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Posts posted by Benjarik

  1. Yeah I play Minevraft for overmy times in the past... We builded HUGE castle with al in it: houses, farms, a warehouse, a railway and a lot things more.

    Well, 'twas in a holiday and we had a lot of fun. Today I play one time per month for five minutes.

  2. Of course not! Sorry I haven't met many unicorns before... I dont really know how it all works, sorry if I offended you sir! *Looks Sheepish*


    It works easy but Ben needs his tea. The only thing who keeps me alive is tea and I cannot cast spells as a dead Pony.


    BUT I now I have tea and so I can cast a few spells... I you want to see a few...

  3. Do you know any cool spells or tricks you could show us? :D *Shuffles in anticipation* 

    Yeah, I have a "few" tricks. But I must do reeea-search! Another reason is that you can't cast spells without materials. But the main reason is that Ben needs his tea. Tea is the only thing that keeps Ben alive. Do you want a dead Ben?

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Hi everypony!


    My name is Benjarik and I am a brony for... erm... a long time now. I mean nearly a year. In this strange... real life... I read books, play Magic and do things thats humans normally do. 

    Bic MacIntosh and all other ponies are best Ponie. I love them all...


    If you have a question, ask me. I do not bite except you like it.



    • Brohoof 1
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