. I need someone, preferably a unicorn, to help me scan it when it arrives so we don't end up with a bomb or another stowaway...again!"

    He said with emphasis on the last word. He had had enough of tricks like Grey's gas bombs and jack-the-ripper-in-a-box for one vessel.

  12. There was a ton of stuff to unload, a lot of it. But Dusk was a kid with a new toy.
    He unloaded the barrels of grain on the deck and left the carts alongside the dock, ready to return them in the morning to their respective shops.

    It was the other crate he had opened and ready.

    He'd paid extra to have the staff assemble it in the shop.

    "Sand bags, check. Level, loaded. Stable. Yo, HO!"

    Dusk cheered when he tapped the device a little too hard.

    With a loud blast of smoke the portable Deck Launcer shot a spining bola out towards the loading ramp!

  13. "You're the best Belle."
    Dusk gets the directions and about an hour later is at a distributor. The whole affair doesn't take too long and a few hours later he's out with a cart and several dozen sacks of hay, wheat, oats and alfalfa. The sacks are all loaded into new water-tight barrels that Dusk can personally vouch for in terms of cleanliness.


    A short haul and jog later he's up on the dock for the airship starting to load everything into the cargo bay.

    The last of the Canterlot supplies, barrels and misc cargo are up on deck.
    A normal pony might suspect Dusk is planning to just dump it over the side when the ship leaves...

  14. @,


    "Hey sweetie. There should be some hay and leftover soup in the mess. If not try the pantry. Maybe there's some crackers or fruit I might have missed.

    If I remember right you said Manehattan was your town. I'm looking for a general store or a food supplier, something big enough to supply the ship. You know any stores that fit that description? I'm in... I think the middle of Manehattan. I can't see the green statue but I can see a really tall building with a horseshoe carved into the building. not the one with a horseshoe statue on top of the building, carved into it."

  15. "HEY! Watch it you clumsy oaf!"

    Dusk yelled at a swerving pair of -he couldn't tell what- as he huffed along with a pair of saddlebags full of supplies as he pushed a front-loader cart.

    "I should have just gone with a regular cart... but then I'd probably be hauling two carts back to the airship and that wouldn't work. And if I hired somepony to haul for me they might ntice the airship and get suspicious. Oy me."

    He glanced up at the nearest avenue, couldn't really identify anything and then fell to his flank on the street. Sitting he mumbled.
    "Oh dear. I have no idea where to find a feed store or outfitter. Or even a wholesaler would be fine."


    Taping lighter on his earpiece he asked general:
    "Hello? Guys? I need somepony to help me out with directions in this place. Star Belle? You available?"

  16. @,
    Dusk opens a comm link
    "Hey Lume, you on? You awake? I'm at the... hardware engineering shop in the middle of the trade district. Um, hang a south at the fountain. Strike that. I can feed you directions as you go. I'm looking at something you're going to want to look at.
    It's ... soo... pneaumatic."

    Dusk gushed before seeing if he was operating right and would get a reply.

  17. It took awhile but Dusk managed to fix his issues with the comm piece and headed off for the city.
    Thinking loud as was his custum, and not realizing he was partially filling the comm with his chatter. Fortunately he was thinking sparingly so it might sound like he was just telling the group where he was for safety.

    "Let's see. An island that might not exist with riches so vast apparently anypony can survive for life with it and nopony's ever returned.
    Eyup. LONG trip."

    "Let's get started. A standard crew of about 10-15 means close to 10 barrels of grog. Two barrels of water, we'll make due with rain most of the trip to restock that. The grog should last us two weeks and I think we'll be fine with raw materials and brew up replacements as we go. Hops and barley are cheaper than the stuff and I'm pretty sure I can brew it up: how hard can it be?"

    Dusk crossed a window and his eyes suddenly lit aglow.

    "ooooooh. Daddy likes."
    He entered the shop window and the last words on the door were 'financing available'.

  18. "Excellent. Citywards ho!"


    With a passing glance Duskrunner focuses on one of the earpieces, grabs it off the desk since he figured Gray meant to give one to Dusk a while back and slips it in his ear trying to figure how to use it.


    "Excellent. All right, these are supposed to be communicators. Is this working, Yes? no/"



    (the fact that he's the one speaking means Dusk is the only one didn't get the feedback).

  19. "You wanna join me for my errands? I know it's not shore leave but it'd probably be safer traveling in pairs. I mean, you don't have to if you don't wanna, but it hit me any one of us could be snagged by a guard and nopony'd think about it except that they went AWOL. Two of us in a group vanishing and they'd at least suspect something is up."

  20. "Lume's been busy with the engine and I heard everypony talk about showers, I figured 'well, if that's what they want and need...' "

    Dusk leans on the railing next to Moonlight.

    "I turned in a budget request. Asking for food although I have no idea where we're headed or what we're doing. I hope we get an idea soon. This is a lovely ship. If the captain is planning on entering it in a cross-Equestria race, or go plunder shipping and supply lanes, or if he's going to raid a foreign nation's townships... well, I need to stock different things.

    By the way, I know we need oranges and lemons to avoid scurvey, any other stuff I should plan for? Y 'know, that ounce of my prevention to spare you a pound of cure."

  21. A groggy, tussled, really lousy looking Duskrunner made his way out the blanketed off corner he had made his 'room' and made his way to the top deck.

    Entering his water closet he closed the door and pulled the lever. A gentle spray of cold water and he was soon feeling much better.


    Five minutes later he was towling himself off as he heard the gurgle of the drain emptying off the side of the vessel.


    "Works perfectly. All right, back to business. We make Manehattan in a bit and that means supplies. Our gentlemen friends, Crimson and Gloom mainly no doubt, will take care of whatever cargo we won't be keeping in the hold and I've gotta set forward a shopping list. hmm, better triple up on the alcohol supplies. And i'd be well served to find a meat provider. or fish. I don't know what our gryphon mate eats but I bet he won't be satisfied with hay forever. Aw heck, i'll just deal with Gray myself."

    Dusk made his way to the machine shop room Gray had taken over in lieu of the Captan's quarters. He wrote and slid a note under the door.
    "Afternoon captain. I understand we'll be at anchor soon. That being the case time to send off those 2 letters, one absolving the maintenance crew in general and one from me in particular about how you all have my checklist so I have no way to know what you all did or didn't steal. And speaking of highway robbery, it's time to stock our larders so if you can give me an idea of what kind or how long a voyage we're headed too i can prepare accordingly.
    Don't want everypony aboard to become a literal scurvy dog if we're flying far and not stocked with enough oranges.
    Seriously. it's 2 days. I need the provisions budget ASAP."


    With that Dusk went up and found Moonlight cloud-watching.
    "hello Doc. Lovely voyage so far eh?" Said with just a bit of cynicism at how badly a lot of the trip went.
    "Looking forward to land?"

  22. Dusk got back and for all the sniffles he had he was obviously suffering a head-cold.

    "No fighting at the table. Don't make me get your father."
    Dusk got out in the most maternal tone he could manage while slamming a platter down with bread, sandwiches and a vegetable soup..

    Then he blinked and looked at the five pony faces.
    "Oh, right, this isn't the orphanage and I'm not housesitting. Ok this is worse than I thought."

    Dusk scoops himself a big bowl of the piping hot vegetable soup.
    "I'm probably comming down with something for spending the night riding the whale. And maybe the morning air building a cold shower. I'm gona barricade myself in a room wait that means you all can't eat this."


    Just as quick as he put it down Dusk scooped up the platter and removed it from the table... did they need a new one? Who was the carpinter? He was -a- carpenter. The roll call on Gray's door had a list of people and their roles and Dusk had taken the Asst. Carpinter slot which had been crossed out for Cook.
    Too much in his head. He took the soup serving bowl with him, he'd need the recovery vitles, and called out behind him: "There's stuff I hadn't touched in the food barrels. Help yourselves."

    (Headcold. Kinda out of it. Will post better when I feel better.)

  23. @@Gray_Spectrum, A hay bun is bread. Hmm... well, let's see. I got a loaf of rye, some wheat of course. Regular white flour stuff, that's ok... if you like plain and almost tasteless. Let's see... beans, beans, tossed some carrot and potato into the lentel soup. Nope, no rice and no time to cook it. Have a wheat loaf for now.

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